What Was She Like? - (Summer X Male Reader)

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Summer Fanart By: adsouto_art On Reddit

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote this)

Published On: August 31, 2020


I finally have returned from my mission after 3 weeks, now I'm racing towards Beacon to see my girlfriend Summer again. I was going to surprise her since I was able to come back 1 week early, I came into our dorm and saw Summer reading a book.

Y/N: "Surprise! I was able to come back early" I said excitedly as I ran up to her and hugged her.

Summer didn't say anything but pushed me up against the wall and smashed our lips together, then her hands traveled lower to my crotch. I was a bit confused since Summer normally isn't this forward about being intimate.

Summer: "I missed you, darling." She said while looking deeply into my eyes.

Suddenly all my strength leaves me as I look down and see that Summer has rammed a dagger into my stomach, blood started leaking out of my mouth as I looked back at Summer who was still just staring deeply into my eyes.

Summer: "I really...missed you" She said before roughly pulling the dagger out and walking off as I collapsed onto the floor.

I could only watch as Summer walked out of the dorm room without even looking back once, I pulled out my scroll with shaking hands and pressed the emergency button and then called Raven.

Raven: "Y/N?...Hello....Y/N, stop messing with me!" She said through the speaker.

Y/N: "H-Help, Raven....I-I need you" I said as loud as I could.

Raven: "I'm coming right now" She said before a portal appeared in the dorm and Raven stepped through.

When she saw me her eyes widened and she dropped her scroll, after a second she quickly picked me up.

Raven: "D-Don't worry Y/N, I'll get you help" She said as I passed out.

???: "Daddy?" A voice said as I was pulled out of my thoughts.

I looked over and saw Yang and Ruby, starring at me worried.

Y/N: "Yes sweetie?" I asked as I pulled both of them onto my lap.

Ruby: "I asked what my mother was like" She replied, reminding me of what caused that flashback in the first place.

Y/N: "Your mother...was the sweetest person around, just like you and Yang" I said, trying to find my words.

Yang: "How did you two first meet?" She asked with a big smile.

Y/N: "We both met back at Beacon, we were both in the same team along with your mom and her brother, we were the strongest team of Huntsmen and Huntresses around." I replied as I was thinking back to...before things got complicated.

Yang: "I thought you once said Huntsmen Academies only have teams with four members." She said looking confused.

Y/N: "There was an odd number of newcomers that time around...human error the headmaster called it, anyway we worked so well together and outdid the other students that we were allowed as history's first-ever five-member team" I explained.

I looked over at the clock and saw it was pretty late.

Y/N: "It's pretty late now so why don't you two go to bed, I can answer more questions tomorrow" I said.

The two told me goodnight and went upstairs to their rooms, thankfully Yang didn't ask about her mom...though she might tomorrow. 


woke up to the muffled sounds of people talking and the heart monitor.

???: "Look he's waking up!" Someone said as they stepped closer.

When I opened my eyes I saw it was Raven, Qrow and Ozpin were also looking at me interested as they stepped closer as well.

Ozpin: "Good to see you awake Mr. L/N, you gave us all quite the scare" He said looking relieved. 

Qrow: "Glad to have you back pal!" He said as he patted my shoulder.

Raven: "What happened? who did it?" She asked getting straight to the point.

Qrow: "Come on Rae, he just woke up, let him get a grip first"

Y/N: "I-It's alright Qrow" I replied in a dried-out voice, for how long was I out?

Ozpin: "Here" He handed me a glass of water, which I quickly chugged down.

Y/N: "For how long was I out?" I asked with my voice sounding much better now.

Qrow: "You have been out for 1 week and honestly...you barely survived" He said looking glum towards the end.

Raven: "What happened that day and more importantly who did it?" She asked looking serious as ever.

Y/N: "It...I-It was Summer" I said not being able to look her in the eyes.

Raven: "W-What?" She asked as her hard shell started to crack.

Y/N: "I came back early from the mission and I-I wanted to surprise her, At first she behaved like always and kissed me, but during the kiss she stabbed me...and then she just left...leaving me to die." I recounted as everybody looked shocked, I started to cry at the thought of what happened.

Qrow: "I can't believe it..." He said looking like his world was shattered. 

I don't know what I'll end up doing when Yang does end up asking about her mother, How am I surpassed to tell her that...her mother was killed by Ruby's mother. If it wasn't for Qrow...then Tai and Raven wouldn't have been the only ones to perish, he blamed himself so hard for not being able to save his sister. I don't blame him for not sticking around after what happened and going off to lead the Branwen Tribe, the sight of me or anything from his Beacon days must remind him of that fight, of his sister. Maybe one day my two daughters will be able to meet their uncle...but I wouldn't blame him if he never comes to visit.

I thought that after I got together with Raven and she gave birth to Yang that things would go well, until Summer was spotted with Tai, Qrow, and Raven being sent by Ozpin to take her in. I wish I gave Yang and Ruby to somebody for them to watch them, I should have been there...maybe I could have saved Raven and Tai.

I don't think I'll ever know why Summer did all this, but I shouldn't let myself be thrown off track by this...after all, I have some kids to look after.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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