Not A Monster - (Cheater Emerald & Cinder X Grimm Male Reader X Ruby & Penny)

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Ruby & Penny Fanart By: MiiChiu On DeviantArt

Requested By: MagicGalatica

Published On: September 10, 2020


I fell onto my knees exhausted after nonstop running for hours and hours, I fell down against a tree in...whatever forest I happen to be in. I ran away from the only home I had ever known where I thought I was truly accepted, but it was all just a lie. I was about to visit my two girlfriends of two years Cinder and Emerald and ask them on a date when I saw them cheating on me with a girl and overhear that they never loved me to begin with and just used me to fight their enemies since I'm half-Grimm. After seeing and hearing that I just ran far away, now I don't even know where I am...

I have nowhere to go to now and nobody to talk to, before I met Cinder and Emerald nobody wanted to even be around me because I happen to be born as a freak of nature...a half-Grimm. I'm always just going to be a monster in their eyes and the world doesn't need more monsters...

I took my sword and with shaking hands, I pointed it at my heart.

Y/N: "T-They only used me..." I whisper while tearing up.

Before I could plunge the sword into my heart something shocked me and I passed out.


I woke up with an orange-haired girl staring right at me.

Y/N: "gaaaahhh!" I cried out while falling off the couch.

???: "Sorry! It's just that I was starting to get worried about you despite my scanners telling me that you are fine."

Y/N: "W-What? what do you mean and where am I anyway?"

???: "Oh you are awake" Said a red-haired girl entering the room with a tray of food.

???: "I'm Penny and this is my best friend Ruby, you are currently in our apartment." She said while shaking my hand...a bit strongly.

Y/N: "But how did I get here and what happened?"

Penny: "Don't you remember? you tried to stab yourse-" She tried to say before getting interrupted when Ruby put a hand over her mouth.

Ruby: "You could have said that a bit nicer there Penny..." She said.

Ruby: "But yes we heard you crying and when we came to the source of the sound we saw you about to stab yourself, Penny here however prevented that by giving you a shock."

Penny: "Unfortunately in the heat of the moment I tazed you a bit too much and you passed out, but I'm happy to report that you have no lasting damage from that!"

Y/N: "I-I see"

Ruby: "Why were you out there anyways? usually, when Penny and I practice out in the woods there aren't any people there." She asked sitting down beside me.

Y/N: "I-I ran away from my home after I...after I found out my two girlfriends cheated on me and only ever used me, t-they only used me for being half-Grimm..." I explained tearing up at the memories.

Y/N: "The world doesn't need Grimm so I tried to stab myself, I'm just a monster!" I said breaking out into tears completely now.

Ruby: "You are not a monster! a monster doesn't have emotions, a monster wouldn't cry." She said as she hugged me.

Penny: "Exactly, a monster wouldn't try to take its own life for the good of others."

Y/N: "T-Thank you" I said in between sniffs as I finally calmed down.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now