No ship - ...Dream...

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TW: R * .... short Torture, 'Quackity' fake,
Actor AU

Dream smiled slightly at Niki, who was trying to hype him up for one of the biggest scenes in the show. "Just- try to get into character, imagine you're this big bad guy, but, there's someone truly torturing you, and you'll be fine," Wilbur hummed from behind him, making the dirty blonde flinch.

"Asshole! You know I hate you sneaking up on me!" Dream yelled, punching Wil's chest lightly. "Yeah yeah- 'm sorry," The brunette laughed softly, ruffling the younger's hair. Dream huffed and walked away, thanking Niki quickly before doing so. He walked over to Sapnap and George, smiling at them. "Heyo," The dirty blonde greeted them, not missing their shocked expressions.

He could tell it was because of the makeup, which Eret took care of- with help from a few others, of course. It looked like he had a large gash on his back, with red dripping down from it like real blood. That was by far the biggest one, but then there were the one on his shoulder, a small one on his chest, and a few fake scars over his face.

 Was any of it fake? Really? They all looked so, so real- but, that wasn't too surprising. Eret was amazing at special effects with makeup. "Where's Quackity?' Dream raised an eyebrow, looking around for the person who was going to be his 'tormentor' during the show, as per the script. 

"Dunno. He said he'd be a bit late," Sapnap shrugged, smiling slightly at Dream. "Alright, Thanks Sap," The ravenette nods slightly, leaning back further. Dream was about to sit down with them- when he heard the door, followed by one of the others yelling "Quackity! You're here!" Dream smiled, walking to the man and hugging him.

"Hey guys? If one of you set up the recording set, I think that we'll be better off doing this alone, to get in the mood?" Dream explained, looking at Quackity every few seconds to see if he had any complaints- he didn't. Everyone else understood, nodding and agreeing to it- Fundy turning on the camera before they all, minus Quackity and Dream, left.

 Dream smiled softly at the man, before walking to the cell set up, and getting himself sorted out into the chains. As soon as the last click of the handcuffs around his limbs sounded through the room, he heard dark laughter- it- it didn't sound like Quackity's either, but- maybe it was.

 Dream felt a sharp pain in his side, and he cried out in pain- he felt a bit of blood spill from the wound- only to be... licked up? "W-What the fuck- This-This wasn't part of the scr-IPT! FUCK-" Dream screamed, a tear rolling down his cheek as a knife was pushed deep into his skin, and then slowly drug to the side- causing a fucking LOT of pain- and blood. 

"Quac-ckity- what the f-uck?!" Dream cried, looking at the man who was laughing like an absolute maniac. Everyone outside just thought it was part of the act, the crying, screaming and yelling. They didn't hear when he yelled 'this wasn't part of the script' so, how would they know any better?

Dream did really get into character whenever they did things, especially when it came to things like this. "Tell me where you hid that night, Dream." 'Quackity' growled, stabbing him again- but in the thigh, and dragging it down his leg. "Fuck- No!! I-I won't!" Dream cried, his leg twitching away from the knife- only to have it pressed deeper.

"Tell. Me." "No! I won't te-LL YOU SHIT-" Dream screamed, thrashing around in the restraints. The knife was torn out of his leg, and that hurt more than it being stabbed in. A full-on bloodcurdling scream ripped from his throat as he felt the other's hand dig into one of the cuts.

"NO- NO PLEASE- IT HURTS!!" Dream screamed in pain, thrashing around in the restraints even more- god it hurt so bad. "W-wait! Quackity- S-tOP!" Dream couldn't stop screaming, it hurt so fucking much- but, that was until three fingers were shoved into his mouth, covered in his own blood.

"Suck." The other man demanded, Dream shaking his head- only to have the fingers shoved further into his mouth, making him gag. "I. Said. Suck. Or do you fucking want it dry?!" 'Quackity' repeated, cherishing how Dream was forced to suck on the fingers every time he tried to breathe in, and how his exhales were accompanied by choked sobs.

After a minute or so, the man pulled the fingers out- allowing the dirty blonde to gasp for proper breaths. "There's a good boy, now, if you listen to me this won't hurt as much," Dream screamed out again as he felt his pants being pulled down, followed by his boxers. "SAM!! SAM!! NO- GET AWAY FROM ME!!"

 Sam cringed at his name being screamed- and how Dream's voice sounded, god he really was a great actor- it all sounded real. Dream felt endless amounts of tears flowing down his cheeks, limited amounts of blood spilling from his cuts- actual cuts. The dirty blonde let out an absolutely agonizing scream as he was pushed into, bits of blood dripping down his thighs.

"N-No... stop- Stop- Stop! SToP! NO- GOD NO PLEASE- STOP! I-I'LL TELL YOU- JUST PLEASE!!!" Dream screamed- probably the loudest he had screamed, for a long, long time. The pace of thrusts sped up, and he was told by the other to continue. "I-i was- FUCK!- U-UNDER THE- THE D-ESK- PLEASE- STOP! I TOLD YOU-" Dream cried, and then he- he felt himself be filled, and he- he hated it more than anything... 

"Good boy, Good boy... You see? It wasn't that hard~ That's all I wanted dear, I'll unchain you, and you're going to go out to them, like nothing happened. Or, I'm going to fucking hunt you down, and we'll do this for hours and hours, got it?" Dream just whimpered in response, a broken sob also escaping his lips.

"I said, got it?!" Dream nodded weakly, another wound beginning to bleed due to his lack of an answer the first time. The man undid the restraints after pulling the boxers and pants of both of them back up- then leaving. Dream fell to his knees, scrambling out to the others, tears continuing to flow down his cheeks as he did.

 "Dream? Are you okay? Holy fuck- You're actually bleeding?" Dream didn't say anything, clinging onto a group of people- Philza, Puffy, and Techno. He wouldn't stop crying- he couldn't. "Baby duckling.. what's wrong?" Puffy spoke, wrapping her arms around the boy, who went from clinging to the group to just clinging onto Puffy, shaking his head.

"H-Hurts- It h-urts- Home- Wan-na g-o ho-me-" He sobbed, pain overwhelming his body. "Sh sh sh, it's okay baby duckling," She whispered softly, running a hand through his hair. Sapnap was the one to speak next, sounding.. absolutely petrified. "Quackity just texted me, apologizing for... not showing up yet... He said he's just parking now.." 

Dream started screaming and begging the man to go away when he saw Quackity, backing up as far as he could, stumbling over his own feet, falling to the floor. "Nononono- Please- I-I already to-ld you- I-'m sorry- I told them- please- nonono- please-" Dream sobbed, shaking his head, "Why the fuck is he bleeding?.." Quackity questioned, pointing at the boy.

Almost Dream's entire shirt was covered in blood, it's the same with his pants- It was obviously extremely fucking serious. As soon as Phil went to take off Dream's shirt, so he could tend to the wounds, he started screaming again. "NO! I'LL DO ANYTHING- PLEASE NO- DON'T-" He screamed, covering his mouth as he sobbed.

 Quackity raised his arms, and Phil backed up, whispering a quick plan to the others. Long story short, A few of the others pinned Dream down, while Phil treated his wounds as best as possible. Dream sceamed and cried almost the entire time- and then, they saw.. the stuff, leaking out of him. "Dream..."

"LET ME GO! PLEASE- I DONT WANT- I DONT- NO- PLEASE-" He kept screaming- they only saw it because they had to take off his pants to be able to get the wound on his thigh. "L-let go.. please.... I" He couldn't finish before he passed out. "...Quackity, I-I think someone pretending to be you did.. this- so-so I think that it'd be best to keep you, and him, separate for n-now.." Wil explained, glancing back at the dirty blonde.

The end.

Hey, Me again! I just wanted to remind you all of three different things.
First, This book will have disturbing and/or uncomfortable topics, and if I miss any TWs,  Please let me know.
Second, Some of these are vent fics, and those may be shorter than others, more specific, or more disturbing, so I apologize in advance.
Lastly, I love you all so much! Thank you for all the support, it means so much to me, thank you!

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