In Between Red & White - (Ruby X Male Reader X Weiss)

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Weiss & Ruby Fanart By: UntoldMage On DeviantArt

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Published On: November 26, 2020



I was hyped all morning while getting ready, today was the day I was going to ask out my long-time crush Weiss Schnee, I was already high on hype from yesterday when I successfully completed the final test for my latest invention...A DELOREAN TIME MACHINE.

Of course, if I was going to make a time machine then I was going to do it with some style, and what's more stylish and fittingly timeless than a DeLorean!

So with massive hype I got ready and prepared to drive over to Weiss's place to ask her out, I had made some reservations at a nice restaurant, I had planned this for weeks!

Weiss and I have known each other for four years now and the feelings seemed to be mutual, yet we both somehow always chicken out of confessing to each other, but today was going to change that! To my surprise I actually saw Weiss walking along the street as I was passing through town, I quickly parked up and made my way over to her.


Today has simply been horrid, I had been fired because of some rumors made up by a co-worker that was jealous of my position, I was able to get back at her by wrecking her car without anyone noticing though.

Now I was just so fed up with all this drama and simply wanted to go home to-

Y/N: "Hey Weiss do you want to-" I cut him off before he could even finish.

Weiss: "No I don't! I don't give a fuck about what you want!!" I screamed out at the top of my lungs.

Y/N: "Oh I'm sorry for wast-"

Weiss: "JUST FUCKING LEAVE YOU LOWLIFE!!" I screamed without even thinking.

Y/N: "..."

Weiss: "N-No wait Y/N I-"

Y/N: "Don't worry I'll get out of here..." He says sadly as he walks back to his truck and quickly drives off.

I can't believe that I let my anger control me like that and hurt my love...

Once I got home I sat down disappointed with myself, how could I just say that to him? I decided that I was going to come to his place tomorrow and ask him out on a date to that new cafe that opened. I wasn't going to let my anger come in between me and my love, I knew that we would get together sooner rather than later.


I just barged into my garage/lab and sat down depressed, I was about to get out a beer from the cooler and just forget all of this until I set sight on the DeLorean...

I decided to pack a couple of things and spend some weeks in another time period, all the tests I put the DeLorean through were successful so I shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I took the car out on a deserted road out of town and tried to think of a time period that would be interesting to visit for a while, I thought of a date on a whim and entered it into the time circuits.

January 26, 1452 07:56AM

I checked everything one last time and seeing that everything was fine as expected I slammed the gas pedal down and got going, the engine roared loudly as the speedometer went higher, finally with a massive flash the road disappeared and I was riding on some rough terrain going through some bushes here and there. I slowly made my way around the area until I found a cave where I parked the DeLorean and covered it with a tarp.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now