Buried Past - (Ciel X Abused Male Reader)

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Ciel Fanart By: mojojoj On Twitter

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Published On: October 22, 2020


I was so excited! A new breakthrough!

I'm an inventor and I finally finished my latest prototype, I converted an old Volkswagen into a car that can drive on water.

I had called Y/N as he usually helps me test my inventions while making sure everything goes fine and collects all the data required for additional improvements.

Only a couple of minutes after I texted him he already walked into my lab.

Y/N: "Hey Ciel, how's it going?" He asked with a smile as he sat down on one of the counters.

Ciel: "Fantastic! I have just finished my latest prototype and I'll need your help to test!" I said getting more and more excited at the thought of seeing my prototype operating.

Y/N: "Alright, what is it this time?"

Ciel: "I have converted this old Volkswagen into a car that can drive on water, if everything will go according to plan then it should be exactly like driving a car on the road with the same speeds and driving characteristics" But as soon as I revealed the car Y/N eyes widen and he takes a step back.

Ciel: "What is it? afraid you might drown? don't worry that's why I choose a Bug with a sunroof!" I explain as I slap the roof of the car.

Y/N: "...I can't do that..." He says looking even more afraid.

Ciel: "Why? I thought you had a driver's license?" I asked confused by his behaviour.

Y/N: "I-I do but-"

Ciel "But what? I made sure that everything is as safe as can be, not to mention that you have tested stuff way more dangerous than this"

Y/N: "I'm not going in that thing"

Ciel: "Why are you making such a deal out of this? I spend so much time to complete this machine and now you'll just refuse because of some childish sense of fear!?!" I cried out getting annoyed.

Y/N: "I-I just don't want to okay!?!" He exclaims as his voice gets shaky.




Y/N: "I-I JUST CAN'T" He cried out looking afraid.


I realized my mistake when Y/N started to tear up and ran out of the lab, I didn't expect myself to take it that far. At first, I wanted to run after him but I decided to give him some space for a bit, he'll probably not listen to me right now anyway.

Ciel: "Dammit Ciel! how could you do that!" I cried out as I kicked a trashcan down.

Y/N always was a sensitive person and I just step on him like that, he has gotten less shy and fragile since I first met him all those years ago when he first moved to Atlas from Vale.

We met when I was conducting an experiment with a weather sensor system I had set up, Y/N had just arrived at Atlas and didn't know where to go, I didn't notice him until he had stopped to admire my machine and got talking from there. Admittedly I had fallen for him over the years, but despite my usual confidence when it comes to most things I couldn't bring myself to confess to him in fear of rejection.

Ciel: "I have to make up for this!" I mutter to myself.

After a bit of thinking I came up with a good idea.

Ciel: "Of course! that should cheer him up!"


After a couple of hours, I made my way over to Y/N's place, I didn't want to give him too much space before he thinks I didn't care.

Thankfully since we both hang out so much he gave me a key to his place, it was common for us to go to each other's places unannounced.

When I entered the house it was quiet and all the lights were out, knowing Y/N he was probably up in his room curled up in his bed.

When I opened the door I saw him sitting on the floor up against his bed, he had stopped crying but his eyes were still red and he had the saddest expression I have ever seen.

Ciel: "Hey Y/N..." I greet him awkwardly as I entered the room slowly.

Y/N: "Hey..." He says with a hoarse voice without looking at me.

I just couldn't hold myself back anymore and hugged him quickly.

Ciel: "I'M SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID!!" I cried out as I hugged him tighter and tighter, afraid he was going to reject my apology.

Ciel: "I should have respected your wishes and not pushed the topic further"

Y/N: "I-It's okay...you didn't know" He answers as he hugs me back.

Ciel: "It still isn't okay just because I didn't know you were afraid of cars and driving." I replied still utterly disgusted with my actions.

Y/N: "I-It's not the car or driving that I'm afraid of...they just bring back trauma"

Ciel: "T-Trauma??" I asked surprised, I didn't think it was this bad.

Y/N: "B-Back when I lived in Vale I was dating twins, at first they were sweet and we always had a great time but after a while, they started to become aggressive and abusive, no matter what I did I just couldn't find an out" He explains shocking me.

I hug him again and start stroking his hair.

Y/N: "They would usually force to go with them to parties, their friends would usually join in on the abuse and hit me as well or insult me, o-one night we were driving home from one of those parties and we got into a crash, they were dead on impact..."

Ciel: "I'm soo sorry"

Y/N: "Don't be, it's not your fault"

Ciel: "I'm never going to hurt you like that, I couldn't ever, I love you"  I say before realizing that I just blurted out my true feelings.

Y/N: "You love me?" He asks surprised.

Ciel: "Y-Yeah, I have for years now...but I never had the confidence to confess."

I was surprised when Y/N suddenly took my chin and kissed me.

Y/N: "I love you two, how could I not love the cute and caring inventor with whom I spend all my time with?" He says making me blush until my leg brushes up on something.

Ciel: "Oh I forgot, I got you this." I say as I reveal a bag of his favorite sweets.

Y/N: laughs "You are the best" He says as he pulls me onto his lap and hugs me from behind.

And with that, we just spend the rest of the day cuddling and feeding each other sweets.

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting DarkSoulsDepression

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