Let Me Take Care Of You - (Caring Blake X Sick Male Reader)

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Blake Fanart By: Ecru On Reddit

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: September 7, 2020


I'm concerned about Y/N, he's been really pale all day and he hasn't been doing as good in class, not to mention that he has been keeping his distance from everyone else. I wanted to confront him and ask him what's wrong but now I can't find him anywhere, maybe he is at the library. When I arrived at the library I saw him walking over to a table with a bunch of books, he was even paler then this morning and he was shaking, he was just about to reach the table with his stack of books when he collapsed?

I ran over to him and checked him, he has a really slow pulse and was burning up!


I brought him to the infirmary, the nurse told me that he just needs a lot of rest and that it would take at least a week for him to recover, I have decided to care for him and now I'm trying to wake him up so that we can go to his dorm.

Blake: "wakie wakie Y/N" I whispered while lightly shaking him.

It took a few minutes but he finally woke up.

Y/N: "B-Blake?? what happened" He asked with a weak voice

Blake: "You passed out in the library, I took you to the infirmary and they told me that you are just really badly sick and that as long as you rest that it's not life-threatening"

Y/N: "S-Sorry for taking up your time."

Blake: "It's okay Y/N, I care about you and I'll gladly spend my time helping you." I replied hugging him. He tried to hug back but he was still too weak and tired.

Blake: "I asked Ozpin and he allowed me to take care of you until you are completely healthy again, so now I'm going to help you back to your dorm."

Y/N: "O-Okay"


Y/N has been getting better, but it's very slow and it hurts me to see him in this state, whenever he got a headache the pain would be so bad that he'll start crying. The others have been teasing me about all the time that I have spent with Y/N, their teasing isn't too far off from the truth as I do actually have a crush on Y/N.

Right now I'm bringing Y/N some soup I cooked, when I came into the dorm he was still coughing pretty badly.

Blake: "I made some more soup and got more medicine."

Y/N: "Y-You are so nice and helpful, you are too good for me, I don't deserve this." He said weakly.

Blake: "Of course you do, now open up" I answered as I held a spoon of soup in front of him.

After a few minutes the bowl was empty and Y/N was feeling a bit better.

Y/N: "W-Where did you learn to cook so well?"

Blake: "I always really enjoyed my mother's cooking so I just asked her to teach me one day"

When I tried to get up to put the bowl away Y/N weakly latched onto me.

Y/N: "P-Please stay" He asked making me blush, but I couldn't refuse him and so simply put the bowl on the bedside cabinet and lay down beside him.

Blake: "Don't worry, I'll stay here" I reassured him while hugging him back.

Y/N: "I love you Blake" He muttered while cuddling into me.

It was hard for me to stay still and calm after hearing that, I wasn't entirely sure if he would return my feelings but now I knew for sure. I just happily cuddled up to Y/N and stroked his head listening to his heartbeat as he slept.


Over the course of last week, Y/N had finally gotten better and was back to his usual energetic and cheerful self, unfortunately, I had gotten sick myself as a result of taking care of him. Y/N is the one now taking care of me and even lets me stay in his dorm so as to not disrupt my teammates when taking care of me, though I haven't gotten as badly sick as him it was still a massive help.

Y/N: "I made some tomato soup! that'll give you the strength you need!" He said cheerfully as he came into the dorm.

Blake: "Thanks Y/N, you really are a lifesaver"

Y/N: "How could I not help my lovely girlfriend?, especially after she was so kind as to take care of me for 2 weeks" He replied, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Y/N: "Now say ahh" He held the spoon in front of me.

I could get babied like this by him all day...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Just__Forgotten

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