DreamNotFound - It started with a visit

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Idk whether this counts as a request or not- but I did get help from Here_we_go_again- ! So thank you! They also helped with the Mxmtoon x Dream!
Top: George
Bottom: Dream

Angst?, Fluff?, Smut.
3rd POV

Dream had given up on arguing with Mxmtoon, about who liked George the most. Because of this and...some other things that had happened, he was in a very dark place. He barely recorded videos, and almost never streamed anymore, all because he didn't want to worry anyone.

George had gotten extremely worried, and decided to pay Dream a surprise visit. He invited Sapnap and Bad as well, but, Bad said he needed to catch up on some work, and Sapnap said he had to do something else, but that he would come next time.

George had already gone on the plane, and gotten off, so now he was just waiting for a taxi. He was waiting for a few minutes before he finally saw a taxi. He quickly told them Dream's address and asked them to take him there.

They listened and drove to Dream's house, stopping and asking for the money. George paid them, thanking them and grabbing his bags afterwards. The driver drove off, telling him to have a good night.

George ran up to Dream's door, and knocked, smiling. He grew more worried when nobody came down, so he knocked again, only to hear someone's extremely light footsteps go towards the door. The presumably small person opened the door, and looked up at the taller.

"Hey? Dream?"

George asked, tilting his head. The smaller male tensed, blushed and then covered his face. He walked back inside but opened the door for him again.

"George...come on in..."

He said, smiling slightly. It was obvious he either hadn't slept, or had been crying, just by his voice. George didn't say anything, walking in and hugging him.

"George!... W-What's the meaning of this?..."

Dream yelped, not expecting the other to have hugged him so suddenly. George stayed quiet, just holding him close. Dream squirmed in his arms a bit, though eventually gave up, leaning into the other and quietly sobbing into his chest.

George kept him close, hushing him quietly. He was worried for the other, more so now. He didn't know what was going on, not until he checked twitter again. There was a post from Mxmtoon saying:

"Hey guys! Guess who won the fight over George! <3 I want to thank you all for staying with me, and not siding with a Dream!"

George sighed, knowing they both did like him. Although, he only liked one of them, and that happened to be the male he was with now. He picks the smaller up gently, still holding him close. He puts his bags to the side, closing the door with his foot before walking up stairs and to what he presumed was Dream's room.

He laid him down, about to leave when Dream grabbed his sleeve, tugging on it softly. George blushes softly, though sits down next to Dream. He smiled as he saw the other cuddling up to his side, though frowned slightly when he moved away.

"Sorry... you probably don't.. uhm, don't like me... and all.."

Dream mumbled, surprising George. The older male shook his head, sighing softly before speaking.

"Hey... I do like you, a lot actually.."

George replied, going to caress the others cheek. He was taken aback when Dream smacked his hand away, tearing up again.

"No! No you don't!... you like Maia! Not me!"

He yelled, shaking his head. Dream went to get up before he was pinned down by the taller. George looked him in the eyes, his expression dead serious as he spoke.

Bottom Dream OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now