No specific ship - It was meant to be.. secret..

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"Hey Dream.. have you seen it yet?" Dream heard Sapnap ask, and he got curious, raising an eyebrow. "Seen what?" The dirty blonde questioned, confused. "I guess not- Uh- well... your boyfriend..." Wilbur started, trailing off before he actually could finish. "Just- Just check his Twitter after the role play." 

George chimed in, before they all left the VC, as Tommy was going to come in as part of the script soon. Dream decided to check Twitter while waiting, and he checked his boyfriend's page, just as Tommy got there. The first visit played out the same for the most part, but just before he left, Dream started.. crying?

 "Big D?" Tommy quickly spoke, Dream throwing his phone onto his bed before collapsing, muffling sobs with his hand. "Dream? This wasn't part of the script-" Tommy stammered, before hearing Dream's voice again. "Tommy... can- we do this tomorrow?.. I- I fucking can't... He just-just-just-"

 Dream's breathing was getting uneven and shallow, Tommy could hear it, and he panicked. The minor ended the stream quickly and told the others to come help, not knowing what the fuck to do. "Tommy? What's wrong?- Dream?! Sapnap, go to Dream's room right now," Wilbur spoke, worried for his friend- his crush, even. 

Sapnap quickly ran to Dream's room, still living with him. The ravenette pulled Dream into a hug, running a hand through his hair. "Sh sh sh, it's okay, it's alright, just breathe, in and out," Sap stroked Dream's cheek gently, wiping away a few of the tears. "I can't- I can't I can't I fucking cant!" Dream cried, shaking his head violently. 

"You can! You can Dream, just in and out, inhale, and exhale, ok?" Dream shook his head again, gently hitting Sap's chest, sobbing. "A-are they going to h-ate me?- Will they k-know?- what's going to happen- oh god oh god oh god-" Dream repeated, his breathing getting worse.

"Dream." Sap broke him out of his thoughts, pulling him as close as possible, stroking his back. "Breathe with me. In," He started, inhaling, smiling slightly upon hearing the dirty blonde doing the same. "And out," He exhaled, Dream doing the same. "And again,"

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