Love Or Business? - (Best Friend Pyrrha X Male Reader X Cinder)

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Cinder Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Requested By: Reecethebeast23

Published On: September 26th, 2020


I was bored waiting for my boyfriend Y/N, my mind started to drift and I started to think of the twist and turns that took me to where I am now.

2 years ago I was the leader of a criminal organization called 'The Red Swarm' and we did a lot of robberies all over the place, but that was only the tip of the iceberg of all the illegal things we did.

But one day I spotted my now boyfriend Y/N while walking through Argus and he took my breath away, after a bit of small talk I asked him out and from there bloomed an amazing relationship.

Unfortunately, our relationship wouldn't last as after I revealed that I was the leader of the 'The Red Swam' I started being busier and without noticing started to treat our relationship worst and worst until one night it all boiled over.


Cinder: "I don't see the problem here!" Getting annoyed we were on this topic again.

Y/N: "I do! we barely even meet anymore because you are always busy, you are neglecting our relationship, you're neglecting me!" He cried out looking angrier and angrier.

Cinder: "It's only going to be like this for a little while, I bet you are only so angry because you still disagree with the illegal things we do." I snapped back.

Y/N: "Of course I disagree with all the fucking things you do! but I tried to look past that for you! but you won't even give me the time of day!"

Cinder: "It isn-"

Y/N: "YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE EITHER ME OR YOUR FUCKING GANG!!" He cried out looking at me absolutely furious.

I couldn't say anything, I was taken off guard by his anger.

Y/N: "I see how it is..." he said with a gaze of steel before walking off.

Cinder: "Y-Y/N wai-" But I was cut off when he slammed the door on his way out.


After that, I only saw Y/N occasionally and every time it was with Pyrrha, they grew even closer and before long they entered a relationship. I started to become restless after that, I couldn't sleep or eat and I most certainly couldn't lead my organization right. I realized the terrible mistake I had made and that nothing is worth giving my relationship away for.

I collected all the evidence for my organization's activity and gave it to the police, they quickly cleared out all the locations and with that, the criminal chapter of my life was over.

I went to Y/N and Pyrrha's house and confronted her, I begged her to let me join in on their relationship, I even went down onto my knees, something I wouldn't have done before. Thankfully Pyrrha was very kind and after a bit of talk, she agreed to date Y/N with me as I had now left my criminal organization behind.

After that we decided to do a little surprise for Y/N in bed, once he saw us both he was immediately hooked and it turned out to be a long and sweaty night~

Pyrrha: "Cinder?...Cinder!" I was ripped out of my thoughts when Pyrrha touched my shoulder and shook me lightly.

Cinder: "Yes?"

Pyrrha: "I'm asking you if you wanted to join me in the shower to surprise Y/N" She said with a cheeky smirk.

Cinder: "Sure, I would love to." I replied getting up.

Pyrrha: "Good, then get your butt up and naked." She said as she walked into the bathroom.

I knew I made the right choice...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Reecethebeast23

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now