Technodream - Requested - The Deal

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Requested by @valerie_ovallehurt (Only the ship)

Top: Technoblade
Bottom: Dream

Warning: Smut? I guess?

3rd person POV

Techno had just recently made a deal with Dream, because the younger needed some, things. To put it simply, They both liked each other. A lot.

Techno was currently walking along the wooden path, to Dream's house. He had the things Dream had asked for in a pink shulker box, which was in his inventory. He left his trident in his ender chest, not wanting to use it for once.

He was imagining how the encounter would play out, trying to figure out what Dream would look like. His natural pink hair was flowing behind him in the normal braid, his crown sitting neatly on top of his head.

He reached the masked man's house, knocking on the door. He could hear the soft footsteps of Dream's running towards the door, said male opening the door after a few seconds. Techno smiled softly as he saw the shorter boy standing at the door, looking at him.

"Hey Techno, come in. You got the stuff?"

Dream asked, stepping to the side whilst holding the door open. Techno walked in, putting the shulker box next to the table, looking at Dream with a smirk.

"Of course I do. Now, let's get straight to it. Your part of the deal."

He stated, approaching the smaller, his smirk growing a bit. Dream shut the door, backing up into the wall as the other approached him.

"Techno I-"

He started, before being cut off by the pink haired male kissing him deeply, pinning him to the wall as he did. Dream closed his hidden eyes tightly after getting over the shock from the sudden lips on his. He quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the others neck.

One of Techno's hands snuck up to Dream's head snakily, pulling his hair lightly. The blonde gasped in surprise, having not expected it at all. Techno smirked again, using this as a way to slip his tongue into the other's mouth. He let his tongue roam around every part of Dream's mouth, though he stops eventually.

He watched as Dream panted, simply out of breath from that. Techno smirked again, thinking before picking Dream up, carrying him to his own room, quickly pinning him to the bed.

"You're okay with this, right Dream?"

Techno asked, wanting the other's verbal consent before continuing.

"Of course Techno.."

Dream stated, smiling slightly. Techno smiled softly, though it turned back to his smirk as he took Dream's mask off, staring at his face in astonishment.

Dream had freckles on his cheeks, and an emerald green eye, along with a rosy red eye next to it. His eyelashes looked like the fake ones you'd buy, although they were certainly real. Sure he had a scar over his red eye, and a few other scars around his face, though in Techno's opinion, it just made him more attractive.

Dream looked to the side, blushing lightly. Techno chuckled softly, leaning down and kissing his neck gently, causing Dream to bite his bottom lip, trying to stay quiet. The taller sighed, thinking before bitting down on the others neck hardly, watching as Dream moaned, closing his eyes again.

He chuckles, continuing to bite his neck, moving down slowly. One of his hands snuck up Dream's shirt, playing with his sensitive chest. Dream kept moaning, letting the other know he enjoyed what was happening already.

Techno's other hand snuck down to his own pants, unbuckling them and sitting up so he could pull them off of himself. He stood up, calling Dream to follow him. Dream listened, getting up and going to him, surprised when he was pushed down to his knees.

Techno grabbed a handful of the blonde's head, making the other look up, as he smirked down at him. Dream blushes a lot, biting his bottom lip.

"I think you know what to do Dream."

He said calmly, staring into the green and red eyes of the smaller male. Dream blushes harder, pulling Techno's boxers down and staring at his size with wide eyes, extremely surprised by how big he was. He looked back at Techno, as if asking if he really was about to do this.

"If you're not gonna I'm just going to do it myself."

He stated, looking him in the eyes. Dream looked back, hesitating slightly before taking the tip onto his mouth, sucking gently, glancing back at Techno who had his head tilted back.

Dream continued his actions, though eventually Techno got bored of this. And as such, he grabbed two handfuls of his blonde hair, forcing him to take the rest of his length into his mouth. Dream almost choked, though managed not to. He let his mouth hang open so the other could go as fast as he wanted.

Techno watched as the other stayed there, with his mouth open. He smirked at the sight, loving the look of the server owner looking so powerless on his knees, letting Techno do as he pleased. Techno continued what he had been doing, which was thrusting into the smaller's mouth, groaning and moaning as he did.

He eventually felt himself growing closer, although he didn't tell the other, not even thinking to. He continued his thrusts, them growing sloppier and slightly slower. After a few more thrusts, he came into the others throat, watching as he swallowed as much as he could.

He moved back, taking his member away from the other and pulling his boxers up. He ended up getting Dream some water, helping him back onto his bed so both of them could rest, as they were both tired from that.

"I-...I love you...Techno..."

Dream stuttered, looking to the side. He was embarrassed about what he just had said, and that just made him more embarrassed. Techno smiled softly, kissing the side of his head.

"I love you too, Dream.."

He said lovingly, wrapping his arms gently around the other, placing his own crown on top of the other's head. The smaller, in return, gave the taller his mask, smiling and blushing.

The end.
Thanks for reading my first, possibly second, one shot!
This wasn't great, and I know that, but I tried to get it done quickly! Also, this entire time I've been wearing fake nails, for the first time, so it was actually a lot harder to write-
Also, also, if there's any spelling mistakes, Please tell me!
Anyway, Thanks for reading! Have a nice day/afternoon/night! Cya!

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