DNB? - Tech.. I'm scared

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TW: Mentions of blood, Stabbing, Mentions of needles - very little - bad injuries, stitches. i think that's all-

Dream clenched his fists as the blade of, something sharp - he didn't remember what blade belonged to what weapon- pierced through his lower leg, going through one side and coming out the other. It hurt so fucking much- and this was only the first of the 6 he saw when he could see. He didn't know who was doing this, he couldn't see their face. It was, scarier, without their face. Well, it was scarier being unable to see. Not just the face. He was blindfolded, or, something was blocking his vision, at least. He couldn't even see what they were doing.

As if on cue, another sharp stabbing pain ran through his other thigh, it hurt, a lot. The male cried out in pain- a few tears rolling down his cheeks. The process was extremely slow. The person would grab the blade and pierce a tiny bit of skin, before slowly pushing it in. They did this with each of the blades, one in each of his thighs, one through each leg- the lower parts of each- and then one through each hand.

"Have fun trying to get out, deary. Oh, one last thing~" They hummed, stroking his cheek. As if on cue, a much smaller blade, it felt like a needle, pushed through the skin above his lip, followed by a thread. His mouth was basically- no, literally stitched closed, and it hurt. The dirty blonde felt more tears roll down his cheeks, and he heard the other chuckle before seemingly walking out. Dream stayed like that for a while, before finally gaining the energy to move.

The blades were all caught on something, and he ended up needing to literally tear them out, before running. As soon as he was freed from the blades, he ran as fast as he could - while limping - to the smp. It got to the point where he had to crawl along the floor in order to get back to somewhere he could get help. "Mmm! MMmm...mm.." He tried screaming for help, but, his mouth was still stitched closed. And then, he passed out from blood loss and fatigue.

"Yeah, but seriously Phil, be caref-...ul.... Dream?!" Techno shouted in surprise, running over and picking up the small boy, who's mask was broken and barely hanging onto his face whatsoever. "Mmm...mnngh- Mmm!" Dream groaned in pain, before shooting up, practically screaming. It felt like he was being burnt alive, and as if the fire were hotter every where he was injured- it hurt so fucking much. Not to mention, it all stung, too much.

"Dream, Dream, sh sh sh, stay still," Techno whispered, running a hand through the smaller's hair and gently holding his hand. Dream felt tears rushing down his cheeks, and he couldn't stop thrashing around- it hurt so much. He felt like he was dying- literally. "You're doing so good, just a bit longer," The pinkette whispered softly, struggling to keep Dream from moving while Phil fixed up the wounds as well as he could.

Phil had started with getting the stitches in his mouth out, nearly gagging at the sight of his mouth with and without the thread through the holes. He had managed to treat them, but, they no doubt hurt. "Hurts!! God- no- Stop!! I can't- I can't!! It hurts!!" Dream screamed and cried, thrashing even more when Phil went on to his hands, it hurt so much, so fucking much, he couldn't take it. "Sh sh sh, Dream, I promise, you're okay, we're here to help,"

The pinkette gently rubbed Dream's shoulders, not missing the way Dream flinched. "FUCK!!! Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! I can't!!! No!!!" His screams got worse as Phil cleaned the inside of one of the hand wounds. "Dream, stay still-" "I CAN'T!!! FUCK!!!" Dream kept screaming, accidentally moving his hand- a lot, which caused it to hurt a lot more. "Fuck, hold him still Techno! I can't treat his wounds if he keeps moving!!" Phil yelled, getting a tighter grip on Dream's wrist.

The pinkette huffed slightly before trying as best as he physically could. The blood loss soon got to the dirty blonde again, and he blacked out- still crying and screaming as he did. When he woke up again, everything hurt. And he didn't want to move whatsoever. He shifted ever so slightly, and even that made him cry out in pain.

Normally he was better with injuries but, this one was too much. Then again, he did have holes going through 6 places which disabled him for some time. One of the others who was in the house rushed down the stairs, not caring about their messy pink hair at the moment. Techno rushed to his side, having heard his cry of pain. "Hey, Good morning Dream. How are you feeling?" The pinkette questioned, running a hand through the man's hair.

"Every-everything h-hurts... so m-much..." Dream sobbed quietly, Techno looking at him sadly. "I'll get you some more of the numbing medicine. I'm also going to wake up Phil, alright? I'll be back in a second," He hummed out, before going to walk away. He didn't expect a hand on his, especially not followed by another cry of pain. "St-stay- Ple-please-" The dirty blonde managed to get out, before breaking down into nothing but sobs.

Techno held onto Dream gently, hushing him softly. He texted Phil quickly, asking him to get Dream's medicine, before putting his phone down, caressing the back of his hand gently, avoiding the injury. "Sh sh sh... It's okay, you're okay... it'll be over soon enough, the pain will be gone, i promise.." The pinkette whispered softly, hearing footsteps- he knew it was Phil. Dream closed his eyes tightly, tears not stopping.

"'M s-scared Te-ch.." He sobbed, and it broke Techno's heart to hear his ever so feared rival's pitiful sobs, and to see his rival defenseless. Techno didn't think Dream was weak, not even like this, if anything, he was the strongest person alive for going through this and not giving up. Phil carefully inserted a needle into Dream's arm, Techno indirectly holding it as still as possible. He made it a point to try his best not to let Dream notice.

See, the pinkette knew of the smaller's fear of needles, and so, he needed to try and keep Dream from noticing. Dream fell unconscious seconds later, due to the anaesthetic that was given to him. "Tech, I need you to get the med kit, as well as the stitching supplies. I need to check if he hurt himself more, or if he messed up any of the stitching from before," The blonde explained, Techno quickly going to get what he was told to.

Phil unwrapped the bandages from one of Dream's hands carefully, checking them to see if he was okay still. Phil ended up finding out that the smaller had managed to tear his hand more, god did it look bad. Techno got back with the supplies, and Phil got straight to work. First, he cleaned it again, just in case. If it got infected that could be bad. Very bad.

Then, he proceeded to stitch it up as best as he could, which proved to be rather difficult, especially considering how large the wound was. "Techno, be ready to hold him still if he wakes up, at any point, alright? It's going to hurt more and get worse each time he hurts himself," Phil explained, looking up at the piglin hybrid who nodded. "He may be asleep for a while, so, if he doesn't wake up soon, don't worry too much,"

Techno nodded, going up to his room to grab a few things, before going back down and setting up a temporary bed on the other couch, also grabbing a chair and putting it next to where Dream was lying. "Go eat now, Techno. I'll eat in a moment- oh, also, unfortunately Tommy and Wilbur are coming over, today," Techno stiffened, before nodding slightly, walking into the kitchen and starting to cook a nice breakfast for both of them- Techno and Phil, he means.

Phil only said it was unfortunate because of the timing. Dream was here, and he was unable to defend himself. Tommy absolutely despised the man, and Wilbur- well, his view on Dream changed every now and then. Sometimes he was obsessed with the man, sometimes he agreed with Tommy. "If they try to hurt him, we can use force to make them stop," Phil stated, hearing the other's hum of agreement.

As much as they loved their family members, they needed to take care of the dirty blonde. Phil honestly saw Dream as another son- one that, yes, did bad things, but almost all for reasons. Besides, Techno- as much as he denied it- had taken a liking to the man. A strong one. The blonde had caught them cuddling before, and he had heard the pinkette's growls around almost anyone who tried to touch Dream, not to mention, Techno got upset so quickly when others insulted or threatened Dream.

Phil heard a small groan from Dream, a sign that the feeling of his body was returning, but, not that he was waking up. An hour or so later, there was a knock at the door, Phil getting up to open it- Techno seemed to want to stay with Dream. "Phil!!" The two at the door shouted, embracing their father in a hug.

After making the basic conversation - how are you, what's been happening, blah blah blah - Phil let them inside, occasionally glancing between them and Dream. "Techno? What're you looking a- DREAM?! WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!" Tommy screamed, pointing at Dream- who let out another groan, his hand and leg twitching slightly. "Tell me!!! Why the fuck is he here?!" Tommy yelled again.

"Tommy, calm down," Tommy stared at Phil as if he were crazy, before clenching his fists. "Tell me why he's here!!" Tommy repeated. Techno gently held Dream, caressing his cheek gently. "Phil," Techno mumbled, looking up at the winged male. "Tommy, If you're going to keep yelling, I have to ask that you get out," Phil spoke calmly. "WHAT?!" "Tommy. Either lower your voice and leave Dream alone, or, get out,"

Long story short, Tommy dealt with Dream being there, him and Wilbur chatting to the other two. It only changed when... "Fu-CK! I c-can't!!!! H-Hurts!!! NO- St-OP!!" Dream screamed, thrashing around again, it hurt too much. Techno pinned the boy down, careful of his injuries. "PHIL!" Techno cried, the blonde quickly running over with a needle. "Fuck- We can't keep this up.. Next time, I need you to try to get him through the initial pain,"

Tommy just stared at them, Wilbur too. "This one isn't as strong, it will keep him awake, but he'll be numb, hopefully," Dream whimpered softly, looking at Techno. "T-Tech... 'm s-scared..." The pinkette pressed a soft kiss to the smaller's jaw. "I'll keep you safe, I promise.. You're so strong, I'm so proud of you..." Techno kissed the other all over his face, comforting the boy. "I'm... tired... and... hungry..." Dream's eyes started closing.

"Hey hey hey, stay awake, C'mon, We'll get you some food, just stay with me," Techno shook him a bit. He couldn't let Dream fall asleep without eating or drinking anything, because he already looked so malnourished. "Mmm..." Dream opened his eyes again, struggling to keep them open. "Phil, Phil, I need you to get water and some food for him, okay?" Phil got straight to work, quickly getting a glass of water and something for Dream to eat.

Then he went back over to them, passing Techno the glass first. "Love, could you open your mouth for me?" The pinkette placed a hand on the dirty blonde's cheek, gently pushing the glass to his lips. He slowly tilted the glass, so Dream could drink a bit. "There you go dear," Dream swallowed the water that was given to him, still struggling with staying awake.

Techno whispered a thank you to Phil, taking the food from him and slowly feeding it to Dream, taking it slow in order to keep the male from choking or even throwing up. Soon, Dream shook his head slightly. "N-No mo-more... Thank y-ou Tech..." He managed to get out before his eyes fell shut, exhaustion over powering the attempt to stay awake.

"Anytime, dear.." Techno presses a soft kiss into Dream's shoulder, before getting up and putting the food and the glass in the kitchen. "What...the fuck.." Tommy stared at Techno and Dream. "Why the fuck are you guys fucking caring for him?!" "Because, Now, I think it may be time for you two to leave," "But we got here just a few-" "Now." "Fine..."

Over the next few days, the only thing that Techno and Phil really did was watch over Dream. He hadn't woken up again, but, he had started screaming in his sleep again.. Anytime Dream did wake up, even just for a very short while, They made sure he ate and drank. It had been about a month, and he had only just woken up again.

He didn't say anything, instead, he tried to get up. Which, only resulted in him collapsing and nearly screaming again- but, he forced himself to keep quiet. Dream slowly got up, breathing heavily as he limped past a sleeping Techno, taking it extremely slow. He eventually got to the door, opening it carefully. The dirty blonde made his way outside, closing the door behind him.

But, as soon as he started walking down the steps, his legs gave out, and he fell down the stairs. Dream ended up landing on the snow, his breathing fast and shallow. Despite the pain that overwhelmed his body, he tried to crawl through the snow. Dream kept trying to crawl, more so when he heard footsteps. "Dream!" Techno yelled, running over and picking him up.

"Oh fuck, you idiot, shit," The pinkette kept cursing, carrying the injured boy inside, sitting him back down. "Dream, don't do that.." Techno mumbled, taking a look at all of the wounds the boy's body contained. They didn't seem to of gotten worse. "If you want to try walking, wait a bit longer, and I'll help you.." Techno mumbled, pressing kisses into the pale skin of the other.

"I-I-I'm sorry... Tech..." Dream mumbled, holding onto the back of the piglin hybrid's shirt. "It's okay, Dear, just.. please make sure you're taking care of yourself.."

"Lay...with me?" Dream hesitated, a small smile coming to his face when the pinkette sat down next to him, carefully laying them both down. The dirty blonde smiled, nuzzling his face into Techno's chest, closing his eyes.


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