Tribe Love - (Slave Yang X Dragon Faunus Emperor Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: Final-Fanart On DeviantArt

Requested By: DARKSEID672

Published On: November 14, 2020


I was down on the ground, my robotic arm was broken leaving me even more defenseless. I tried to get up but my bruised body wouldn't act, I was expecting another strike when...

Y/N: "WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!?!" I heard him shout as the reverb carried his voice across the entire camp.

Y/N's assistant Richard quickly came up to him with a tied up tribe member, she was bloodied and bruised.

Richard: "Sir this member is responsible, seems like she was planning it for a long time as well"

Y/N: "Sarah I thought you were trustworthy, guess I was wrong..." He said looking down at her in disgust.

Sarah: "N-No you have to understand, she is trying to take your time away, to get you distracted from your work, she is making you we-" She was cut off as Y/N slaps her making her fall onto her side.

Y/N: "I'm sure you know what we do to traitors, I don't tolerate treason of any kind here, all of my members work for each other here, no abandonment, no betrayal." He said sternly.

Richard: "Shall I?"

Y/N: "You shall..." He answered as Richard started dragging off Sarah to dump her into the nearest Grimm nest.

Y/N quickly helped me up and after making sure I wasn't bleeding dusted me off, before I could even comprehend what was happening he had me in his arms. We entered his tent and he put me in our bed, he checked all the bruises.

Y/N: "Sorry for that, it won't happen again" He said looking guilty.

Time has a weird way of bringing people together, Y/N and I have to be the top example of this. I was just riding BumbleBee through the countryside, at the wrong place, at the wrong time. I was captured by tribe members and they put me in a cell until their Emporer, Y/N, came to see me, the tribe members didn't trust me even after Y/N declared me as harmless. Y/N didn't want his tribe to make a fuss so he made me his slave officially, unofficially I more like became a friend of his he would hang out with in his tent. He offered me the chance to just leave in the night but I refused, he had caught my interest and so I continued to play the part of his slave.

I ran away from my mom and her tribe since their style didn't suit me, too rough and careless. My mother and her tribe never had any regard for human life or the damage they caused, sure Y/N and his tribe still steal food and such but they don't hurt anybody unless they get actively attacked. I had nowhere to go and was just wandering Remnant taking on adventures wherever they presented themself, with Y/N I felt at home and like I had a purpose. Naturally when you share a tent, even if it's a large one, you are gonna fall in love with that other person and how couldn't I with Y/N? he is despite his strong, fierce, and powerful leadership an utter sweetheart, he deeply cared for me and spoiled me rotten, sure sometimes he would baby me but I actually liked it.

Yang: "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault, I should have kept a sharp eye."

Y/N: "You shouldn't have to do that here, this is your home after all and a home should be a safe place no matter what" He said softly as he caressed my cheek.

Yang: "Sure the camp wherever we set it up is a nice little safety space but my true home is you, when I'm with you I'm at home" I replied before kissing him softly.

Y/N: "I'm soo marrying you, you don't even know." He said smiling.

Yang: "Oh I can't wait"

Y/N: "You don't have to, then we'll drop the pretense and you're gonna be the empress of this tribe."

Yang: "You sure that isn't going to cause problems with the tribe?"

Y/N: "At this point all the members have taken a liking to you, they see you as family"

Yang: "In that case, you can wife me up right now" I said turning us around and straddling him.

Y/N: "With pleasure~" He responded.

And with that, we spiced up our morning for a few hours...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting DARKSEID672

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