Loveable Destruction - (Weiss X Male Reader)

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Weiss Fanart By: Ariinine On Reddit

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote this)

Published On: August 26, 2020


Weiss had enough, her father is preventing her from seeing her boyfriend Y/N and is also denying her the chance to go to Beacon Academy to become a huntress. This man claiming to be her father was becoming more and more of a monster every day with his sins growing by the minutes.

A maid was quickly walking over after hearing something get knocked down, the closer she came to where the sound came from the colder it got until she came to the hallway and saw somebody on the ground and a plate, for some unexplainable reason there was snow in the hallway. When she crouched down to help the man up she saw that he was dead before she could scream or do anything she was thrown against the wall by Weiss holding her by the neck with her rapier to her neck.

Weiss: "Nobody will hear you" She whispered before slicing the maid's throat.

The maid was dropped to the ground and desperately tried to make a sound, to scream for help, but she couldn't do anything but watch as Weiss walked off while she was convulsing on the floor, clawing at her throat while drowning in her own blood...


Winter was running after two armed robbers that just destroyed another shop in Vale, when she turns around the corner the two thieves have stopped and are standing there waiting for her.

Winter: "Weiss!?! Y/N?!?" She asked surprised.

She hasn't seen Weiss in years and didn't expect to find her after she was declared missing for so long. Y/N activated his semblance and spawned a clone of Weiss who quickly dashed along with him at Winter while Weiss activated her semblance to get slayed Grimm to the fight. Winter could barely keep up, it was clear that they weren't striving for anything less but a kill.

Weiss: "Oh dear sister, I hope you liked my work, I know you have been very open about your hunt for me" She said sinisterly.

Winter: "What are you talking about Weiss? you have been missing ever since what happened at the manor" She questioned as she was busy dodging blows from Y/N and his clone of Weiss.

Y/N: "All the SDC mines, warehouses, and factories we burned down or straight up blew to the sky? we thought you'll already know." He said angrily

Weiss: "Indeed my husband and I have been very busy~" She said while striking at Winter.

Winter: "T-That was you..." She said looking saddened

Weiss: "It was amusing to see the press ask you what you and your squad would do to catch us and how determined you were each and every time... yet you only find us now, when we chose to have you find us."

Winter: "B-But why? why do all this, why kill people and destroy so much? why didn't you come to me..." She asked.

Weiss: "I simply wanted to have some fun before I would free this world of the last wretched Schnee, besides I also had other things to do, like get married to my darling Y/N over here and then go on our honeymoon." She said


A Bloodied Weiss walked out of the burning Schnee manor, only to see her boyfriend standing there also bloodied with torn clothes.

Y/N: "W-Weiss are you alright?" He asked running up to her and hugging her tightly

Weiss: "Y-Yeah I am...I'm so glad to see you" She replied surprised but also happy at Y/N's sudden appearance.

And at that moment two reunited lovers vowed to get back at everyone that wronged them starting with the destruction of the SDC's remnants.


Winter: "YOU WERE THE ONE THAT DESTROYED THE MANOR??" She asked bewildered.

Y/N: "Indeed she was, it was a lovely sight to see it burning down." He said while looking lovingly at Weiss.

Winter went to strike at Y/N in blind anger but she was struck from behind by the semblance clone of Weiss, shattering her Aura. Y/N cut her legs open with his sword before Winter could get up.

Winter: "AAHHHHHHHHHHRRH" She screamed before getting kicked in the face by Y/N.

Y/N: "I'll leave the honor to you darling, you deserve it more than anyone else." He said grinning at Winter.

Weiss: "Thanks honey, surely the most satisfying kill we had in a while." She said.

Weiss cut Winter all over her body just simply enjoying her screams before quickly ending it by slicing her throat and stomping on it. Y/N and Weiss then just simply left as if nothing ever happened, while Winter was slowly dying alone on the filthy ground...


TV: "Special Operative of the Atlesian Military Winter Schnee was found dead in an alleyway after a young couple investigating a strong foul smell coming from some alleyways found her, her body has been mostly eaten by rats, the police is not yet sure of her exact time of death."

TV: "The Huntresses Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Pyrrha Nikos are still missing, Beacon Acdeammy is willing to give a 500.000 Lien reward for any information or-" The TV was switched off by Y/N.

Y/N: " think they'll ever find the bodies?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around Weiss while she was making bacon and eggs.

Weiss: "I doubt it, not a big loss for Beacon anyways, the pipsqueak and her team were awful"

Y/N: "Yeah, we didn't even break a sweat getting rid of them." He Replied.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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