Behind Bruises - (Yandere Glynda X Abused Neglected Depressed Male Reader)

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Glynda Fanart By: kirej7 On DeviantArt

Requested ByBat117

Published On: October 12, 2020


Glynda never thought she would fall in love until a certain student joined Beacon and with that became a part of her class, every time Glynda would lay eyes on Y/N she could feel her heart racing.

Y/N was very shy and would never talk or hang out with anybody else but that wasn't what made Glynda concerned, it was the scars, burn marks, bruises, and broken bones that he would enter class with.

Glynda many times has tried to get an answer out of him to find out who did this to him, but he always refused to answer and grew terrified at the idea of telling someone so she dropped it and tried to find it out through other means but after a couple of months she still hadn't found out who is doing this to him, she was growing increasingly desperate to find answers as Y/N entered the class in an increasingly worst state.

Fortunately for her, she got her answers as one day Y/N rushed out of the class and left a book behind and when Glynda was about to go after him to give it to him she saw it was his diary, when she went through it she found out that it was his father, he constantly gets abused by him every day and he has to fight for his mother's safety, it also finally explains to her why his father never came to Beacon for any of the teacher-parent conferences or why his mother is so shy and weirdly scared every time she came to the school.

Glynda wasn't going to her love get hurt for any longer, she got into her car and made her way to Vale...

Glynda didn't have to look hard to find the old bastard, he was unsurprisingly at the store closest to his home buying liquor. As he stepped out of the store and towards his car Glynda used her semblance and flung him into an alleyway, his aura shattered already never having taken any combat training in his life.

F/N: "What are you doing you hag!?!" He screamed as he got up and then saw all his beer spilled out onto the ground.

Glynda: "Something I should have done a long time ago" She said before raising her riding crop and smashing him to the ground again breaking his leg.

She stepped on him before he could get up and with her semblance summoned a nearby metal pipe.

She didn't take notice of his screams, or of all the blood splattering everywhere she only took notice of those lovely hits as she caved his skull in until there was nothing left, they weren't going to recognize him after this.

When she left the alleyway her white top was stained red, but she didn't care and just made her way to her car driving back to her home.


Glynda laughed when she was reading the news on her scroll, she was right they didn't recognize him after what she did...

She made her way to Y/N's dorm and knocked on the door, when she opened the door she saw a very happy Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh hey pro-I mean Glynda, come in" He greeted as he let her in.

Glynda: "You are in a good mood today, what's the reason?" She asked with a slight smirk.

Y/N: "C-Can you keep a screct, I trust you to tell you this but...I don't want this coming out" He said scratching the back of his head.

Glynda: "I promise I won't tell anybody"

Y/N: "My father has left! now this nightmare is finally over, I won't have to get hurt again, I won't have to fear for my mother's life on a daily basis! everything can finally become normal!" He said with happy tears in his eyes.

Glynda: "You heard of that dead guy that was practically nothing more but a blood puddle when the police found him?"

Y/N: "Yeah? what does tha-"

Glynda: "That was your father, payed him a little visit to make sure no harm would ever come to you or your mom ever again."

Y/N:  "You did that?" He asked shocked.

Glynda: " killed me to see the love of my life coming into to class day in and day out always hurt in one way or another, I couldn't let that pass by, and once I found out the reason for your injuries I didn't hesitate."

Y/N didn't say anything he just hugged her and held on as if his life depended on it.

Y/N: "Thank you! you were already the only good thing in my life besides my mom and this just proves it even more! I love you two" He cried out in between sobs.

Once she heard that she took Y/N's face and smashed their lips together, once they separated they just stared into each other's eyes lovingly.

Glynda: "As there aren't any classes today why don't we go on a date?" She asked stroking his cheek.

Y/N: "I would love to!" He said happily

And so the two lovers set off for their date, nothing could ever get in the way of their love...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Bat117

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