Slave 068-114-101-097-109

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TW: R * pe, Bad Quackity >:(

George looked at the others, raising an eyebrow as he spoke. "Why are we here again?" He questioned, looking over everyone who was there- everyone in the smp, minus Dream.. Nobody had been able to find him before they went to this place. "We're here to see if there's anyway we can help these people," Phil responded, sighing slightly. They were standing in the main room of a previously abandoned building- only there because of this competition.

Basically, people put their.. slaves.. against each other, and the winner is forced to show what they're used for, of course the slaves didn't know that though. They only really put in the slaves that they wanted people to 'buy' or, 'borrow'. They were only there to, well, try to help them."Alright! Our last contestant! Code 068-114-101-097-109, Dream!" The announcer called out, smiling widely as the dirty blonde walked out from the door he had been locked behind.

Everyone in their group just, stared in shock, looking at their friend who, for once, didn't have his mask on. His face was pretty fucked up, he was missing an eye- what the fuck- his other eye looked really hard to see out of, he had so many scars, and part of his mouth seemed to of been stitched up until really recently. "He'll be put up against the same challenges as everyone else, so enjoy~ We'll see who wins after this!" The announcer finished, before starting to first challenge. It wasn't much of a surprise that Dream nailed it all, but, they really didn't want him to.

And yet, they still wanted to know how he was treated. "And the winner issss!! 068-114-101-097-109! Come on out, you too Mr. Digornio! Show us what this fine bodied slave is used for!" They said it like it was the best thing ever in the world. They cringed at Dream being called a slave. 'Mr. Digornio' walked down the steps to the middle part of the area- where the slaves took on the challenges. Everyone stared at this man next- Quackity? No no, it couldn't be, could it?

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint me~ You did so good, I would've preferred you did it a bit quicker, however," The man purred, his hands on the dirty blonde's shoulders. "...I'm sorry s-" Dream started, only to be hit so hard it made him fall to the ground. "Did I say you could speak?!" Quackity yelled, pressing his foot down on the other's chest. Dream shook his head quickly, breathing shakily.

"You're lucky we have an audience, dear, or, I'd have to give you a punishment," The younger man hummed. "Get on your hands and knees," Dream hesitated. "I fucking said, Hands and knees! Did you not hear me?!" Dream quickly listened, shaking a lot. "Good boy, I'm going to do our normal routine, yeah? If you misbehave, I'll punish you later, got it?" Dream nodded, tears in his eyes and ready to fall.

"So, this one is, well, a multi-use slave!~ You can do whatever you want and he won't fight back!" Quackity laughed, wrapping his hand extremely tight around the other's neck. The dirty blonde just stayed there, small sobs escaping his lips as he was choked. Quackity didn't release the grip until he could tell Dream was about to faint- which was after 3 minutes.

Dream clenched his fists as the other male started stripping him, holding his hips with a bruising grip. Quackity had already removed his pants and boxers- as much as he needed to, that is. "I hope you know, we're doing more than this," Quackity laughed into his ear, starting to push into him. The dirty blonde cried out in pain, having gotten no prep, and no lube to use.

The younger man didn't give Dream anytime to adjust, thrusting in and out right away. Dream shook his head almost violently, screaming and crying. Everything already hurt from the day before, he didn't know how much more he could take until he properly broke. He felt the agonising pain in his lower half increase as Quackity sped up and got rougher, he could feel his own blood running down his thigh.

"Pl-Please... s-stop.." He sobbed, his arms giving out under him. Dream just kept screaming, crying and sobbing, not even trying to move. Soon enough, Quackity finished inside, letting the dirty blonde sob and shake his head, the white substance filling him. Quackity pulled out, pulling up his own pants and boxers. "Hey! Announcer guy, Can I have a knife or a whip of some kind?" The person by the microphone paused for a moment.

"Sorry, we don't allow weapons in the building- just to avoid someone lashing out,"

"Ah, alright. Well, you can practically do whatever to this bitchy slut. If you want him to stop screaming, just shove something in his mouth," Quackity shrugged, before telling the man on the floor to get dressed, Dream nodding weakly and shakily pulling his clothes back on. "Get up," Dream tried to stand, his legs giving out instantly.

The younger kicked him really hard in the side. "Are you fucking deaf?! Get. Up!" Dream sobbed quietly, forcing himself to stand- even if his legs wanted to give out again. "As you can tell, he's not always the most obedient, that's my fault, however. It's been a bit since I've properly punished him," Quackity explained, grabbing Dream by the wrist. "Anyways, if you want him for a bit, you know where to find me," And then he walked off- pulling Dream along.

The group ran after them quickly, cursing under their breaths- Bad didn't even tell them off. They got outside, seeing Dream on the floor, sobbing as he curled up on himself- Quackity wasn't there at the moment. "Dream, Dream, holy shit are you okay?" Sapnap spoke quickly, kneeling down next to the crying boy- who shook his head. "Dream.. Don't worry, we'll protect you, alright?"

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