Unknown Cause - (Overprotective Team RWBY X Injured Male Reader X Nora & Pyrrha)

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Team RWBY Fanart By: ALS_栖川さかりOn Pixiv

Requested By: mrredsox93

Published On: January 25, 2021


Ruby: "No no! WHERE IS HE!?" She screamed out as she looked around frantically.

Yang: "Don't worry Ruby, we'll find him." She said as she smiled reassuringly at her sister.

Ruby: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN DON'T WORRY??? MY Y/N IS OUT THERE, HURT AND ALONE!!" She cried out as she grasped at her hair.

Team RWBY & PN didn't have the best morning as their collective fiance had landed in the hospital, needless to say, they were worried and panicked. Things only got worst when they arrived only to find out that Y/N had apparently checked himself out already not remembering his fiances upon the doctor's mention of them, now he was out there wandering around without a clue about what happened.

Weiss: "How about we split up into two groups and we each try to search one half of Vale?"

Pyrrha: "Good idea!"

Yang: "Alright, then let's get going!" She said clapping her hands together.


I've been walking through this place for a while now, I don't know how I got this far away from my home. I can't remember a thing about yesterday, probably just got drunk and did stupid shit, that would certainly explain the head pains I've been having and maybe the injured right leg as well. I have never been this deep in Vale before so I don't really know the way back, I would ask someone for directions but everyone is staring at me weirdly, most likely due to the slight limping.

I decide to go into a small diner to get something to eat, I sit down at a booth in the corner.

Waitress: "Good morning sir, what can I get you?" She asks with a bright smile as she walks up to me.

Y/N: "Just a glass of water and some pancakes please."

Waitress: "Alright sir." She replies as she writes it all down before walking back behind the counter.

Luckily I had just enough cash to pay for it all.

My attention gets grabbed by a newspaper that someone had left behind on the seats, curious I pick it up.

Y/N: "What the fuck?" I whisper shout as I flung the newspaper onto the seats in shock.

The newspaper clearly said January 28th, 2021, how did four years pass all of a sudden!?

I was taken out of my existential crisis when the waitress came by again and put the plate and glass down, I thanked her and started eating.

Whatever is going on is not good, Once I'm done I'll have to get home as soon as possible.

Once I was done I rushed out of the diner and started making my way to what I assumed was the edge of the city, once I'm there I'll have an easier time orienting myself.


We still haven't found Y/N after hours of searching, neither have the others based on their messages. Right now we were taking a break, relaxing on a bench. Pyrrha and I are trying to be as optimistic as possible, Ruby however wasn't taking it very well at all...

Ruby: "Oh god where is he! what if he is dead!? I don't think I can take this..." She said as tears started to stream down her face.

Pyrrha: "RUBY! Listen to me, everything will be fine. Deep breaths...in...and out" She instructed as she held Ruby by the shoulders.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now