No ship - He's a traumatized child? (He's a child? part two)

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TW: Mentions of murder, mentions of torture, Blood, skin torn off? And all over the place writing

Dream held onto his father figure tightly, crying silently into the man's shoulder. "Kid.. Should I call you Dream?" Dream said nothing, just clinging to Fit and continuing to cry. "Sh sh sh, Take deep breaths.. It's okay..." Fit whispered softly, running a scarred hand through what was now just past shoulder-length hair. Dream eventually calmed down, falling asleep in his father's arms.

"You two are going to tell me who put my 13 year old son in this hell hole," Fit looked at the other two- a green-haired male, and a ravenette. The ravenette seemed to step back, extremely tense- but the 'warden' of the place stood tall. "It was a mutual agreement the majority of the greater SMP and the badlands' occupants made."

"I'm taking him out of this place," "And what will we get?" "Information about where he came from, because he clearly lied to you." They agreed, but, they wouldn't hesitate to bring Dream back if needed. Fit lifted Dream gently, soothing him softly when he began to stir. The four left the area of the prison, going to the 'community house'.

Fit hadn't seen buildings connected by paths that were all in tact, not for a while- unlike Dream, he wasn't unlucky enough to be born in 2b2t, but he did train like all hell before he went there- knowing how destructive it was. The blonde and the green haired man- who he had learnt the names of which were Tommy and Sam- had gathered a bunch of people up, not trusting Fit enough to be there just the 4 of them.

"Mmm..." Dream groaned quietly, his eyes slowly fluttering open. "Hey Kid, Feelin' better?" Fit ran a hand through the other's hair. Dream said nothing, glancing around and noticing other people- instantly burying his face in his father's shoulder. The dirty blonde shook his head, trying to silently tell Fit that he didn't want to be there, with all the people.

"I know Kid, It's alright. I'll take you back home afte-" FIt was cut off by Dream shaking his head violently, backing away from him. "NO!! N-Not back there- I- I don't want- Want to be Nightmare anymore!!!" Dream cried, sliding down the wall as tears rolled down his cheeks. His father walked over, hugging him gently.

"I didn't mean there.." Everyone just watched in confusion, surprise, and shock- This- This boy sounded like Dream, but he looked like he was 13- his face did, but his body was too scarred, his eyes were too dull.. and he was too mature.

"Ahem, Apologies for interrupting. But I need you to fulfill your part of the deal. Or else we have to take Dream back," Sam spoke simply, acting as if he was unbothered- but his eyes betrayed him. He was just as surprised and shocked as the others, but, he was full of guilt and fear as well- had he allowed Quackity to... torture a 13-year-old?

Had he locked a 13-year-old up in a prison, and then punished him through shears, whips, and starvation? And he locked Dream up for what he did to Tommy and Tubbo... "I'm sorry, Kid... I'm sorry, I was caught up in the moment and-.. you're out, but they need to know," Dream held onto Fit tightly, understanding why the other had said that- but- he was scared.

"I found Dream when he was... around 3, there were animals who took care of him, from the looks of it, and he had started caring for them too, but, they were killed. Seemingly a day before I found him." Fit started, holding his son close and running a hand through the boy's hair- something he seemed to do a lot.

"Where were his parents?" One of them cut in- it was a brunette, who was one of the shortest people there, he had a bee on his shoulder. Fit looked down at Dream, asking what the boy's name was. "...I-.... I don't know?" Everyone was taken aback by that, he didn't remember Tubbo? "Oh.. He doesn't remember- My name's Tubbo," The brunette looked down slightly.

"Well, To answer your question, Tubbo. Where he came from- Where i travelled, Children didn't have parents. They were abandoned as soon as possible, as to make it easier for the parents to stay alive," Dream buried his face back into the shirt of the other as said other explained simply.

Everyone seemed to tense at this, but- they relaxed quickly, just seeming a bit more upset- minus one person, who didn't seem to give a shit. "Anyways, Continuing. I raised the kid until he was 6, teaching him how to read, write, fight, cook, so on and so forth. Until, one day I went out to document some other parts of the server, and when I came back, He was gone."

"Kid, there's still 7 years missing. I need you to explain, so you don't go back, okay?" Dream nodded slightly, lifting his head. "I was just- I was trying to cook, as he was going to come back around dinner time. Someone wrapped their arms around me, a hand over my mouth- and then i just... blacked out." Dream began, finishing up all he remembered for that day.

"It's a bit hazy. But, I remember it was completely black, and I couldn't move my arms or legs.. I remember.. blood, a lot of blood, i remember... pain, and healing potions. I remember that sick, sick grin.." Dream moved closer to Fit, anxiously looking around at the horrified faces- and the one who seemed taken aback, but, not as much as the others.

"I managed to catch them off guard one day, and, I couldn't stop- My arms moved without me wanting them to.. I stabbed him, over, and over again. I-It's been... 6 years, since that has happened.." Dream stared at his hans, remembering the incident from 6 years ago. "From then on I-... I c-couldn't stop- I killed- I killed s-so many people- It was always-ways raining when i did as well, f-for some reason."

Dream stammered, a tear rolling down his cheek. Fit held him close, listening to his quiet sobs. He went to start rubbing his back, but as soon as he touched the boy's back, he cried out quietly in pain. "Kid? Let me see," Fit spoke, looking the boy in his eyes. Dream shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Kid, Let me take care of it," Fit pushed some of the boy's hair behind his ear, stroking his check gently. Dream gave into the gentle touches, and the comforting voice, listening to his father and taking off his jumper- and shirt. He held onto his father tightly, crying quietly into his chest. Fit, and the others- minus Quackity- stared in horror.

Dream's back was covered in different things, there were burns, whip marks, puncture wounds, cuts, and, worst of all- there was an entire chunk of skin missing from his back- it was far too bad to be accidental. "Who did this?" .... "Kid. Tell me," ..... "I d-don't... don't remember- I don't-I d-don't-" He kept repeating, his breathing becoming erratic.

"Kid.. Dream, just- breathe with me, okay?" Fit held his son's hands, walking him through breathing. "Dad- Dad dad dad-" Dream started crying softly, holding the man's shirt as tight as he could. "Wait a s-second-... raised him until he was 6, a year passed, and then 6 more passed?.. But doesn't that make him-"

One of them started, only to be interrupted by another, finishing the sentence. "Thirteen..." "We were manipulated by a 13-year-old?! How?!" ... "You're missing the point... We put a 13-year-old in a prison, isolated- and..." Quackity cut in. "I tortured a 13-year-old...."

The end,

I did warn you this was all over the place,
I honestly got bored with the story- so I rushed the ending-

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