Drunz - You're still sick. (Rewrite)

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Drunz (Dream x Punz)
People wanted fluff so~
- Sickness
- Just a fever is really mentioned
- Kinda weird but eh
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Dream sniffled, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Gross.." He muttered to himself, wiping his hand off on his shirt- he'd wash it as soon as he was home, it wasn't a big deal. He brought his hand back to his forehead, huffing when he felt it was hot. Dream groaned, coughing into his elbow.

"Fuck me. I gotta get home before I pass out like an idiot," Dream had a habit of talking to himself, especially in situations like this. The dirty blonde made his way to the closest door in the house he could get to- it was Punz's. That was lucky considering they were basically dating. He shook his head, he doesn't have to think about that right now.

Dream knocked on the door, leaning against the wall and trying to keep his breathing steady. He didn't even know how he got sick. "Who is it?" Punz asked from inside- Dream could hear his footsteps coming closer. Dream felt his consciousness drifting away.

Dream had known he wouldn't be able to take care of himself while he was sick, and he didn't want to be alone either way. The door opened and Punz looked at him for a moment. "You good Dream?" Dream's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he passed out. Punz caught him quickly, cursing under his breath.

He took Dream to his room, laying him down and quickly going to get and wet a cloth. He made sure it wasn't dripping before taking it back to Dream. Punz put it down on Dream's forehead after pushing his hair out of the way. Punz definitely wasn't an expert, and he'd be lying if he said he had any clue what he was meant to do, but he read somewhere this could help him feel better.

He took a good look at Dream, trying to see if he could find any of the symptoms he had to call a doctor for- surely being unconscious wasn't one of them. After a bit, he noticed Dream's breathing. Punz picked up his phone and called for a doctor, telling them everything and doing what he was told to do. Punz sat by Dream's bed the entire night, eventually falling asleep.

When he woke up, he quickly went to the kitchen to grab two glasses of water- one for Dream, the other for himself. He put them down in Dream's room, sitting back down and closing his eyes. "Mmm.. Punz..?" Dream whispered from beside him, he was obviously still very tired. "I'm right here baby," Punz smiled softly, holding his lover's hand.

Dream looked around for a moment before looking back at Punz. "What if you get sick..?" Dream was concerned. He didn't want to get Punz sick. "If I get sick, it doesn't matter. I'll take care of myself as well, I'll be okay." Punz smiled, moving his other hand to rest on Dream's cheek. Dream leaned into it, closing his eyes again.

"Baby, stay awake for me, just for a second," Punz had to get Dream to drink some water. Dream opened his eyes again, whining as Punz helped him sit up. "Just drink some, alright dear?" Dream nodded, picking up the glass and dropping it as he was lifting it to drink. If it weren't for Punz catching it, there'd be glass and water all over the floor.

"Here, I'll help you," Punz held the glass and slowly guided it to the dirty blonde's lips- he tilted it just high enough for some water to spill out before straightening it again. "M-more.. please.." Punz nodded, letting Dream's hands guide his own to tilt the glass a bit again. Dream finished the water- wiping his chin of the slight bit of water that spilled.

Dream laid back down, letting go of Punz's hands. "You can sleep now, Dream. I'll be right here for you," Punz reassured him, watching the younger fall asleep. He looked so peaceful. When Punz was sure Dream was asleep, he stood up and replaced the damp cloth on his forehead. While Punz was out of the room, he also refilled Dream's glass of water.

He decided he'd get some food for both of them later. Punz decided to stay on the chair until Dream woke up again, closing his eyes once more and allowing himself to rest. It had been a couple hours when Punz finally opened his eyes again, looking at the man laying in the bed. Punz smiled, getting up to get food.

He got Dream a small bit of food, to make sure the dirty blonde could handle it. "Hey Dream, c'mon.. gotta get some food and more water in ya, then you can go back to sleep," Dream groaned, slowly opening his eyes. "That's right baby, can you sit up for me?" Punz spoke softly and quietly, in case Dream had a headache or something. Dream hesitated for a second before sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

"Punz.." Dream muttered, leaning into the blonde. "C'mon Dreamie, gotta eat," Dream pouted but sat up properly. "Good boy.. d'you think you can try to eat at least a bit?" Dream nodded, he didn't move his hands at all though. "You want me to feed you?" Dream nodded, a small blush on his cheeks.

Dream liked being babied in some ways when he was sick or hurt, it made him feel safe, loved, comforted and protected. Any other time though, he wouldn't hesitate to punch whoever was babying him. Punz pressed a kiss to his forehead before cutting off small pieces of the toast he had for Dream and feeding them to the dirty blonde slowly.

"There you go, doing so good for me," Dream leaned against Punz when the food was finished- he wanted some kind of touch. "Have some water love," Dream hummed, drinking as much water as he could- he managed to not nearly drop the glass this time. "Mm.. love you Punz," Dream hummed, laying back down again- he felt so tired. 

"Love you too, Dream," Punz got up a little while later, going downstairs to clean their plates. He was surprised nobody came to check on him or Dream, he hadn't seen any of them around the house either. They were probably doing a bunch of vlogs now that everyone was together. Punz wouldn't be surprised if they had gone really far and had to keep staying at hotels.

The blonde dried off the plates and put them away, heading upstairs. He crossed his arms when he saw Dream wasn't in bed. "Dream, I'm gonna need you to lay down," Punz watched Dream tense, turning to look at him. "You're still sick, get back into bed," He hummed, crossing his arms. Dream pouted, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

Punz huffed, walking closer and picking him up. He put Dream over his shoulder, his upper body closer to his back. "Punz! P-Put me down! I can walk! I can walk! Put me down!" Dream obviously was embarrassed. "Nice ass, by the way," Punz smiled at his own comment, knowing how it would make Dream feel even more embarrassed.

He decided to take it one step further, using his free hand to smack his ass. He could practically feel Dream blushing. "Shut it! You dumbass! Put me down!" Dream was hitting his back now, he just shrugged it off and kept walking. When they got to Punz's room, Punz laid Dream down on the bed.

"You'll stay in here, so I can cuddle you. Shouldn't be as contagious now," Dream turned onto his side, facing away from Punz. He just chuckled, climbing into bed and wrapping his arms around the other. Dream turned back to face him, still pouting. The younger wrapped his arms around him.

Punz smiled softly, resting one of his hands on Dream's back and resting his head under Dream's chin. He decided to see if Dream would be alright with small kisses for now. Punz kissed Dream's neck, quickly stopping when the other asked him to. "Fuck you.." Dream whispered quietly, fighting back a small smile.

"You know you love me," Punz hummed, pulling away for a moment to kiss Dream's cheek before returning to his position. Dream huffed and closed his eyes. "Just.. shut up and go to sleep.."

"Thank you.."

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Rewritten and done! 
It's only around 800 more words but whatever, it's still a bit longer!
I hope you guys liked this- and yes, I didn't include some of the original, and I added parts, but that's the fun in rewrites!

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