No ship - Past selves

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Tw: Implied mentions of self harm, implied nightmare, I think that's all

Dream looked at the brunette as if he were insane, his eyes wide and visible- contrary to normally being hidden behind a white, porcelain mask."That's-...That's crazy! You can't do that! P-plus! There's no way anybody would remember me! Or believe me!" Dream tried to make up as many excuses and arguments he could against Karl's idea to go back.

"You'd find a way! Besides, they'll forget in the end anyway, so it doesn't matter! You're doing it whether you want to or not," Karl smiled, grabbing Dream's hand and dragging him towards a portal. "I already gathered some together!" Karl laughed softly, pulling Dream through the green portal, which closed up behind them. Karl clapped his hands, everyone around looking to him.

"Alright everyone! This is who I was talking about!" Dream tensed, looking around at everyone. "Oh, Dream, let's get you started with... Oh! The place you had no quirk?" Dream nodded slightly, turning to 4 certain people- One of his many mothers, two of his teachers, and one of his past selves.

"Aizawa-sensei, it's... been a while, you too Mother, Mr Toshinori," Dream nodded his head to each one of them, biting the inside of his cheek. "My name was, Izuku Midoriya. Hero name, Deku," The dirty blonde sighed quietly, ruffling his own hair. "Oh! You're-...You're future me?" The male greenette spoke up, looking up at Dream with starry eyes- which slightly faltered upon looking at all the scars littering his face.

"Mhm, glad I started with one of the more believing versions of me, Oh, also. Midoriya, You can beat up Bakuhoe if he starts bullying you again," The dirty blonde smiled slightly, before turning to another. "Sal Fisher, Or Sally face. Remember Travis? Travis Phelps? Yeah, we dated for a bit- funny, isn't it?" Dream smiled slightly, rubbing the back of his head.

The blue haired male tensed, and Dream could tell his face was red- even behind the mask. Dream sat on a table which was conveniently placed there, closing his eyes as he continued talking to Sal. "Everyone mistook us for a girl, and, while we were in prison, there was this one guy... doesn't matter now. But, we cut our hair after that. Travis visited us, the day before we were... executed,"

Dream sighed sadly, peering over to the blonde boy who seemed to be asleep- he took note of the bruise on his cheek, the dried blood around his nose, and the bags under his eyes. "Take care of him for me, alright? He's... not doing great, to say the least," The dirty blonde ruffled the younger's hair,

"I'm surprised none of you have really argued with me so far," He chuckled softly, before one of them spoke up. "Are you... actually real?" Sal asked, looking up at Dream- who nodded. "Yeah, as real as can be!" He was asked to prove himself, by Aizawa, and Sal. And so, he did. "Izuku, you're terrified that your friends will hate you if you go to them, that's why you only vent to your teachers. And, you know how broken Todoroki feels, yet you don't try to help, because you're scared."

 "Sal, you're face was practically torn apart by a wolf. You're afraid of taking your mask off, because what if one of your friends walk in? What if they see your face, and hate you? Believe me now?" Dream smiled softly, before walking to another group, Emma, Ray, Norman and their 'mother'.

"Hey, Mama. Honestly, I'm still kind of upset that you were gonna give me up to be eaten by demons, Oh! Did you know that you don't die straight away? At least, I didn't, not until the acid in their stomach dissolved me, it burnt, not gonna lie," Dream shrugged, before bending down and ruffling Ray's and Emma's hair.

"Hey, Ray. Be careful, take care of Emma. Norman is gonna come back, I promise," Dream looked at Norman, smiling at all of them before walking away- not wanting to be near 'Mom'. Dream walked to a group, and he knelt down. "Six, C'mere..." He mumbled, opening his arms and allowing the girl in the yellow raincoat to run to him- recognising the voice he use.

"I forgive you... it's okay.." The dirty blonde smiled softly, silently calling the small nome things over, letting them hug him as well. They were scared of Six, but, they dealt with it, for the sake of hugging their friend- who had died. Or, they think he died. They didn't know. They just knew he was gone, Six had dropped him. "Alright Six, Nomes, I need to get this over with- I still have a few others..."

The people and creatures hugging him let go, letting him stand again and go to another group. He was going to skip over his family, he REALLY didn't want to talk to them. "Lazari, Mr Slender," Dream nodded to them, before smiling at Sally. "Hey, You doing alright?" Sally looked up at him, puffing out her cheeks for a moment- before smiling.

"I'm okay, Mister! Let me guess, You used to be me?" Dream sighed sadly and nodded. "Yeah, I... still haven't gotten over our Uncle.. Well, not just him, but.." Sally nodded, hesitantly hugging him tightly- Lazari quickly joining in while smiling. "Group hug!! Slendyman! Join us!" The girl giggled, the faceless man wrapping his arms around the group.

"Okay, that's-...That's enough hugs now-" Dream chuckled nervously, happy when he was let go. He walked to another group- a group of two people. "Guys... I'm, sorry I left you. It's me, Frisk," The two skeletons hugged him tightly, and Dream couldn't even bring himself to make them let go.

They stayed there for a while, even if it grew uncomfortable for Dream, he took it. Dream then walked to the last group he wanted to face. "Kokichi Oma," Dream started simply, smiling mentally to himself when the man turned around. "Nishishi! You wanted the Ultimate Supreme Leader?" He smiled widely, but Dream knew it was fake.

"Cut the stupid act right now. I know you want to cry, I know you've been crying all night, isn't that right?" Kokichi froze up, backing up slightly before laughing. "That's a lie!" He laughed, pointing at Dream, who sighed.

"I know why you insult Miu during the trials, because she used to always call you things like that, isn't it? You bully Keebo, because it's your only way to let it out. I know you ran to your room, screaming and crying into your pillow the second you could, after the killing game was back on. You knew Monokuma would come back, but, you wished he hadn't,"

Dream kept going on, taking steps towards Kokichi with each word, the younger backing up, until he was against a wall. "I know how much water turned red in your shower, and I know how many days you wished you'd be the next to-" Dream was cut off by broken sobs, Kokichi curled up in the corner, sobbing softly into his knees.

"S-stop it... j-just stop..."

"No, you need to face the truth Oma. I'm done with you lying to yourself and everyone else! You need to tell Shuichi about.. you know, you need to get over what he forced you into. You need to get over it, Kokichi, I know, I know how bad it felt, and I know how it felt to be crushed between-..... fuck, Karl. Take me back, I can't..."

Dream stopped suddenly, a tear rolling down his cheek. The time traveller went to tell him something- about staying, before Dream grabbed his shirt tightly. "Take me back, damnit!! I can't!! I can't- I can't I can't I can't-" Karl hugged him tightly, pulling him back through a portal- which took them to their proper time, and, to a certain household. Dream just, cried. After a while, Dream fell unconscious, which, ended up not being such a great thing when he woke up an hour later screaming, it sounded like he was in pain- and like he was scared. It was worrying.

The end,
Ok uh-- So, this was an excuse for me to write using other characters, mainly Kokichi, but i ended up getting sick of it, so, i stopped it early- So yeah-

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