No ship - Requested - Ghostdre? </3 <3?

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No ship
Requested by: _duckyduck
Angst, fluff?
Warning: Ghostdre, Mentions of abuse, blood, ect. 
3rd Person

Dream had, died, for the last time a week ago. He was shot, not by a skeleton, but by, someone. In all truth, it was Sapnap. He wanted to play a prank on Dream, and didn't know he was on half a heart. George, who had been with Dream at the time he died, almost instantly tried to heal him, though, it was too late.

Some people, Bad, Ghostbur, Fundy, and Techno, were in denial, refusing to accept that happened. Ghostbur was the first to accept it, Fundy being the last. Bad had been having full on breakdowns every time he saw the colour green, so yeah, he stayed inside most of the time, though at least he had Skeppy.

Techno grew more distant for a while somehow, only talking to Philza, and even that wasn't all too common anymore. Fundy just, had gone on with life, extremely sad and exhausted from constantly crying himself to sleep. Sapnap was filled with guilt and sorrow, always wishing for it to be a Dream.

And then we had George. George was... basically all of them combined. Though, he ended sleeping through almost the entire day, and, almost the entire week in general. After the week, they all decided to try and move on, going to the main part of the server, and then everyone to his grave, performing a funeral.

Suddenly, a figure popped up, and looked at everyone. They all looked at this, thing, only to find... just like Ghostbur, it was Dream, but a ghost. Everyone's eyes widened, and Sapnap went to hug him, only to be avoided by the now, seemingly terrified ghost.

"D-Don't- I don't know what you want..."

Ghost Dream- Ghostdre, mumbled, loud enough for them all to hear. They nodded, silently saying that they wouldn't. It was all silent until Tommy spoke up, glancing towards Ghostbur.

"So.. If you're like Ghostbur, does that mean you only remember happy things?"

Tommy questioned, everyone looking at him, and then Ghostdre shook his head, looking at Ghostbur.

"No... I can only remember.. sad things..."

Dream stated sadly, looking down. Ghostbur hugs him, patting him head and smiling. Ghostdre looked up, and returned the smile, before he was asked to explain the very first thing he remmebered, though Ghostdre didn't know if they actually wanted that,

"Are you sure you wanna know the first thing?..."

Ghostdre questioned, Ghostbur still hugging him. The others nodded, looking at the new ghost with curiosity, wondering what the first thing he could remember was. They hadn't expected it to be so dark, nor so far back.

"I remember when I was 9..My parents.."

He spoke, taking a deep breath before explaining what he remembered to the best of his ability. Although, it was difficult, seeing as it was about, 14 years ago, and there were so many other things.

Dream, a 9 year old boy, ran home from school with a report card in hand. He had finished his last day, though he wasn't excited about that at all. He hadn't been paying attention during class, and he knew he didn't get grades that were good enough for his parents.

His mother was sat on the kitchen counter, which was right by the door, a cigarette in hand. His father was on the couch, which was littered with bottles, wrappers, ect, and he was probably passed out. His mother got off of the counter, walking over to Dream and snatching the report out of his hands.

She opened it and looked at the grades. Maths, A, English, A, P.E., A, Health, A, Technologies, A, Arts, A, Science, B. Her eyes widened slightly at the grade, and she shook her head, slamming the report on the counter next to her. This woke her husband up.

He stood up, walking over to Dream and Dream's mother, his wife. His mother pointed at Dream after he asked who woke him up angrily. Dream looked down, preparing himself to be hit, especially when his mother cried out something.

"This wretched child got a B! Can you believe that!? Is he even our son!?"

His mother screamed, still pointing at the dirty blonde child. Dream closed his eyes tightly when he heard moving, though, he didn't expect arms around him. He smiled at first, only to realise what this meant. He was fine with being hit, thrown around, cut, anything other than what was about to happen.

His father picked him up, leaning the 9 year old over his shoulder as he walked. Dream struggled, tears running down his cheeks as he tried to get out of his father's grasp. He stopped when his father said something though, but as of now, he couldn't remember what was said, it was fuzzy.

Ghostdre explained, his eyes welling up with tears as he remembered almost every second of that day. Ghostbur hugged him tighter, wiping the other ghost's tears away. Bad had covered his mouth, in shock of how his parents acted. George and Sapnap were taken aback, Sap not expecting this to of ever happened with the bright male.

The end.
I'm sorry this took a little while- I was gonna keep writing it when I woke up, but I legit couldn't function- XD
Thank you for the requests!
And for all of your support!
I love you all!
Take care!
Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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