You're Perfect The Way You Are - (Cinder X Male Reader X Pyrrha)

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Cinder Fanart By: Mina_Cream On Twitter

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: January 16, 2022


Today I should be celebrating an important anniversary, yet the woman who should be with me doesn't care about me...

Now I'm just walking randomly through Vale in heavy rain, not even paying attention really, just feeling the pain in my body, especially in my heart.

For three years I have been together with Pyrrha and yet I've got nothing to show for it, certainly not a happy relationship. All this time she's been more focused on her stupidly dangerous adventures into shady areas of the city, pissing off people for no good reason, driving all over the place in her van for more trouble.

I ran out of our home this morning when it become clear that she forgot our anniversary, leaving me to just walk around for hours on end. She didn't greet me with a "hey", a hug, or a kiss, no instead of even acknowledging that it's our anniversary she instead instantly starts blaming me and my health problems for the failure of her "adventure" yesterday.

???: "Y/N?"

I knew that voice...

When I looked up I was met with...Cinder, both of us just looking at each other as we didn't know what to say. She hesitantly steps closer to me, hugging me tightly when she reaches me.

Cinder: "You're shivering..."

I couldn't help my shivering and twitching, I was in shock from the cold and the emotional stress. Cinder takes her coat off and puts it over mine, rubbing my back as she leads me away.

Cinder: "Come on, let's get you warmed up, and then we can catch up..."

We walk for a couple of minutes down the streets, people sometimes giving us happy glances as they must think we're a couple with how Cinder keeps me pressed up to her for warmth. Finally, we stop as Cinder leads me into another alley, the familiar sight of the staircase that leads down to her home's entrance.

Cinder: "There we are."

Cinder used what looked like thousands of locks on her door, being really insistent on no one "waltzing in and taking my shit" as she would put it. The door, wall, and stairs looked worst for wear, looking even rattier than the last time I saw it, covered in even more scratches and marks. When she opened the door and ushered me inside I could see that the same could be said for the interior, unchanged but rattier.

She helps me to her couch in the living room, not leaving my side till she had covered me in several blankets. Once she was certain that I'll get warmed up she a button on her scroll, a slight whine being heard as the room lightened up a bit.

Cinder: "One second, I'll get the kettle started to make you some tea."

She slowly gets up from the couch and goes to the kitchen, turning the heat up as well as she gives me a concerned glance...



He sat next to the window, watching the rain. He is pale and weak, a dead look in his eyes and a sad expression on his face. I watched him from the door, heartbroken by the sight. I feel partly responsible for his current state, if I would have gotten back to him sooner and asked him out back then, then he wouldn't have been hurt by her...

I was never much of a social person, let alone one who liked people. Always hated and mistreated, Y/N was the first person to accept me the way I am, giving me some hope that not everyone was a sack of shit worth of hell. We quickly established a close friendship, learning everything about each other, including Y/N's health problems and the drawbacks that come with know that someone blamed him for it...makes me sick...

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now