Technodream? - Requested - *His* last words

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TW: Sui**de, Self-harm, death, sadness, Fake friends, Fam issues ig?  Based on : Her last words - Courtney Parker, 

Dream smiled at the others like normal, wrapping an arm around one of the brunettes' neck, laughing softly. Techno watched from afar, sighing to himself as his own friend asked him what or who he was looking at. "Just an average guy, He always wears a smile," The pinkette shrugged, before standing and shaking his head.

 "Come on, let's go," Techno spoke again. before walking out, his friend following. Dream glanced back, his smile slightly faltering when he saw the pinkette was gone, but.. he still had his friends! He went back to laughing and smiling with them, ignoring his terrifying thoughts for the moment, as he had something to distract him.

 Nobody seemed to notice how over the next year he was getting more dull, so to speak. He wouldn't laugh as much, but he would still smile- even though it was fake. He occasionally did try to voice his problems to his friends, but they'd keep laughing or just think he was joking. "Ahah- Life's really tough when you get older- I wish someone would've told me!" 

Dream laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck- and then his friends began laughing as well. The next day, Dream ran up to one of them and hugged them tightly. "I-I'm not doing s-so great.." He stammered. only for them to brush it off. "C'mon! You're little Mr. Perfect, I'm sure you're fine!" ...if only they knew. 

He never spoke up about his feelings, nor did he try to hint at them after that, everyone thought he was perfect, so he had to keep pretending to be, right?.. Whenever he was on the verge of breaking down during school he would run to the bathrooms, sit in one of the stalls after closing and locking it, and he would repeat "I'm alright" to himself over, and over again, but it was a lie.

He wasn't alright whatsoever, otherwise, he probably would've talked about how he felt more often, he wouldn't feel like crying every time he was asked if he was okay, he would actually be happy, truly happy. His eyes were always dulled over due to his exhaustion, his fear, his sadness, etc. Dream curled up on the floor in his room, shaking his head and telling himself not to cry.

 He could hear his parents screaming at each other downstairs, his older sister crying, his other siblings asking each other what was going on. He couldn't cry- he had to be there for the others, he had to be strong.. This was the fourth time this day he had to try so hard to stop himself from crying, but now he was closer to one of the reasons he knew made him feel this way.

He knew he would never feel okay again, but.. it was okay, as long as nobody noticed how bad he had gotten.. he was afraid they would find out, but then again, they didn't know yet. It had became summer, and he still wore his hoodie 24/7, he would never even think of leaving without it for a day.

Dream leaned against the wall of his room, biting down on his bottom lip as he moved the bit of glass along his wrists, making sure it cut deep. He watched the blood pour down from his cuts, unable to count how many he had created. He walked to his bathroom and washed his arm quickly, before getting bandages and wrapping his arm in them. 

The next day Dream was asked why he had the bandages, and he blamed it on a cat that he apparently owned, despite being allergic to the animal- he was planning to get medicine of some kind to help with that. "Liar.." Techno whispered when he heard the excuse, knowing Dream didn't own a cat because he was allergic. 

Now, even his- Dream's- friends didn't remember that, as they never listened, so when they just shrugged it off, Dream not only felt his heart shatter, knowing they forgot, but he also felt slightly happy the lie worked... He knew full well he was depressed, but he never was going to talk to someone about it- because they'd probably shrug him off as well. 

He believed that he didn't fit in, and yet, everyone seemed to miss that. And that didn't help him whatsoever. So he carried on as if he were a soldier who was wounded during battle. His friends left him after a while, after he became 'no fun'. So he just sat alone, curled up in one of the empty rooms of the school, not wanting to eat anything, also knowing a teacher would force him to if he hadn't. 

He didn't think anybody actually cared, because.. there was nothing to care about. He looked at the corner of the room, slowly standing up and walking over to the rope. This was an old art class, and they use the rope to get people to be able to paint higher up- while on a ladder of course, but there was no ladder, only a chair. 

He smiled to himself sadly as he wrote a note, before pulling the chair over to the rope. He tied the rope into a quick noose, before putting it around his neck and tightening it enough to start choking him then and there. He choked out a laugh before kicking the chair away with his foot, going unconscious shortly after.

 A certain pinkette walked into the room, having heard a choked laugh from inside, and what he saw made him stare. Little Mister Perfect was hanging by a rope around his neck, and he was pale. "Dr-Dream.. No-..No no no no... no.." Techno repeated, tears going down his cheeks as he looked at the boy. He ran over, untying the rope quickly and hugging his crush tightly. "Dream! Don't fucking leave me!" He screamed, tears continuing to rush from his eyes.

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