Redhead Darling - (Clingy Girlfriend Ruby X Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: Seshirukun On Reddit

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: November 12, 2020


I love my mother or at least I used to, she is way too overprotective. My mother is Cinder Fall and she is the most overprotective mother I have ever seen or heard of, I often have to hide a lot of my interests and such from her so I don't get shit for it. I'm a shy person and confrontation isn't my strong point so I haven't ever confronted her about any of this, unfortunately, she seems to be getting worst with every day.

Sometimes I would just randomly roam around Vale to get away from my mom, I didn't expect that doing this would one day change my life for the better. I met my now girlfriend Ruby Rose, she is an absolute badass, always willing to tell anyone what she thinks and not afraid to go up against anyone. Despite the fact that she is the total opposite of my shy nature we are deeply in love and would spend as much time as possible, my mother, of course, didn't approve of Ruby.

In a few minutes, Ruby would come to pick me up for another date, she wanted to bring me to a nightclub. The entire day I have been excited about the date, I had never been to a club before.

I walked downstairs to wait for Ruby when my mother walked up to me, she didn't look happy.

Cinder: "Where are you going?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

Y/N: "Going out with Ruby, she wanted to go to a club with me" I say making my mom frown.

Cinder: "I told you that I don't want you around Ruby anymore, not to mention that I'm not letting you go to a club."

Y/N: "I'm a grown-up"

Cinder: "Doesn't mean you can do what you want!"

Y/N: "And Ruby is my girlfriend, of course, I would go out with her" I say leaning against the wall.

Cinder: "Tha-"

Suddenly Ruby busted through the front door, she just walked over to Y/N and deeply kissed him as she completely ignored Cinder.

Cinder: "coughs"

Ruby: "Huh? oh...I'm here to pick my babe up for our night at the club." She said.

Cinder: "You aren't taking my son anywhere, especially not to some filthy club!" She cried out making Ruby roll her eyes.

Ruby: "I don't know what fucking problem you have with me but your son is dating me and you'll have to live with it, so just shut it."

Cinder: "You think you can just waltz in here and corrupt my son!?!"

Ruby: "laughs Yea right, your son isn't as innocent as you believe, he just hides his true self from you so he doesn't get shit for it!"

Cinder: "He would never lie to me!"

Ruby: "Stop annoying us! take a fucking hint and leave us be!" She cried out surprising me.

Cinder: "Excuse me!?!" She cried out looking at Ruby with wide eyes.

Ruby: "Lay it off old hag! besides, what are you worried about?"

Cinder: "You are just a street rebel!"

Ruby: "Well this street rebel is about to fuck your son and show him the finest pussy on Remnant, he'll be screaming my name as I blow his sweet dick." She replies as she caresses my chest as I was just standing there with a deep red blush.

Cinder: "THAT'S IT!! YOU ARE-"

Ruby: "Whatever old hag, we are leaving, you just go back to masturbating to porn!" She says as she pulls me out of the door as we quickly get into my Ford with Ruby behind the wheel, Cinder was screaming and running out of the house as Ruby peeled out of the driveway.

Ruby gives me a kiss as we speed through the city, she was so happy to finally go with me to a club.

Y/N: "So what club are we going to?"

Ruby: "It's called 'Junior's' and it's located in the more exciting parts of Vale" She said as she races around a corner.

When we park Ruby almost runs into a yellow bike parked in front of the bar, after getting out of the car Ruby with a smirk quickly walks over to the bike and does something to it, Before I can see what is happening she pulls me to the bar.

For the next four hours, Ruby and I partied, got hammered, danced, and made enemies with the twins as they tried to kick out Ruby and flirt with Yme.

Miltia: "Get the fuck out of here Rose, we said before that we'll no longer serve you after the shit you pulled last time!" She said crossing her arms.

Ruby: "Yea ole' Junior is too afraid of what will happen if he doesn't serve me, besides why should I listen to some man stealing whores."

Melanie: "What did you call us!?!" She snaps.

Ruby: "Relax you twat, You ain't getting my man, just go away and finger yourself or something." She said as she straddles me and starts making out with me.

The twins and staff tried to stop us but Ruby would knock anyone out without her lips ever leaving mine, with no staff left and Junior too afraid to intervene Ruby and I just got naked and fucked on the counter in the middle of the bar.


Next morning when we woke up in a hotel room we had a massive headache, thankfully Ruby had some pills packed that helped us. We just laid in bed for the morning and ordered some food from the hotel's room service, sometimes Ruby's attention went from the TV to making out with me.

Y/N: "Why is there a white coat on the ground?" I asked confused.

Ruby: "Don't you remember? On the way to the hotel, we ran into that one Schnee cunt that works for the military, I robbed her for everything she was worth"

Y/N: "You are something else Ruby" I say laying my head on Ruby's

Ruby: "That's why you love me!"

Y/N: "True!"

Nothing could beat the Rose and her shy boyfriend...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting PlagueOfShadows

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