Drunk In The Evening - (Fem Ren X Male Reader)

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Ren Fanart By: tachi_hayami On Twitter

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: April 10, 2022


Close along Mistral's borders lies a small town where people lived happily in peace, with no bandits, and no Grimm. Many tales have been spread across Remnant about this town, and how it's seemingly able to avoid all of Remnant's problems, and yet nobody would actually believe those tales, except of course for the ones who live there.

At the very outer edges of the town was a small home that though cozy-looking gave the townsfolk an uneasy feeling. In the house lived a man called Y/N and he...well he was an alcoholic who didn't really want to deal with anyone, except for his wife Leah Renata that is...

Y/N: "Dammit you fucks, get off my non-existent lawn!!" He drunkenly cried after some kids that ran away scared.

Leah: "Come on darling, let's not scare the kids okay?" She says gently as she pulls him inside and closes the door after them.

They both sat down on the couch as Leah cuddled up to him, placing her head on his shoulder. Y/N calmed down as he just enjoyed his wife's presence, silently sitting there with her for the next several minutes.

Leah: "So what do you think we should have for dinner?" She asks.

Y/N: "Nothing, I'm not hungry, I just want to cuddle." He slurs in a slightly whiny tone.

He pulls her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her tightly, yawning and closing his eyes as he burrows his face into her neck.

Leah: "Darling you haven't eaten anything today, you have to get something in that tummy of yours." She says with a gentle smile.

Y/N: "But I don't wanna." He muffles into her neck.

Leah: "Come on, I'll make you whatever you want, even your favorite."

Y/N: "No, I don't want you to have to cook for me again." He responds, lifting his head to look at her.

Leah: "Darling I really don't mind cooking for you, I know that cooking isn't something you enjoy or have an easy time with, and I don't mind doing it."

Y/N: "But you do it every day."

Leah: "And like I said I'm okay with it, besides, you more than make up for it."

Y/N: "Oh yeah? how?"

Leah: "You always wash all our clothes and clean around the house, something that's quite impressive considering you're practically always drunk."

Y/N just hides his face again in her neck and lets out a whine.

Leah: "So with all that help it really isn't an issue for me to cook every day, even after work."

Y/N: "How was work by the way?"

Leah: "It was a pretty slow and boring day actually, except for that weird ginger woman with a hammer that almost destroyed everything, luckily she was picked up by her girlfriend before that happened."

Y/N: "Stupid drunk drivers." He slurred.

Leah: "...She wasn't driving." She responded confused.

Y/N: "Details."

Leah: "Anyways, back on track, what do you want to eat?"

Y/N: "F/F."

Leah: "Okay then, I'll get started on that then." She says, about to get up.

Y/N: "Sssshhhh, not yet, more cuddling first."

Leah: "Alright you big loveable doofus." Smiling at her husband's antics.

He just hummed in response as she stroked his hair...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Gnawsome1

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now