No ship - Dream eater

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- Cannibalism
- Blood
- Bad Quackity
- Stabbing
- Torture
- Sam isn't nice either
- Limbs missing
- Chopping off fingers
- Tongue + eye missing
- Immortal Dream

Dream leaned back into the wall while watching Quackity slowly make his way out of the cell. "I'll be back tomorrow, and I'll be taking extra," Quackity told Dream, looking back at him for a moment and licking his own bloodied lips. "Sam! Hurry up and send the bridge over!" He yelled, knowing for a fact Dream wouldn't be attempting to get up.

Quackity waited on the other side of the netherite blocks, closest to the lava, and waited. Dream watched as the lava fell, showing the bridge which made it's way over. He saw how genuinely horrified Sam- no, The Warden seemed- at least by his eyes. "Quackity, people will get suspicious if you walk out of the prison covered in blood. Clean yourself," The Warden spoke, though he didn't look away from where Dream was on the floor.

Quackity rolled his eyes as he walked to another side room, cleaning himself of the blood. Once Quackity was cleaned up, he and the warden made their way to the prison's exit. "Make sure he heals before I come back tomorrow," Quackity informed the warden, not bothering to look at him before leaving.

Sam gave himself a moment to get somewhat out of his warden mindset, despite running the prison and allowing Quackity to come in and torture Dream, he still had a responsibility to help the prisoner. Sam made his way back to the main cell, using the guard's way to make it easier and quicker.

The creeper hybrid took one look in the cell and nearly gagged, he could actually see the damage Quackity had caused. The smell may have also played a part in making him get close to gagging. Sam took a breath before grabbing a specific remote-type thing, which would allow him to call the bridge back over once he needed it. It use voice and facial recognition, so he didn't have to worry about it being taken. 

Sam made his way over to Dream's cell, waiting for the netherite blocks to drop before approaching the prisoner. "Dream," Sam spoke, looking down at the man. Dream didn't look up. Dream felt nothing but fatigue, pain and some form of guilt? Maybe it was grief? It was hard to tell.

"Dream. I'm going to have you drink this," Sam kneeled down, though had contemplated not. He could feel dried up blood sticking to the almost skin tight cloth. Sam use his hand to lift Dream's head, quickly pulling his hand away when he saw skin missing from the prisoner's cheeks, as if someone took an actual bite out of it. He could see the man's mouth through his cheek.

"Drink it." Sam ordered, grabbing a potion and giving it to Dream. The dirty blonde didn't move. "Dream, drink it. If you can't do it yourself then say something," Sam waited a couple more minutes before he grew impatient. The creeper hybrid grabbed the bottle, forcing Dream's mouth open and slowly pouring it into his mouth.

He didn't want the prisoner to choke, but he couldn't be bothered waiting anymore. "Swallow it," Sam saw bits of the potion spilling from the seemingly bitten off part of his cheek, it was extremely discomforting. After another short while, Sam checked to make sure the other had swallowed the potion and was pleased to see he did- but much less pleased with the look of his mouth.

His tongue was cut off- it was slowly reconstructing itself because of the regeneration, but it was gone and that was what Sam thought about. "What the actual fuck.. he took your tongue? Nope, not questioning it. You'll heal up," Sam got up and left the cell. "Sa..m.." Dream breathed out shakily, reaching forward slightly before his vision went black.

This was because of how much work the regen potion had to do, so it took more energy. Sam watched through the camera to make sure it was going smoothly, he saw Dream's cheek reconstruct itself, along with the hand Sam hadn't even noticed was gone. Some time later, Dream woke up.

He looked around him for a brief moment before leaning back against the rough wall, letting his body go limp again. He only moved when he noticed the light from the lava slowly going away. He knew Quackity was back. Dream curled up against the obsidian wall, hugging his knees to his chest.

He closed his eyes and just hoped Quackity would disappear or something- he knew Quackity wouldn't leave though. The other had made it all too clear. "Dream!~ You're not even gonna say hello? How rude," Dream could hear Quackity hum out, panicking for a moment, which made him go against a rule.

"I-I'm sorry-" Dream started, only to be kicked in the face. He didn't dare to even sit up from where the kick had forced him. "Get up and come here. Stupid dog.." Quackity demanded, not even looking at Dream. The dirty blonde quickly did as he was told. He didn't know how long it had been, all he knew was that it had been too long.

"Behaving won't make this any less painful," Quackity reminded him, but Dream knew that already. He also knew that if he continued to misbehave he'd get worse punishments. "Now, where to start," Quackity mumbled to himself, looking at Dream all over. "The tongue was nice last time, and it seems like a fitting punishment for you," Quackity smiled, grabbing his knife and forcing the dirty blonde's mouth open.

He slowly started cutting the tongue out, watching with a smile as Dream cried. Quackity managed to pull his tongue out after a tiny struggle. Dream's mouth involuntarily shut quickly in pain, causing Quackity's fingers to get caught for a second. "You have the nerve.. to fucking bite me?!" Quackity yelled, grabbing Dream by the neck and slamming his head against the floor.

Once the dirty blonde was on the floor, he stood up properly again and pushed his foot down on Dream's chest. Quackity had found out that Dream wouldn't and couldn't die from anything like blood loss, or his heart going missing, or anything like that. He tested it all. It was hard to understand how he lost two canon lives but that didn't really matter anymore.

Quackity watched as Dream choked on his own blood, tears welling up in his eyes. "You've gotten so weak, and it hasn't even been that long yet. Just shows how fucking powerless you are," Quackity hummed, pushing his foot down harder. He heard a small crack, making him smile widely.

Dream didn't react to it as much as he used to, it was one of the injuries Quackity gave him almost every time, it was one he was used to. It didn't mean it hurt any less though. Quackity grabbed one of Dream's arms, his foot still keeping the dirty blonde down on the floor. Quackity had always heard you could chop fingers off easily, so he decided to finally try it.

He decided to have even more fun with it, choosing to make it some sort of test. Quackity decided on the first hand, he'd try chopping a finger off, breaking a finger and then chopping it off, biting it off, breaking a finger and then biting it off, and for his thumb, well, He didn't know yet. He might just leave them. And then the other hand, he'd make Dream do all of it to himself.

"Dream, sit up." Quackity demanded, removing his foot. Dream sat up quickly, wincing but not making a sound. Quackity let go of his arm, grabbing two knives, Dream didn't know why there were two, but he was definitely afraid. "Put your hand on the floor." Dream listened, doing as he was told.

He accidentally jerked his arm back- or tried to- when Quackity stabbed a knife through. Dream watched the blood spill down his hand, starting to make a pool on the ground. He knew the blood from his mouth, which he wasn't choking on anymore, was only adding to the small puddle. The blood stopped coming from his hand after little, the knife having already blocked most of it for the time being.

"Every time you move your hand, that's a day without food or healing of any kind. It's also another hit from the whip. Understand?" Quackity looked at Dream, as if he were nothing. Maybe he was nothing. Maybe he was nothing but a dog, living to serve his master and be punished. No. Not maybe, that was what he was. Right? It always has been.

Dream tried to say 'yes sir', but he couldn't. He didn't want Quackity to get angrier, it's not like he could've anyway. Quackity didn't say anything before he grabbed the other knife, which seemed a lot sharper, and cut through his finger. Dream use all his strength to not jerk away again, tears already beginning to form in his eyes.

Quackity had cut off his tongue, torn off his nails, pulled each and every tooth out, and so much more. But he had never tried to cut off any fingers, toes or ears. He remembers his arm being cut off, it grew back thanks to instant health, regeneration and the fact he was immortal and healed quicker than others anyway.

But his hands hadn't been hurt like this before. Dream bit the inside of his cheek as hard as he could, desperate to not scream. Quackity didn't like when he screamed. Quackity would always get mad when he was too loud. Quackity grabbed a smaller bag from the large one he carried with him, putting the finger inside.

"You know, I've tried other peoples' blood, and skin, but nobody seems to taste as good as you, I wonder why that is. At least you're good for something, mutt," Quackity hummed. The ravenette use the handle of the knife to break Dream's middle finger next, before cutting it off as well. Dream didn't remember the rest all too clearly, the blood loss was getting to him already- Quackity remembered it extremely vividly, however.

Quackity had finished the first half of his little experiment, and now it was time for the next half. Quackity grabbed Dream's index finger and bit down as hard as he could. With a bit of struggle, Dream's finger was off. Quackity put both fingers in the bag as well. Quackity decided he was getting bored.

"Mm, this is boring, don't you think Dream? I think, instead of taking the fingers~ We take away something more, important, I suppose," Dream tensed at the implication. Dream didn't want Quackity to take away any of his senses, not again. He hated being able to hear nothing but his thoughts, he hated not being able to tell where anything was, He hated not being able to smell anything at all.

Dream wanted to beg for him to stop, but he knew it would do nothing. He knew Quackity wouldn't care. He knew he was just a stupid dog. He knew he was nothing. He knew and yet he wished he didn't. Dream's wishes didn't matter though. As Quackity always said. And Quackity was the only one still coming to him.

Dream flinched when Quackity was suddenly extremely close. He knew what Quackity was planning to take when he saw where he was looking. Dream was pretty sure he passed out again, but he woke up to not being able to see. He was covered in his own blood, and he could feel the marks on his back- he tried to fall back into the blissful world of being unconscious.

He succeeded. When he woke up yet again he could hear the lava flowing down- he knew someone was there because of it. Dream waited by the netherite blocks to see Quackity. Quackity wasn't the one standing on the platform though. It was Techno. Dream screamed for him to leave, despite how much it hurt to do so.

When had his tongue been healed? He didn't know. Sam might of healed him while he was asleep. That didn't matter now. He couldn't let Techno- his only escape, his only help, his only friend? - get trapped in the prison as well. Techno still came to the cell, no matter how much Dream screamed at him not to.

Dream walked back to the wall, sliding down it. God fucking damn it. "Hey, roommate," Quackity didn't show up for the entire time Technoblade was there- well, excluding the last day. The day he disappeared the day he abandoned Dream. "Where the hell did he go Dream?!" Quackity yelled, pushing Dream to the floor with his foot.

"I d-don't know-" Dream stammered, trying to back away. "Like hell you don't know! Where did he go?! How did he escape?!" Quackity was fucking pissed. "I don't know! I don't know okay!?" The dirty blonde shouted, quickly covering his mouth. "Ex- fucking - cuse me?! Did you just fucking yell?! At me!?!" The ravenette picked up his foot for a second before slamming it back down into Dream's chest.

"I thought you knew better, bitch," Quackity hissed, kneeling down before smiling. "You're going to fucking pay for lying to me, breaking a rule and letting him fucking escape," Dream forgot how much it had hurt- it'd been a while. "Did you forget your place? What you are? Who you belong to?" Quackity 'asked'.

Dream knew what was expected of him in that moment, and even if it meant abandoning all his pride and dignity if he even had any at this pointhe had no choice, did he? "Sir, sir I-I'm your slave.. I'm a no good e-excuse of a human, sir.. I belong to you.." Quackity smiled widely. "Good. You do remember. But.. that's not going to fucking help you get out of the hole you dug yourself," Fuck. Dream ended up passing out in the middle of the visit.

Quackity visited every day again- and Dream spent every day wishing Technoblade would come back. He didn't know if he could take it any longer. Luckily for him, it was not too long later that Techno showed up just outside his cell. Dream was still bleeding when he showed up though, so that wasn't... great.

He knew for a fact that one of his kidneys was still gone- the healing process was worse than it being torn out- as well as one of his eyes and an entire leg. But he didn't care how much he wanted to cry because of the pain from his leg trying to stitch itself back together- he didn't care about anything but leaving the prison with Technoblade.

Sam had upped the security measures, and while he had a key which could deactivate them- Techno did not. "You look like shit," Techno hummed when he saw Dream, quickly taking a look at the barrier preventing him from going into the cell. "You here insult me or g-get me out?" Dream asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes- wait, no, his eye.

 "Both, can you walk?" Dream shook his head, knowing for a fact that there was no point in saying he could- he hadn't been allowed to eat for the past couple days, and he was missing a leg anyway. "Bruhhh. Move back, don't want you to lose your hearing too," Neither spoke for a minute as Dream backed up and Techno put down tnt.

"That's gonna trig-trigger the alarm-" Dream warned. "Whatever we break is going to trigger it, may as well do it in style," The pinkette shrugged, getting a flint and steel from one of his pockets. "Three, two-" Techno started counting down, giving Dream the time to cover his ears or move further away- whatever he wanted to do.

"-one," Techno lit the tnt and quickly moved as far away from it as possible, covering his ears and looking away from the explosives. He felt the force of the explosion and looked back, smiling at the damage it had done. Techno could hear ringing in his ears, but he payed no mind to that.

The pinkette quickly went into the cell, helping Dream stand up before picking him up. "Hold on tight, nerd," Dream listened quickly, not wanting to fall as they made their way through the prison. "We need to get Ranboo. You'll wait at the escape," Techno told him, splashing a fire resistance potion on them both before jumping into the lava.

He swam to where he believed the tunnel was, putting Dream down inside. "Stay here, unless someone finds you," Dream just nodded. Techno left again, going to find Ranboo. Eventually, Techno came back with Ranboo and, Connor? Techno picked Dream up quickly, not saying a thing as he ran down the corridor.

Ranboo and Connor followed them, their armor clanking as they ran. "Why's C-Connor here?" Dream questioned. "Dunno," The pinkette responded quickly. Once they were at the surface, they were already surrounded. "Fuck, Techno we h-have to go-" They barely managed to escape with their lives. Phil and Niki joined them on their ride to Techno's house. Connor and Niki ended up riding off to their own houses.

Ranboo rode with Phil, Dream rode with Techno, Niki rode alone and Connor did as well. Ranboo had almost been killed by Sam, because of a false claim to have kidnapped his son- luckily, Tubbo had messaged Ranboo saying something about Micheal missing him. They stayed on the horses until they reached the house, everyone getting off quickly- everyone but Dream.

"Dream? Bruh, you gotta get off the horse now," Techno walked back to the horse- having originally expected Dream to be fine with getting off and getting over to the stairs. Dream fell off the horse, though luckily Techno caught him. "Is he alright Techno?" Phil called, looking back at the two. Ranboo was already inside.

"Dream? Open your eyes, c'mon this isn't funny-" Techno tried to get Dream to open his eyes, obviously. "Phil, he's not-" Techno looked between the two. "He won't open his eyes, Phil," Phil ushered him inside, Techno quickly carrying Dream in. "Put him on the couch- I'm gonna have to take a look at him," Phil instructed. The pinkette trusted Phil, and so he listened.

Ranboo just watched them. "Do you know what could've happened to him?" The blonde tried, Techno shaking his head. "No, not anything other than... Quackity," Techno realized- Dream said things about the man in prison, and he'd always say how confused he was that Quackity wasn't showing up. "Quackity?" Phil wanted to make sure he had heard correctly.

"Yes. Quackity," Techno confirmed, explaining his reasoning. Phil was glad that he could get Techno to not fully focus on the status of Dream at the moment, while also learning some things. Speaking of Dream, Phil had almost finished tending to the majority of the wounds when Techno finished explaining.

"-that's why it was probably Quackity," Techno finished, finally looking at Dream. "...Will he be okay?" The pinkette was worried out of his mind, he avoided showing it though- in any way apart from verbally. "I don't know mate. I'll try my best," Phil gave Techno a reassuring smile, before focusing on the dirty blonde in front of him.

 "It's getting late, you two should head off to bed," Phil hummed as he finished wrapping Dream's arm in bandages. "G'night Techno, Phil," Ranboo said quickly before going to his own house. "..I'm staying out here," Techno stated. "Alright mate, come wake me up if you think he needs my help. Goodnight," Phil walked out, doing the same as Ranboo had and going to his own house.

Techno sat on the couch across from Dream, picking up a book and beginning to read it once again. Eventually he started unwillingly drifting off to sleep. Meanwhile, in Dream's dream- or well, nightmare- he was seeing Quackity again, he wasn't inside the prison though. He was in Techno's cabin still. Dream was begging Phil to help him, but Phil was just watching.

Techno wasn't there, he went out. Phil let Quackity into the cabin, Phil showed him where Dream was. The dirty blonde was kept down due to a knife against his neck- he was too weak to protect himself anyway, "Phil- Philza please-" Dream sobbed, he was just saved, he couldn't- he couldn't have this happen again. He didn't want to have it happen again.

"You should've stayed in that fucking cell, mutt," Quackity pushed his knife- when did he get that?- through Dream's arm, cutting the bandages. "Sir-!! Sir please! No!!- Phil! Techno!! Please! S-someone! Help!!" Dream screamed, he could feel the tears running down his cheeks. "Dream!" Techno's voice called, he wasn't anywhere nearby though?

 "Dream! Dream wake up!" Huh? Everything was going dark, he could still hear himself screamng. He shot up from his place on the couch, looking around him. He was still in Techno's cabin, but Techno was right next to him. "Dream, look at me, you're safe, I'm going to protect you," Techno grabbed Dream's less injured hand, looking him in the eyes- nope, still just the one.

"Tech-Techno-" Dream gasped out, quickly forcing himself up to hug the pinkette. "What happened..?" Techno asked with hesitance, he didn't know what he was meant to do "Sir ca-came here and Phil let-let him in and-" Techno listened as Dream told him what happened, the first parts of the dream were foggier than the end though.

Heyo! As normal, the ending sucks-
I worked on this for way too long honestly. Kinda sad ngl
Anyways, I hope you all have a good day! I'll keep trying to get another story out for you all. Bye bye! 

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