TPN AU!! - No ship

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No ships
The Promised Neverland au!!
Emma : Dream,
Norman : Philza,
Ray : Techno. 
Slight spoilers!
This does not follow the exact same storyline!!!!
TW: R * .e, kidnapping, Torture,

Dream- Emma ran through the forest, carrying two of the younger children in her arms, panting softly. "Norman! Ray!" She shouted, looking for them. She was running because of the demon from earlier, it was... terrifying. She saw them, and she gave the two children to them. "Hah... Hah... Norman, Ray, take these two, I'll distract Them."

Emma panted softly, looking into her friends eyes, before smiling and running off. She ducked under branches, jumped over logs, and dodged everything in her way while calling for demons and monsters, saying she'd take them to everyone. She believed she could get away if she wanted to, but, that didn't end well.

She let out a yelp when she tripped over, unable to get up when chains appeared around her wrists. Emma tried to maneuver her way out of the chains- which she almost succeeded in, but it was rendered impossible when the chains grew extremely tight, one around his- her neck, forcing her into unconsciousness.

 It had been a few weeks, and she -he- forgot everything about herself, minus what she had already been through. She was afraid, but, maybe this was just her new home? She didn't remember who she was, what her name was, or why she was still alive, But most of all, she didn't know why she felt so... wrong, in her body.

Nor why she was so confused about where she was. She started calling herself, 'Clay' because she didn't know. She called herself Clay, because she saw a bit of clay in her cell, and... it was better than nothing.

-From here on I'll be referring to 'Emma' as Dream, and He/him, as in this au, Emma is trans, and Dream-

Dream looked blankly towards the door as it creaked open, revealing a terrifying creature, that made him let out an involuntary whimper. It didn't make a sound as it slowly walked forwards, Though it eventually spoke. "One of the children, We may as well have fun until we find the others.." It grumbled, before grabbing Dream's hips, stripping the child.

 Dream shook his head, trying to back away until chains trapped him to the floor again. The demon stripped itself- yes, it had clothes on- and then positioned itself by the smaller's entrance, pushing in with no prep, no lube, no nothing, making Dream scream in pain, shaking his head as he closed his eyes tightly.

"Stop! Please!! No!!" Dream cried, sobbing quietly as a chain wrapped around his neck, much like in the forest, but looser. Wait... forest? What forest? Why was he in a forest again? Oh, they escaped? No, maybe, it was difficult to remember, or think at all. He couldn't stop screaming when the creature moved, in and out, over and over, quick, hard, and generally just... terrible.

By the time the other was done, he couldn't move, everything hurt, that was flowing out of him, but.. it was black, and it.. burnt? Dream just, laid there, sobbing quietly, soon passing out. This continued for a while, he didn't know how long, but he knew that he had turned 13- maybe even 14 now.

That's all he knew. He knew he called himself Clay- or was that just a fake name? He started to call himself Clay because... why did he call himself that? Wait... Oh, right, the clay in the corner of his cell. The only thing he could have any form of control over. Dream now knew that there was an outside, a human realm nonetheless.

He was teleported there, but.. in the time he transported there, two years had passed, and he was now... 15? 16? He hadn't a clue. But that didn't matter. Dream fell into someone, and he quickly looked up at the person, seeing horns, and he screamed. The dirty blonde backed away, looking up at them with wide eyes, tears rushing down his cheeks- he couldn't breathe- they were gone- he had escaped- why- why were they hunting him again?

 Oh god oh god oh god- "Dear? Hey Hey, It's okay, I won't hurt you," She spoke softly, walking closer to Dream, only to stop when he screamed again, shaking his head frantically. "NONONO!! STAYAWAY-" He screamed, tugging at his hair, breathing heavily. Dream passed out. Puffy picked him up, carrying the girl boy to her home, laying him on the couch.

After a few days, Dream was.. less afraid, and Puffy had decided to introduce Three other children, Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo. Dream started crying, and he clung to the children, swearing he would protect them at all costs. It took a while for Dream to warm up to Puffy, due to her appearance, though, he eventually got used to her, and... even started calling her 'mama'.

It had officially been 5 years, Dream had transitioned into, actually being a he. He didn't get the surgery because he was terrified of being exposed in front of others. He hated being naked altogether, hence why he normally wore something to cover his chest at least a bit even while showering, and why sometimes he'd refuse to take off his binder whatsoever.

Dream smiled as he ran, not expecting to run into anybody... especially not.. "Techno!! I told you, Emma's not gonna be here!!" A voice yelled... it sounded like...Norman?... And- They knew his name- his dead name.. Dream started running towards them, running into somebody, who... "Woah! Watch where you're goin'." ...sounded like Ray...

"R-Ray...?" Dream stammered, looking up at the man, who had tears running down his cheeks. "Emma?.." "I-I-It's Dream n-now.." Phil ran over, all of them embracing each other. Dream started full-on sobbing after one of the others mentioned how they were surprised the demons actually let him-Dream- go...

The dirty blonde had a wall blocking the memories and thoughts of that out, but now that had been shattered, and it wouldn't stop flooding through his head, "N-No..." Dream whispered, before he started shaking his head violently, clawing at his arms. "Nononononononononono- NO- DON'T TAKE ME BACK, PLEASE- NONON-" Dream screamed, unable to stop.

It had been a few years, but he had experienced so fucking much, and he couldn't handle it.. "DREAM!! Calm down, We're here, and. we made a deal. They're never going to hurt any of us again.." Norman Phil whispered softly, holding Dream close and running a hand through his hair.

Dream eventually calmed down, placing his hands on either one of the male's chests, closing his eyes. "I missed.. you two.." Dream whispered, one last tear rolling down his cheek. "We missed you too, Dream..." Ray Techno mumbled, pressing a kiss against Dream's cheek.

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