Revenge - (Weiss X Male Reader)

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Weiss Fanart By: ADSoutoArt On Twitter

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: August 14, 2020


Y/N and I have been dating now for two years after meeting on our first day at Beacon, we ended up on the same team along with Blake Belladonna and Pyrrha Nikos.

Together we formed Team Y/N.B.P.W with Y/N as our leader.

And today was our anniversary which I had planned out for weeks, with the help of Blake and Pyrrha that is. Now I was just waiting until Y/N arrived at the dorm, Blake and Pyrrha helped me prepare a cake and I was going to surprise him with a trip to the beach as it was the start of the weekend.

Weiss: "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!" I shouted as he came in smiling hugging him.

We separated and my smile dropped after I saw his face bruised with a massive, bleeding cut running in between his eyes down the right side of his nose and over his now split lips.

Weiss: "D-Darling what happened?" I asked as I helped him to our bed and quickly went to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

Y/N: "It was Y-Yang, she and her sister jumped me in the halls," He said as he took his shirt off revealing even more bruises all over his chest.

I helped treat his wounds as we talked about our day while also trying to take his mind of Yang and Ruby.


I woke up extra early as we were gonna leave for the beach, but also for me to finish some unfinished business... I headed up to Ozpin's office....unsurprisingly he was awake....and drank coffee...

Ozpin: "Good Morning Miss. Schnee"

Weiss: "Good Morning Professor, I wanted to report something...."


Classes were finally over as I headed to my team dorm when my path was blocked by none other than Yang and Ruby, looking pissed off.

Weiss: "What are you two doing here?" I asked, taking a step back and bracing in case they tried anything.

Yang: "Thanks to you ya fucking cunt my sis and I got expelled!" She cried cornering me.

Ruby: "And we are not gonna let a dirty snitch like you get away with it." She growled as they activated their weapons.

But before they could make a move they were thrown away by glyphs as Y/N came between me and them with his sword out and his semblance active, he used his semblance to create clones of me, Blake, and Pyrrha, they quickly overwhelmed the two sisters.

Y/N: "Weiss I want you to get Ozpin and Glynda!" He said as he transformed his Black/Red sword into its second mode, I ran off to fetch them as Y/N jumped forward to engage the two psychos.


Yang took the attacks of my semblance clones while Ruby headed straight for me, knowing that if she could get my aura shattered and my semblance deactivated it would be easy for them to take me out. Ruby swings her Scythe as I block with my sword until she suddenly fires off a shot, narrowly missing me. Every time I thought I found a way on how to get a strike at her she countered it and hit back harder, fighting unlike how she ever did in sparring class.

Eventually, my Aura shattered as my semblance deactivated and Yang came launching into the fight free of my clones swiping at me as I blocked, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ruby coming with a low hit swipe with her scythe, I tried to block...

But I was too late and Ruby cut my leg with her scythe making me fall to the ground as she kicked my sword out of my hand.

Ruby: "You think you and your whore of a girlfriend could beat us?"

Yang: "After all, we didn't come here to learn how to BE Hunters but how to KILL them"

Ruby was just about to cut me down with her scythe when...


Glynda: "ENOUGH!" She shouted.

She promptly used her semblance to strike Yang and Ruby into the wall, knocking them out. I ran over to Y/N as he lied on the floor bleeding, trying to sit up.

Y/N: "Am I glad to see you" He said gratefully.

He was smiling despite the pain he is in, Ozpin quickly went over to us and helped me pick up Y/N.

Glynda: "I'll handle these two, you two go to the nurse," She said as she called the police on her scroll.


Yang and Ruby were taken by the police facing serious prison time without a second chance in sight.

Meanwhile, Y/N and I were cuddling in bed after he got his leg treated, we were laughing while watching a comedy just relaxing after the long stressful day.

Y/N: "You know I'm surprised nobody noticed it when we were in our classes today"

Weiss: "I'm surprised as well! but also glad since it means we can make the moment when we break the news to them more special" I replied as I was looking at the ring on my hand and dreaming of what our combined future would hold...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Just__Forgotten

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