QWT and BWT - Requested - Two stories

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Quackitywastaken/Dreamity (Quackity x Dream)
Beastwastaken/Mr Dream? Dreast? Bream? (Mr Beast x Dream)

Requested by: Elmoisthebestshow 
They gave me two ships to choose out of so I did both
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1. Live with me?
- Kinda gay
- Really really short
- It's fluff so dw
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Dream kept his hood up as he walked with him- he couldn't let anybody recognize him. He didn't want anybody seeing him going to his lover's house, he didn't want anyone knowing they were together. Dream looked around him as he got to his boyfriend's place, making sure nobody saw him knocking.

"Hey baby, come in," He heard from inside- he quickly opened the door and went in. He closed it behind him and sighed with relief. Dream walked into the lounge room and hugged Jimmy, his boyfriend. "Mm.. Pick me up next time," He huffed softly, kissing the older's cheek. "Of course, Dream, I did offer to pick you up earlier," Dream rolled his eyes.

"Shhh, what did you call me over for again, Teddy bear?" Dream asked, running a hand through Jimmy's hair. "There's two things, love. First, d'you wanna be in my next video? Last to keep their hand on a building gets it," Dream thought about it for a couple moments."Sure, why not," Dream shrugged.

"And then.. the second one, it has two parts," Jimmy spoke while reaching behind him. "Oh?" Dream tilted his head, letting go of his lover and backing away a bit. He covered his mouth when Jimmy got down on one knee.

"Dream.. I- you have made me the happiest person alive, and I would be so honored if you'd spend your days with me as my husband," Dream felt tears coming to his eyes as he smiled widely, still covering his mouth. "Jimmy bear.. of course!" Dream accepted the proposal- of course he did, he was more than happy to marry his beloved.

"Oh, and the second part," His now fiance smiled as he got a key out. "Live with me?" Dream pretended to think for a moment, before smiling and nodding. "Of course, baby," The older of the two put the ring on Dream and gave him the key before standing up and hugging him.

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2. Remember me yet?
- Mentions of torture (Slight)
- Pretty short
- Quackity has to remind Dream somehow
- Dream lost a game
- It's angst ig? I dunno
- I'll stop with these warnings now, enjoy
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Dream breathed heavily as he ran as fast as he could- he couldn't feel his legs anymore. He couldn't stop, he was being hunted down. This wasn't like the manhunts though, they had the intent to end him. Dream's eyes widened when he was suddenly pulled to the side, behind a building and brought to the other side.

"Fucking hell, you're so goddamn stupid," The person who helped him breathed out. "Quackity? Why the fuck would y-?!" Quackity covered Dream's mouth, shutting him up. "Be fucking quiet, dumbass. They'll find you," Dream pulled the hand away from his mouth, but he didn't yell again. "Why would you save me?" Dream asked, crossing his arms.

"Don't call me weird for this but uh, you look.. kind of nice when you're.. not covered in blood," Quackity rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side. "What the fuck? You're so- what?" Dream had been extremely caught off guard. Quackity, the man who came to the prison to torture him, was telling him he looked good? What the actual fuck?

"You look pretty without all the blood on you, am I not being clear enough?" The shorter huffed, crossing his arms. "You can't just fucking say that after torturing me! I-" Dream didn't know how else he could respond- it was so messed up.

"Fucking- first of all, keep your goddamn voice down. Second, I'll let you stay with me if you never yell at me or mention me torturing you- unless you want me to call them over for you now," Dream tensed- no matter what he did, he wouldn't like it. "And who's to say I won't kill you before you can tell them?" Quackity grabbed Dream by the hair, pushing him to his knees.

"You know you wouldn't. You love me too much, fucker," Quackity made sure Dream looked him in the eyes. "Fuck off, let go of me," Dream forced Quackity's hand away, standing up. "Oh guys, Dre-" Quackity started, his voice getting slightly louder with each word. "Fine, fine. Just- just don't send me back,"

Dream couldn't stand the idea of going back, he only barely got out, and even then it costed someone's life. "Come on then, get a fucking move on," Quackity whisper-yelled as he started making his way to Las Nevadas. Dream didn't say a word until they reached Quackity's office. "Sit down, Dream," Dream stayed standing.

"I said fucking sit down!" Dream couldn't help the way he flinched. "You don't get to boss me around, just because I can't yell at you doesn't mean you're not a piece of shit," The dirty blonde spat out. "Oh come on now, you used to be so nice.." Quackity got up, walking over to Dream. "And you used to not torture me," Dream looked the other way.

"Dream.. you know that I still-" Dream cut him off. "We aren't getting back together. Not anytime soon," Quackity grabbed Dream's hand. "I'll wait for you to come around, you'll remember how much we've been through together and how long we've been together," He hummed- they were special, not in a 'i'm not like other girls' way, they were both literal gods.

Dream was the god of beauty, chaos, manipulation and control. Quackity was the god of gambling, wrath, torture and torment. Dream had been forced to forget about all of that because of a bet he had made with his older brother- the god of cheating, lying, memories and games.

Quackity had to put up an act outside of his office, Dream's brother, Exdee, could watch them outside of it. Quackity had been banned from trying to remind Dream of being a god because it wasn't 'fair to the game'. Dream stared at Quackity, crossing his arms.

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. We barely ever even spoke," That wasn't true, but it was how Dream remembered it. Quackity sighed and walked back to his desk, getting a necklace out. "You're not expecting me to fucking put that on, are you? I'm not a fucking girl," Quackity didn't say anything, forcing the necklace around Dream's neck.

"What the hell are you doing? Get away from me-" Dream stopped talking for a moment when the necklace was on. "Why the fuck did you put this bullshit on me?" Dream wasn't amused by this- if Quackity started dressing him up like a girl, he would kill the ravenette without a second thought. "Fucking hell, just shut up for once," Quackity huffed, muttering something.

"Shit- why the hell does it fuckin' burn? What're you trying to do?" It felt really hot to Dream, not in a nice way. "Shit, Exdee fucking trapped it!" Quackity was pissed off beyond belief, the one thing he had of Dream's from decades ago had been trapped so he couldn't use it. Dream reached behind him and took it off, rubbing the small burns he got.

"Fucking hell. You know what- Dream, Dream kiss me," Quackity was determined to get his god back. "What? Fuck no. That's actually so disgusting," Dream crossed his arms. "Dream. I will fucking kill you," Dream tensed- he didn't want to fucking kiss the guy who hurt him and ruined his plan, but he didn't want to die either, not yet.

Quackity forced Dream into a kiss- believing in true love's kiss was stupid, but he didn't have any other ideas to get Dream to remember. "Quackity- Why the fuck did you do that? It was just gross and- fuck," Dream felt dizzy all of a sudden- what the fuck? Dream leaned back against the wall to keep himself upright- he felt like he was going to pass out on the spot.

"..Tell me if you remember," Quackity muttered, holding onto Dream as the dirty blonde did end up passing out. When Dream woke up again, his head hurt like all hell. "...Quackity? Where the hell-" Dream looked around, he didn't recognize the area.

"Don't say I have to remind you of the smp now.. this's my office," Quackity sighed. "..Oh, right. Sorry love, bit fuzzy still," Dream wrapped his arms around the shorter, closing his eyes. "At least you remember me," Quackity was happy about that, at least. "Really sorry about losing that game, thought he wasn't gonna cheat,"

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I hope you guys enjoyed that- there's probably a lot of spelling mistakes considering I wrote the majority of this around three in the morning
Anyways~ I'll be off now, I have one more request atm and I'm gonna go try and start it.
Have a good day/night, love you all!

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