Haunting Origins - (Yang X Salem's Son Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: Namilly On DeviantArt

Requested By: JosepHill590

Published On: February 18, 2021


Faunus, Humans, Grimm...

These were the three that inhabited the world of Remnant, the first two lived in questionable harmony, and the last one was reviled by both parties equally. Grimm, the cause of so much suffering, ever since the known existence of man have they caused suffering, only to then feed of said suffering.

But there were two beings unlike anything else, a mother and her son. The queen of Grimm Salem, as she was half Grimm so was her son Y/N. Y/N didn't get to leave his mother's castle for most of his early years, thankfully once he reached teenhood he was allowed to roam the outside world. He would go on to explore all of the four kingdoms, he loved finally seeing all the different places and cultures. Over his travels he finally realized how awful the Grimm truly were, how much of a monster both he and his mother were. The Grimm at the castle never attacked him, his mom, or his mom's minions, but here he could see first hand the suffering and death caused by the Grimm. It was this realization that started to destroy him inside, he decided to not return to his mother and just roam around Vale, getting more lonely each day...

Yang was at an old music shop, she was picking up some new strings for Ruby. She was about to walk to the counter when the doorbell ringed, when she laid eyes on who entered her heart went soaring.

Yang: "Holy fuck..." She muttered under her breath.

It was a boy her age with H/C hair and H/C eyes, he wore some boots and a red jacket. She was absolutely amazed by his sexiness, her eyes were following him everywhere. Y/N didn't even notice the blonde watching him, he was also looking for some strings for his electric guitar. As Yang realized how blatantly she was staring she decides to finally go to the counter, after checking out she takes a final glance at him before stepping outside.

Yang didn't leave immediately but just leaned onto BumbleBee, she couldn't help but continue to stare at the H/C-haired boy. When he was done with his purchase and stepped out of the store he saw her staring, he smiled at her before walking over.

Y/N: "Hey ma'em, can I help you or?" He asked with his sexy voice that was making Yang's heart do rolls.

Yang: "S-Sorry for staring, do you wanna hang out?" She asked with an uncharacteristic blush.

Y/N: "Really? S-Sure." He said surprised.

Yang: "There's an awesome arcade on the other side of this district, it'll be a lot of fun."

Y/N: "Cool."

With that started a month worth of hangouts between the huntress and the lonely Grimm, they quickly grew very close. Yang only fell even deeper in love with Y/N once she got to know him for real, not only was he really sexy but cute, kind, and caring. Y/N also held feelings of absolute love for the blonde brawler, however, he didn't believe someone as amazing as her could ever love a monster like him.


Yang was driving with BumbleBee down the road in Vale, she was just whittling to herself. Her journey was interrupted when the road in front of her was blocked by a crowd, confused she got off her bike to investigate.

Yang pushed through the crowd, she saw everyone looking up fearfully, when she looked up herself she saw a figure standing at the edge of the apartment's roof.

Civilian: "Oh god, he really is going to jump isn't he..." She said fearfully.

Yang: "Don't worry everyone, I'm a Huntress, I'll handle this." She said trying to calm everyone down.

She looked up again, her heart slowed to a crawl when she saw that it was Y/N. She raced up the stairs, her mind was racing with reasons for why Y/N would do this.

There he stood, at the edge of the roof. Yang tried to move closer but Y/N heard her steps, when he turned around he was surprised by who it was.

Y/N: "Yang?" He asked looking like he had been through hell.

Yang: "Y-Y/N?.......why?" She asked as tears started to stream down her face.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...but I can't do this anymore." He said looking lost.

Yang: "No, whatever it is, it can be solved."

Y/N: "No...the problem is me, I should have never been born..." He said as he looked out over the streets below again.

Yang: "You're the nicest person I've ever met, you're not a mistake."

Y/N: "sighs Yang...I haven't told you everything, I'm the son of Salem." He said as his eyes changed to black with red pupils.

Yang: "S-Salem?" She asked surprised by his changing eyes.

Y/N: "Salem is the queen of Grimm, she is part Grimm...and so am I."

Yang: "Tha-"

Y/N: "My mother is a monster and so am I, the world doesn't deserve any monsters like that..."

Yang: "Y/N..." She said crying as she tried to get closer, she stopped when Y/N looked over at the sound of her steps.

Y/N: "But Yang I-I want you to know, this past month has been amazing, I finally felt alive and loved, something I haven't felt before, I-I love you, and I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me."

Before Yang could respond Y/N tried to step off the edge, but he was stopped when Yang shoots herself forward and then back again with her gauntlets grabbing him in the process.

Y/N just looked at her shocked, speechless at her maneuver.

Yang: "I'm sorry..." She says crying before knocking him out.

Shaking and crying she puts Y/N over her shoulder and quickly runs off before the police or someone comes up, she gets on BumbleBee and puts him in front of her. The civilians watching were calling out to her confused by what was going on, Yang just ignored them and drove off as quickly as possible.


Y/N awoke to the heartbreaking sight of Yang's crying face above him, he was in her lap as she clutched him tightly. He put his hands over hers, when she knew he was awake the hug got even tighter.

Yang: "Y-You didn't even let me answer..." She said before crying even harder.

Y/N: "I'm sorry..." He said hugging her back.

Suddenly Yang breaks the hug and cups his face, she stared him in the face more seriously and intensely than ever before.

Yang: "I love you Y/N L/N, I love you and I'm never letting you go!" She said before kissing him.

At first, Y/N was taken off guard but after a moment he kisses back, he felt so safe and protected in her arms.

Yang: "I don't know what you've gone through, but I'll stay with you no matter what...like a good girlfriend should." She said smiling at the end.

Y/N looked at her shocked only to smile, he kissed her delicately.

Y/N: "Then I'll do everything I can do to be the best boyfriend." He said making Yang's smile grow even brighter.

The couple was about to kiss again when they were interrupted by the sound of growling, as they look they see a pack of Grimm closing in on their position.


Professor Ozpin was just sipping his coffee when the elevator suddenly dinged, confused he watched Yang enter with some unknown boy.

Yang: "Professor, we have a long story to tell you..." She said holding her boyfriend's hand tightly...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting JosepHill590

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