Nream? - Requested - I'll have to show you then...

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Nream (Niki x Dream) (Tell me if you have a better name, please—)
Requested by: Here_we_go_again-
Top: Niki
Bottom: Dream
Self harm mentions, smut (Not complete)
3rd Person

Dream wheezed, falling to his knees. Everyone else was laughing as well. They were joking around about what they hate the most about themselves, and Dream had answered 'everything'. Everyone else thought it was a joke, but it really wasn't.

The group broke up and went their seperate ways, some still laughing. Dream walked to his house alone, or so he thought. He went inside and up to his room, sighing. He suddenly felt arms around his waist, making him jump.

"Hey Beautiful.."

He heard from behind him, making him relax. It was just his girlfriend, Niki.

"I told you not to call me that..."

He mumbled, leaning his head back onto her shoulder, smiling slightly.

"But it suits you Dream, You're beautiful."

She stated simply, kissing his forehead. Dream shook his head, refusing to accept it. Niki sighs softly, continuing to hold him for a little while before speaking again.

"You are though, and if you don't believe me..I'll just have to show you."

She said, looking him in the eyes as she did. He blushed slightly, shaking his head. They were both, quite stubborn when it came to things like this, though Niki had her ways to convince the other, as did Dream.

"Before I do anything, Dream, Can I-"

She started, getting cut off by Dream.

"O-Of course..."

He stuttered, only to be kissed by Niki. She was extremely sweet, yes, but she definitely was going to be taking control. Though Dream had absolutely no objections to this, frankly loving being controlled by his lover.

She pushed him down with his back on the bed, placing a hand next to his head to keep herself up and him there, whilst the other was on his cheek, holding him captive in the kiss. He pushed himself up slightly, kissing her back after closing his eyes.

She forced him back down, moving the hand from his cheek to his wrist, holding it down. She broke the kiss, leaning down and kissing his neck. Dream bit his bottom lip, closing his eyes again.

Niki sits up, taking his other wrist and raising them both to above his head, holding them there with one hand. Dream looked up at her, slightly shocked by how she was acting. She stared down at him, smiling slightly.

"Its ok if I-"

She started, being cut off by Dream's soft whine, wanting her to hurry up,

"Anything's fine just please!"

He cried, growing desperate already. She had barely even touched him at all, and he was this desperate. Niki chuckles softly, smiling before turning him around, so he was laying on his stomach. She lifted his jumper and shirt off of him, seeing scars littered around his body.

The female frowned softly, knowing exactly what all of them were from. She ran her hands along his arms, to his hands and held them, kissing his neck gently again. Dream whines softly again, trying to reach up to her, however she kept his arms down.

She started trailing down, kissing every scar she saw, soon moving on to sucking and biting around each scar, along with every freckle on the blonde's body. Leaving quite a few marks on the other, and causing certain sounds to come from the other.

Dream tried to reach up to her again, though she kept his arms down, whispering something into his ear. This was a new thing for both of them, seeing as they were both virgins, and Dream had never even watched porn, and barely knew what it was. Even Niki had watched it, so it was extremely surprising he hadn't.

Niki got to work after a few more minutes, completely stripping him and herself, getting a strap on and putting it on, pushing it into the other with no warning. Dream cried out in pain, Niki quickly rubbing comforting circles into his back, completely forgetting stretching was a thing.

Dream already had tears running down his cheeks, looking up at Niki, who caressed his cheek, apologising to him. Dream shook his head, breathing out the words 'It's fine'. She kept caressing his cheek, waiting a while before moving a bit, slowly pushing in further, getting Dream to whimper softly, closing his eyes tightly.

Niki keeps comforting him, whispering things into his ear whilst rubbing his back. Meanwhile his hamster slept soundly in its cage, ignoring the sounds despite how loud they got.

The end.
Im sorry for 1, not actually updating yesterday, or earlier? Idk anymore,
And 2, for not fully writing the smut scene, i just really didn't want to at the moment-
I hope you understand!
I hope you enjoyed this oneshot despite that!
Thanks for reading!
Have a great day/afternoon/night!
Cya! <3<3

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