Triple The Spooks! - (Malachite Triplets X Male Reader)

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Malachite Twins Fanart By: MinaCream On DeviantArt

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Sequel To: Unexpected Outcome (Madeline X Male Reader X Malachite Twins)

Published On: October 5, 2020


Since I and the triplets got into a relationship after we ironed out our disputes we saved up and bought our own house not too far from Junior's, for old time's sake we would still sometimes bunk in either of our rooms at Junior's.

I was just reading a novel in the bedroom when my scroll went off, I answered the call and immediately was greeted with Calzy speaking at a hundred miles per hour.

Y/N: "Calzy slow down! I can't understand you" I said trying to contain my laughter.

Calzy: "Hey Y/N! how's it going?" She asked sounding really excited.

Y/N: "I'm doing good, what about you?"

Calzy: "Doing really well! I'm hosting a Halloween party at my place this Friday and wanted to know if you and the girls would like to come?"

Y/N: "Are you kidding me? of course! I love Halloween it's my favorite holiday, I'll ask the girls and text you back" I replied giddily at the thought of celebrating spoopyween.

Calzy: "Alright! don't forget to come dressed spoopy!" She said laughing.

Y/N: "Will do! bye Calzy"

Calzy: "Bye Y/N, smell you later!" She called back as we both hung up.

Calzy is a friend of ours that we met during one of our shifts at Junior's, it turned out she has actually been a regular customer for a couple of months already. Junior got into money trouble thanks to Yang making him pay for another renovation of the entire club while we were on our day off, Calzy actually likes the club so much that she paid for the renovation rescuing the club as she was rich. After all of that, we started to hang out more and became really close friends.

I made my way downstairs to the living room when I was greeted by a...very unusual scene.

Melanie: "I won which means I'm the first to get Y/N's cock tonight!" She with her arms crossed.

Madeline: "But you cheated!"

Melanie: "No I didn't! you simply chose a very shitty car for the race!"

Miltia: "Whatever at the end of the day we'll all get fucked by his juicy cock anyways." She said as she got up from the couch only to see me at the bottom of the stairs.

Y/N: "Am I...interrupting something here?"

Madeline: "Not really just playing some Gran Turismo" She said casually as if they didn't just talk about my cock like it's a lolly.

Y/N: "Riiiiight...well I was called by Calzy and she told me she's having a Halloween party at her place this Friday, do you want to join me?"

Miltia: "Fuck yeah we do and I already know the perfect outfit for all of us!" She called out while striking a superhero pose.

Madeline: "I'm getting my wallet!" She said before rushing up the stairs.

Looks like everything is coming together for Friday...


When we arrived at Calzy's place the party was already in full swing with people dancing to classics and lots of laughter heard, the girls and I have decided to come as a group of vampires. The girls quickly dragged me to the dance floor and for the next few minutes, we had quite the intense dance-off...the girls won...

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now