Comfort - (Yang X Male Reader X Weiss)

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Yang & Weiss Fanart By: NDGD On Twitter

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote it)

Published On: August 23, 2020


Another evening in the bar... It's been a quiet one so far and Weiss and I have just been talking at the bar, soon we would close and be able to finally go home. Our attention was drawn to the door when Y/N came limping in looking the most tired we have ever seen. He just walked up and sat down at the counter with his head in his hands looking down, while Weiss and I just looked at each other concerned. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder as Weiss just watched for now.

Yang: "Hey Y/N, how can I serve ya?" I said smiling at him.

But my smile dropped when he looked up and I saw his face closer up revealing a nasty new scar going from his right shoulder to his chin.

Y/N: "I...I want your strongest drink...largest possible glass!" He said looking defeated.

Yang: "Why don't you want your usual? good ole strawberry sunrise ya know?" I asked hoping he would change his mind.

Y/N: "Nah...I need something strong to forget as fast possible" He said looking desperate.

Weiss: "Alright everyone! we are closing so finish your drinks and take your leave! Thanks for visiting us today" She called out while turning off the outside lights.

Y/N: "Oh nevermind, guess I'm leaving..." He said about to get up.

Weiss: "You can stay Y/N, you are our friend after all." She said sitting down next to him.

Weiss: "So how's your day been?" She asked.

Y/N: "Awful...tell me Weiss, am I a b-bad person?" He asked looking at Weiss as he started to cry.

Weiss: "N-No why would you ask? you are such a kind and caring person, always have been!" She quickly replied while looking bewildered by the question.

Yang: "Yeah, just think of the many times you helped us out!" I said trying to reassure him while putting my hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: "It's j-just that B-Blake left me after revealing she w-was cheating on me with another man for six months." He said choking up.

I was dare that fucking cunt break his heart and then have the nerve to rub her infidelity in his face afterward like it's some kind of trophy, Weiss looked just as angry as me. 

Weiss: "Is that how you got that scar?" She asked looking like she was about to go out and murder Blake.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah...B-Blake's been hitting me...for a while, I thought maybe she would stop, maybe everything was going to be okay!" He replied before breaking out into full-on bawling.

Weiss quickly hugged him and stroked his hair while he kept crying, I got up and hugged him as well. We ended up asking him to stay at our place for the night as we were both worried about him.



After that night Y/N continued to live with us, he also started working at our bar. Blake has only once come to the bar and it wasn't even for Y/N but just to get drunk, Yang simply dragged her out front and pointed to the sign "We reserve the right to NOT serve you" and then she walked back short we haven't heard from Blake since. Yang and I have always had feelings for Y/N ever since we met him, and now that he is finally feeling better we were thinking of confessing to him.

I was going downstairs when Yang suddenly came around and pulled me along to the living room.

Yang: "This is the cutest thing in the world." She whispered.

She pointed at Y/N who was sleeping on the couch and smiling...she was right it's cute.

Weiss: "You were is the cutest thing ever." I replied.

But what we weren't prepared for was Y/N starting to moan in his sleep, both of us were blushing deep red.

Yang: "G-Guess he is having a v-very good dream" She said embarrassed.

Y/N: "Oh Weiss~" He suddenly moaned.

I could literally feel my blush get even worst while Yang looked wide-eyed at me.

Y/N: "O-Oh you are so naughty Yang~" He moaned panting.

Weiss: "At least we know he feels the same..."

Yang: "Y-Yeah, should we wake him up?" She asked

Weiss: "No it's still early anyway, and I'm still tired" I said winking at Yang.

I got onto the couch and laid down on Y/N and hugged him with my head on his chest, thank Oum that he sleeps in only his boxers.

Yang: "Wow Ice Queen, that's a pretty bold move...count me in." She replied.

And so Yang got onto the couch and laid down on Y/N's other side and laid her head on his chest as well as we both went back to sleep.



When we woke up later that day, we revealed to Y/N that he had quite the loud wet dream... After he got over his embarrassment we both confessed to him and had our first kiss. We have been dating for two years afterward until Y/N proposed and we got married. Currently, we were enjoying our free week, and I was just laying in bed getting hugged by Y/N.

But my enjoyment of the lovely hug was interrupted when Weiss woke up and woke Y/N up with her daily morning make-out session, when they were done I quickly got into a make-out session with Y/N of my own.

Weiss: "Once you two are done we can take a shower together~" She said lustfully

Best marriage ever...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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