Two Hearts For One - (Abusive Team RWBY X Abused Male Reader X Malachite Twins)

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Malachite Twins Fanart By: 我堅強復國仕事募集中 On Reddit

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Published On: September 30, 2020


It was late in the afternoon and Miltia and I were close to being done packing away all of Y/N's belongings after spending hours filling luggage, there were so many bags outside the door as we kept them outside to not fall over any of them.

We heard some people talking outside in the hall and it was getting closer until it suddenly stopped and only footsteps were heard, we turned around when we heard someone walking up to the door frame and it turned out to be the last people we ever would want to see...Team RWBY...

Yang: "The fuck do you think you're doing?" She asked with her eyes already turned red.

Miltia: "Y/N has left Beacon and we are here to pick up his stuff." She answered as she didn't even care to look at them and just continued packing.

Weiss: "He left?..." She muttered sound surprised.

Melanie: "Don't pretend to care for him or his stuff after how you treated him!" I snapped back angrily.

Blake: "Excuse Me?!?" She asked loudly looking offended.

Ruby: "W-Where did he go?"

Melanie: "As if we would tell you! you are the reason he left!" I shouted with just enough restraint still in me to not bash their faces in.

Yang: "Don't talk to my sister like that!" She shouted as she clenched her fists.

Miltia: "He fucking loved you so four so much, every time we visited he would talk so highly of you as he was limping from the many times you would beat him!" She shouted out angrily as all the tears she kept in were cascading down her cheeks. We were done packing and closed the door as we took all the luggage and took off down the hall.

Melanie: "You four weren't there when we found him with slit wrists crying his heart out after he found out that you never loved him and only used him, you weren't there in the hospital with him..." I said before continuing down the hall leaving a speechless Team RWBY behind...

Y/N originally used to live and work at Junior's just like us, however, he dreamed of becoming a huntsmen and so he went to Beacon after training after work for a year straight. Not too long after he entered Beacon he got into a relationship with all four members of Team RWBY, it broke our hearts as we loved him and were going to confess but now there was no chance of that ever happening. We would visit him every weekend at his dorm and he would always talk so highly of his girlfriends despite it quickly becoming obvious how horribly they actually treated him. They would ignore him, beat him, and threaten him, he loved them dearly and really thought that the bad treatment would end and everything would go back to normal. After a couple of visits, he suddenly grew really really sad and depressed and it only got worst every time we came back, one day when we came to visit him we caught him with slit wrists, it turns out that Team RWBY never actually loved him but that they all just used him to please their parents. After a trip to the hospital we took him back to Junior's where he now lives and works again, he always had some friendly faces to hang out with there as he was not only close friends with us and Junior but even had befriended all of his henchmen and many of the customers and they were all glad to see him again.

After an hour we finally made it back to Junior's and with help of Junior himself we got all of the luggage up the stairs, we then knocked on Y/N's door but he wouldn't answer and after trying for a minute we both grew worried and entered, our worry was washed away when we saw Y/N cutely sleeping on his bed on tucked and even rolled in a bit like a cat. We talked in a hushed whisper as we talked about him as we unpacked his things and filled his room making it cozier, we couldn't wait to see his reaction when he sees his room. Just as we got done our hushed whisper was interrupted by Y/N and at first, we thought he was awake but he was sleep talking to us, most likely due to our whispering.

Y/N: "I-I love you two, don't leave" He said cutely as he hugged his pillow.

Both of our faces exploded in a deep blush and we had to use all our self-control to not squeal out from his cuteness, we couldn't possibly leave him after this now that we know he feels the same, and we decided to undress and cuddle up to him.

Soon we drifted off to sleep as our dreams were filled with Y/N...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed it

Thanks for requesting DarkSoulsDepression

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