Punzwastaken - Request - Fuck your parents, let's get married.

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Punzwastaken/Drunz? (Punz x Dream)
Requested by: Eldial
Angst to Fluff 
- Abusive parents
- Toxic parents
- Marriage happens
- I don't know how weddings work
- Researching did not help much this time
- Oh, also Dream wears a dress because of a bet

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Punz looked up at Dream's parents, trying to think of the right words to use to make his attempt to convince them. "Mr and Mrs Wastaken.. I am here to ask for your permission, to marry your son. Dream Wastaken. I promise I will take care of him and ensure his happiness, I'll never do anything to harm him in any way, and-" Punz was trying his hardest, Dream had warned him they were extremely difficult. And not supportive.

"No. You, a man, will not be marrying my son. He is to marry a woman, someone who can provide him with what he truly needs," Dream's mother interrupted him, she seemed sure of her decision and it didn't seem like he could change her mind. He wanted to try anyway.

"Miss, I promise I will provide him with everything he needs. He would be happier with me than any woman," Punz tried again, Dream's father called for the dirty blonde, obviously mad. "Dream Wastaken! Get down here this instant!" He yelled, looking at the stairs to their right. Dream quickly came down, seeing Punz and hurrying a bit more.

"Father, Mother," He bowed his head, standing next to Punz. "This boy wishes to marry you, he states he would make you happier than any woman would. Tell him how he is incorrect, as he will not listen to me or your mother," Dream's father looked down at Dream. He looked around 6'6, maybe taller.

Dream's mother seemed to be about the same height as Dream, if not a bit shorter. "Father... please, I'm happy with him, I want to marry him," Dream looked at his father, quickly regretting it when he was slapped, pretty harshly as well. "Don't make me repeat myself, Dream," He warned, crossing his arms.

"No. I don't care if you're my parent, I don't care if I live here, I'm happy with him and you can't control that!" Dream shouted, covering his mouth quickly. "Dream! Watch your tone!" His mother yelled at him, doing the same as his father and slapping him. Punz didn't move- he was, admittedly, afraid of Dream's parents. If it went any further though.. he would step in.

"You know what? Fuck you! Fuck you both! You are assholes, and liars, and I'm fucking leaving!" Dream turned to walk away, but his arm was grabbed by his mother, being pulled back. "You know we're only looking out for you, we always have," Dream's mother tried to get Dream to stay with them, but just like them with the marriage, Dream had made up his mind.

"No!! Let go of me!" Dream cried, glancing at his father who was now right in front of him. "Watch how you speak to your mother, you little-" His father picked him up by his neck, limiting his breathing. Punz intervened, grabbing the oldest male's wrist and squeezing in a particular spot. Dream's father quickly let go due to the sudden pain.

Dream crawled away from his father, Punz quickly helping him up. "C'mon Dream, let's get out of here," Dream nodded, grabbing Punz's hand. Both of them left quickly, ignoring the shouts behind them. "Dream, baby, hey.. Are you-" Punz started, cutting himself off when he saw Dream was crying. He pulled the other into a hug, running a hand through his hair.

"It'll be okay.. We never have to see them again," The blonde tried to comfort his lover, he wasn't the best at it though. Dream just leaned into him, burying his face in the other's shoulder. "Let's get to my place, Dream.. You're gonna get sick standing out here," Dream didn't say anything, holding Punz's hand as they walked to where Punz lived.

When they got there, Dream wrapped his arms around Punz, pressing his face into the shorter's back. They went to bed and cuddled for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep. Due to falling asleep at a late hour, they both ended up sleeping until it was around 2 pm. "Mm, what time is it?.." Punz groaned when he found himself awake, turning over to grab his phone- and then he saw Dream.

The blonde briefly panicked for a moment, unsure if they did anything- he didn't remember last night until his panic had passed. Punz grabbed his phone, checking the time and hesitantly waking the other up. "C'mon Dream, you gotta eat something," Punz muttered, kissing his lover. Dream whined, he didn't want to get up.

"Dream, baby, come on.." Punz tried again- this time Dream listened, sitting up. "Wan' me to cook?" Dream looked at the older. "It's alright, Dream, I'll make us breakfast," Punz kissed Dream on the cheek before getting up and out of bed. Dream got up as well, following Punz.

"Do you want toast or do you want me to make pancakes?" Punz looked at the dirty blonde behind him, waiting for an answer. "Mmm.. dunno.." Dream mumbled, wrapping his arms around Punz's waist from behind. "I'll make pancakes then," Punz hummed, getting the ingredients he needed to make them.

This became their usual morning, Dream or Punz would cook breakfast after cuddling all night, then they'd sit down and eat together. In the afternoon, they would either work- whether it be on wedding plans or something else- or just hang out with each other and friends. After around four months of this, they had finally got the planning over and done with.

They had invitations sent out to everyone they wanted there, they had picked and booked the place they were being married at, they had food that would be there, they had everything all sorted. Dream had decided he wanted to send a card to his parents. He wasn't inviting them, of course not.

He was telling them how they were getting married, how amazing it would be, how they were going to have their own house, how they weren't welcome unless they changed, and told them to go fuck themselves. He especially loved the last bit.

"Hey baby, excited for the big day?~" Punz walked into his and Dream's room, crawling into bed with the dirty blonde. "Mm, of course I am~ I can't wait to be able to call you mine," Dream moved so he was laying on Punz- the blonde didn't mind, Dream didn't weigh much, he was almost too light.

"And I can't wait to call you mine," Punz kissed Dream, quickly getting a kiss back. A couple days later, it was their wedding day. All the planning led up to this. "Baby, I'm headed off. I'll see you there?" Punz spoke, standing outside the door to his and Dream's room. They weren't going to see each other until they were at the wedding.

"Bye bye Punz~! I'll see you soon," Punz could hear the smile in Dream's voce. The blonde left after that, Sapnap was picking Dream up anyways. Meanwhile, the dirty blonde continued getting ready, just about done. Dream was going to be wearing a dress due to a bet- he didn't mind though.

He and Sapnap had made the bet a couple weeks into the planning, and now Dream had to follow up. The dress reached his knees at the front, but went down to just above his ankles at the back. It was a beautiful shade of green with bits of purple patterning all around. The dress in general was very all over the place, but in a way that looked nice.

At the back, there was a drawstring, letting him tighten it around his waist area. Dream honestly didn't know how the dress stayed up, it was probably the zip at the back. He didn't bother having any special shoes, he wanted to still be comfortable. Dream grabbed his phone and put it in one of the pockets that his shorts had before leaving his room.

He ended up grabbing his phone back out, waiting for Sapnap to show up. When the ravenette texted him saying he was there, Dream quickly went out the front door, making sure to lock it. He went to Sapnap's car, sitting in the backseat. "You look absolutely incredible man, what the hell? Save a bit for the rest of us!" Sapnap complimented him, smiling widely.

"Thanks Sap," Dream leaned his head on the door of the car, closing his eyes. "Nervous?" Dream chuckled at that. "Nervous? I'm terrified. What if he ends up not wanting me anymore? What if he doesn't want to get married? What i-" Sapnap cut Dream off.

"Enough with the 'what if's. Think about it, he proposed to you, he helped plan the wedding- he called me and George this morning, asking if you were still happy with marrying him," Sapnap started. "...Thanks, Sapnap," Dream muttered- he did feel better now, but there would always be the small bit of nervousness.

"And hey, you know. If he doesn't want you, that's his problem. He'll be missing out on being married to the best person ever. Shit- I'll fucking marry you if he doesn't," Dream found himself laughing a bit at that. "Bet. Either way, I'm getting myself a husband today," Dream seemed happier, that was for sure.

They reached the place where Dream was getting married, it was just at a park type area- nothing extremely fancy. Luckily, they showed up just in time for the two to actually be married. "You good to go up alone?" Dream nodded and smiled. "Thanks Sap, come out with me though," Dream got out of the car, closing the door behind him and quickly walking to the start of the red carpet they had bought.

Sapnap followed him, but quickly took a seat. Dream took a deep breath before walking down the aisle kind of slowly. He wanted to run into his soon-to-be-husband's arms, but at the same time, he wanted to walk and savor the moment. He reached the end, standing facing Punz.

"I, Punz, take you Dream, to be my lover, my friend, my husband and my everything. Loving what I know, and trusting what I don't. I vow to cherish and respect you. To be there for you. To love you until death do us part. I will be there when you need help, and I will turn to you when I need help. I love you, Dream Wastaken."

Dream could tell Punz was nervous, and so he grabbed one of the blonde's hands, smiling softly. "Punz, I promise to love and care for you and I will try to be worthy of your love. I want to share the times with you, good and bad. I promise I will always be honest, caring and kind with you. I promise to be your equal partner for as long as we both shall live. I love you."

 Punz smiled, both him and Dream removing their rings. Punz turned to Sam, who held onto the rings until then. He mouthed a quick thank you to the greenette before slipping a golden ring onto the dirty blonde's finger. "This ring is a token of my love for you. I am yours, today and forever," He spoke clearly as he put the ring on Dream.

Dream turned to Sam as well, picking up a matching ring and also mouthing a thank you. He turned back to Punz, gently putting the ring on him. "This ring doesn't have any true ending, it symbolizes my never ending love for you. You are the love of my life, with this ring, I make it official," Dream had to resist the urge to kiss the blonde right away.

"I now pronounce you married. You may kiss your husband," Bad, the one who was doing the honor of making it official, spoke with a wide smile. Punz and Dream looked at each other. Dream ended up wrapping his arms around Punz's neck, kissing him deeply. Punz put his hands on Dream's sides, kissing him back just as passionately. Everyone was clapping.

They parted, though they continued holding each other. "This was perfect.." Dream whispered.

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Hear me out- I was writing angst based on a prompt from a prompt generator and then I realized I was meant to add fluff and so I wrote a wedding without knowing how they work-

I had a solid 7 tabs open on different things about weddings- (Rings, order, vows, how to write vows, etc)

So yeah, this won't be accurate and I'm certain I missed things, but it's done now. Thank you for the requests everyone, and I will be getting to them shortly! 

I love you all, bye bye! <3<3

(Do you like the title btw? Hehe)

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