Nothing Wrong With Love - (Sister Nora X Male Reader)

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Nora Fanart By: L1f3les On DeviantArt

Requested By: The789Guy

Published On: September 8, 2020


Another morning and another round of daydreaming while in the arms of a sleeping Y/N...

Y/N and I have been together and dating now for 6 years now, we, however, kept it a secret at my request, I didn't tell Y/N but I'm afraid of what people will think if they find out that I'm dating my own brother and if they will see and treat me differently. The topic of making our relationship public has been getting increasingly on our minds as it's been getting harder to hide it, my continuing refusal of making it public has been making Y/N sadder and sadder recently, and though it hurts me to see him sad like that I can't bring myself to do it.

I was taken out of my daydreaming when Y/N opened his eyes and looked at me.

Y/N: "Nora"

Nora: "Yes?"

Y/N: "Why do we have to keep our relationship a secret?"

Nora: "Y/N we have been over this!" I said annoyed.

Y/N: "I know but you only ever tell me that you simply prefer it this way, but I want to know WHY you prefer it this way" He said looking afraid of the answer.

Nora: "I JUST DO!! THERE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A REASON" I shout at him, making him recoil.

Y/N: " because you are ashamed of being with me? or because we are siblings?" He asked starting to tear up.

Nora: "Wha-NO! just stop being a whiny bitch about it!" I said

Y/N: "I see..." He muttered quietly before getting up and leaving the dorm.

Nora: "Y/N wait! I-"

Y/N: "No it's alright, I should have figured it out sooner" He said before leaving.


I've been searching for Y/N for a while now but no matter where I go in Vale I can't find him, now I'm back at Beacon hoping that he maybe went back. When I entered the courtyard I saw Team RWBY, CFVY, and the rest of my team, maybe they have seen Y/N!

Nora: "Hey guys!"

Yang: "Hey Nora"

Nora: "Has anyone seen Y/N?"

Pyrrha: "He came back about an hour ago, said he'll train a bit."

Nora: "Thanks Pyrrha" I said before running off as quickly as possible.

Chances are he probably is training at the same place as always, in the field off to the right side of Beacon.

When I arrived he thankfully was there and was just relaxing after what must have been another long training session, I was completely out of breath after running around all day trying to find him.

Y/N: "Whoa Nora are you okay!?! you look like you just ran a marathon" He said looking concerned.

Y/N: "Here" He said giving me his water bottle and sitting down with me on his lap. Within seconds the water bottle was empty.

Y/N: "Better?"

Nora: "Better, thank you"

Y/N: "No problem, don't want you to die of exhaustion or a heatstroke" He said hugging me from behind.

Despite what happened this morning he was still being his usual caring and loving self.

Nora: "L-Listen...I'm sorry for what I said this morning and everything."

Y/N: "It's fine I shou-"

Nora: "No it isn't, you were right...I kept our relationship a secret because I was afraid of what others would think, but I have thought about it and I don't care what others think!, I just want to live the rest of my life with you" I was taken off guard when he started to cry.

Y/N: "T-Thank you, Nora, it really means a lot"

We both leaned closer and kissed for a couple of seconds.

Nora: "I love you"

Y/N: "I love you too"

And then we kissed again, this time a bit more heated...

After we separated from the kiss I took his hands and ran off towards our friends, Y/N had a hard time keeping up though...

Y/N: "N-Nora? where are we going?" He asked while trying to not trip and fall on his face.

Nora: "I'm doing something I should have done a long time ago." I answered. When we arrived out in the courtyard I could see that everyone was still there.

Nora: "HEY EVERYONE WE HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!!!" I shouted louder than ever before.

I held up Y/N and I's intertwined hands.

Nora: "Y/N and I have been in a relationship for a really long time now and today we decided to go official!" I announced before giving Y/N a deep kiss.

Everyone congratulates us and some ask us for how long we had been dating, everyone is really supportive!

Nora: "I'm sorry for keeping our relationship a secret." I said holding his hand.

Y/N: "It's fine! you made up for your mistakes now" He replied hugging me.


Y/N and I have been living together now for 2 years and we couldn't be happier, he treats me like a princess. After we made our relationship officially known nobody has been rude about it or is thinking differently about us, instead everyone has always been really supportive.

Y/N: "Darling I'm gonna go shower wanna join me?~" He asks while biting on my ear lightly.

Nora: "You are such a charmer, yea I'm joining you!" I said getting up and picking Y/N up then running to the shower.

One day we are going to break the shower...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one

Thanks for requesting The789Guy

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now