Time To Let Off Steam - (Glynda X Teacher Male Reader X Thumbelina)

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Thumbelina Fanart By: RainshadowArtist On DeviantArt

Requested By: localpotato420

Published On: October 5, 2021


Beacon High was a very prestigious private school, the most well-known of its kind. The staff of course take their job very seriously, never playing any games or giving their students any slack...

Yet an entire class was sitting around confused, wondering where their teacher was. Their teacher was usually always there before any of them arrived, not to mention that out of all the teachers he was usually the sternest...

What nobody had yet noticed was that on the board their teacher had written a message...well a message that you could read if you solved the math problems and put the results together and translated them to letters...

"On my desk is daily homework for each of you that will last till I get back, if you don't get it done then you'll get into deep trouble. Don't expect me to be back anytime soon, I'm spending time with my возлюбленные - Y/N"

Y/N walked through the halls, his gruff exterior made him seem angry, in reality, he was deeply excited to finally go on a long-needed vacation with his wives. The car was waiting outside, already filled up by him with everything the three of them would need, 

Thumbelina was excitedly skipping through the place, done with her work, and happy to be going on vacation. She was pleasantly surprised when she was informed by Ozpin that the person taking her class over in the meantime was none other than an old friend of her, Ann Greene. They spent almost an hour in the teacher's room catching up as Ann had been traveling all over the place, exploring places and getting her travel itch satisfied.

Ready to leave and go home she was now walking through the halls, already fantasizing about her husband and whether she could keep the fire inside her or fuck him in the car on the way.

Ann: "Thum-err-Miss. Peach! have you-" She calls out as she walks up to her happily.

???: "It's Miss. L/N" A gruff voice says in a Russian accent.

Thumbelina starts blushing while Ann looks up in fear at the man standing behind her friend, his E/C eyes staring into Ann's soul.

Ann: "I-I...n-nevermind" She stutters before walking off.

Thumbelina: "Honey! that was an old friend of mine who just started working here! she's just getting used to the fact that I got married!" She says blushing as she hits him on the shoulder lightly.

Y/N: "Some friend she is then." He said scoffing.

Thumbelina: "She was traveling all over Remnant, I don't hold it against her that she couldn't be at our wedding or meet up with me in a long time."

Y/N: "Are you done for today?"

Thumbelina: "Yep, all ready for our vacation~" She said excitedly, tracing her fingers down his chest.

Y/N: "Let's head off then."

Thumbelina squealed as Y/N picked her up and started walking down the hall, impatient to start the vacation they've been wishing themselves for a while now.


Glynda: "I expect you all to have this project completed by Monday, I have extra assignments ready for the ones who don't get it done." She instructs firmly.

The students all groaned, sick and tired of the barrage of overly hard tests. Yang was banging her head on the desk while Nora tried to calm her down, Ruby was asleep with her head on Blake's shoulder, making the cat Faunus blush furiously, even Weiss couldn't listen anymore and has started to contemplate how she was going to drown herself if this didn't end while trying to control her eye twitch.

With a loud bang, everyone flinches as the classroom door flies of its hinges and into the desk, Y/N stepping casually inside with Thumbelina in his arms. The students looked on in shock as Y/N just picked up Glynda in his other arm and started walking away, Glynda unable to control the blush coming to her cheeks.

Glynda: "What are you doing!?!? I have work to do!!!" She called out.

Y/N: "We agreed to this vacation and I know that you'll work yourself to death if I don't drag you out."

Thumbelina just waved to the students flustered and wished them a good day, some of them waving back awkwardly as they still couldn't believe what just happened.

Blake: "That just happened..." She said quietly as to not wake Ruby who somehow slept through that.

Yang: "Yeah...ouch..." She said as she rubbed her forehead.

Nora: "I told you to stop darling, but you wouldn't listen" She lightly scolded as she hugged Yang into her chest and gently played with her hair.

Jaune: "YES!! CLASS IS OVER THEN!!" He cheered, stopping when Blake shot him a glare as she held her hands over Ruby's ears.

Suddenly Professor Port steps into the classroom, making all the students turn pale in horror. He was about to say something to them when Weiss suddenly jumps out of her seat, slamming her fists into the desk.

Weiss: "I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs before running into one of the windows, falling out into the bushes outside.


Glynda couldn't stay mad for long, she was having way too much fun with her husband for that. Thumbelina was currently doing a victory dance as she had once again won another game of beach volleyball, her cute dance making Y/N smile.

Glynda: "Don't get too cocky now, I'll beat you one day"

Y/N: "And I'm still waiting for you to defeat me in a game" He quipped making Glynda pout.

Thumbelina: "I know something that would cheer all of us up~" She said walking up.

Glynda's face practically lit on fire when Thumbelina took Y/N's hands and put one each on their breasts.

Y/N: "I wouldn't mind that...but first" He said as he glared at two women and a guy who were checking them out.

He activated his semblance making his eyes look like the burning infernos of hell, shooting a beam close to those three making them scream like the little bitches they are.

Y/N: "There we go, now we can leave."

Excited they walk to the left side edge of the beach, behind some rocks where no one could see them. The girls could see it in their husband's eyes as he dropped his swimming trunks, by the end of this they were going to be absolutely drained. Thumbelina practically ripped her bikini off as she pushed Y/N to the ground and started making out with him, Glynda just standing there awkwardly as she was just taken away by the intensity of their lust.

Before she could even say anything she was undressed by Thumbelina and pulled by Y/N onto his face, her expression changing to ecstasy as Y/N started eating her out. Thumbelina pulled her into a makeout session as she lowered herself onto Y/N's hardened member.

They weren't going to be done till the sun was already done...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting localpotato420

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