Adventure Of A Lifetime - (RWBY&P X Zombie Survivor Male Reader)

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Pyrrha Fanart By: Kimmy77 On Reddit

Requested By: ShaneEe358

Published On: November 10, 2020


You wouldn't think there could something unusual if you live within a zombie apocalypse, today I was proven wrong by a guy called Y/N L/N or as he sometimes calls himself 'The Doctor'. He was a pretty weird and quirky person, when he was talking about this so-called Tardis we were skeptical but only one look at him made it obvious that he wasn't affected by the apocalypse in any way, which is impossible for anyone.

We decided to trust him and let him lead us to the Tardis, unfortunately, we ran into a lot of zombie hordes along the way, now we were escaping a dilapidated fast food restaurant as it was getting swarmed by zombies while the roof was about to collapse.

Luckily we were all able to get out of there in time or at least so I thought...

When I turned around I saw Ruby struggling with a Zombie, she was about to be crushed by the collapsing roof overhang when Y/N pushes her out of the way...

Y/N...he...just...HE JUST GOT CRUSHED, I just stood there in shock. one second he was there alive and his quirky he's just gone. I looked back up at the wreckage only to see some yellow light shining out of it, we prepared our guns as we saw something crawling out of it.

Y/N: "Oof, that was quite the impact, hopefully, I'll never have to do anything like that again" He said as he dusted himself off.

We all just stared in shock as Y/N just stood there, dusty but alive, not even scratched. Y/N was just dusting himself off until he looks up and notices our looks, he smiles and just walks up to us.

Y/N: "Don't worry, despite the meaty whack of that impact, It only used up some of my regeneration energy!"

Weiss: "W-Wha?" She said totally confused.

Y/N: "As I said before, I'm not from this world and I ain't human either, I'm Galifreyan, which is pretty much a human but durable, two hearts, being capable of regeneration if needed, etc. Basically, I'm a superhuman, I'm not some disgusting alien like they depict in the movies" He said smiling.

Y/N: "So what are we waiting for? off to the Tardis!!" He says as he points to our right and starts walking off.

Weiss: "He really is something..." She says looking at Y/N with disbelieve as we start following him.



Y/N: "There it is!" he cries out as we saw a blue box with windows standing at the edge of the woods.

Weiss: "I really hope this will work, I can't keep running like this!" She huffed out tiredly.

Y/N: "No worries!" He says as he simply picks Weiss up like a princess making her blush and stutter, I instantly got jealous and from the look of things, the others were as well.

Yang: "Why does she get to be carried?" She asked annoyed.

Y/N: "If you insist" He says as he puts Weiss on his left shoulder and puts Yang on his right shoulder, Yang looked quite surprised.

Y/N didn't look like a buff guy, he didn't look weak either though, but to be able to carry people on his shoulder like that and move on like it was nothing was shocking.

After a few minutes we get to the Tardis, Y/N opens the door and to our shock, it really was bigger on the inside.

Blake: "You weren't lying..." She said under her breath in awe, when Y/N heard that his face changed to a sad expression.

Y/N: "Of course I didn't lie! you are my friends, not to mention that it would be messed up for me to leave you in this hellhole." He says as he motions for us to step inside.

We all looked around in awe at the room and the central control collum, Ruby was about to touch a lever when Y/N spoke up.

Y/N: "Please don't touch anything, I'll get us out of here immediately." He said as he moved to the center and started moving a bunch of levers and pressing buttons all over, it was almost impossible to follow his actions.

Finally, he slowed down and pulled a lever making the central collum light up, a loud noise could be heard through the Tardis.

Y/N: "Aaaand we are on our way now, of course, it isn't obvious to first-timers such as you all." He says with a smile.

Ruby: "So...where do we go and what do we do now?" She asked looking uncertain.

Y/N: "Now we have some dinner and afterward we can choose wherever and whenever to go as we please"

Pyrrha: "You mean there are more rooms?" I asked baffled.

Y/N: "Why yes, follow me I'll show you where the kitchen and the other rooms are." He says walking to a door on the other side of the room.

This was going to be an adventure of a lifetime...

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting ShaneEe358

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