Wraith On The Line - (Pyrrha X Male Reader)

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JNR Class D51 Photo Edit By: Me

Requested By: bardockprime

Published On: October 8, 2020



It was early in the morning at the station, the station was quiet as many people were standing on the platforms, from railway workers of all kinds to the average commuter they were all standing there dressed in black.

A news reporter at the far end of one of the platforms was just getting started on her news report, the light on the camera went green as they went live.

Lisa: "I'm standing here at Atlas Central Yard Station where hundreds of people have gathered to mourn the loss of 5532, the locomotive set of at this exact time on this exact day 20 years ago and never returned, no signs of the driver Y/N L/N or the locomotive and or freight trucks were found. The locomotive has been the pride of the line carrying hundreds of freight trains on a monthly basis and getting the name 'The Valiant Strider' by the public, the news of the disappearance has hit the people at Atlas hard, an effect which can still be felt today."


Pyrrha Nikos was wandering tired along the rails, her boyfriend has cheated on her and with one of her friends no less, she tried to move on...but couldn't and now she was walking on the rails just waiting for a train to hit her.

There constantly seemed to be some lights shining behind her but when she turned around there was nothing and she could have sworn she has heard a distant whistle a couple of times.

She decided to just sit down on the rails too tired to keep walking, she heard a whistle and when she looked back there was a freight train coming right for her with a familiar-looking locomotive. She just closed her eyes and waited for everything to end, she wasn't expecting however for things to quiet down and get dark again... she opened her eyes only to see that the rails were empty once more.

She quickly got up and frantically looked around for the train until she tripped and fell off to the side of the track, when she looked back up she flinched as she took in the sight before her.

There stood 'The Valiant Strider' with freight train behind it and everything, like everyone else she had heard of the tale of the Class D51 numbered 5532 that went missing years ago. She was speechless and her blood had run cold, she was surprised when she saw a driver coming towards the edge of the cab and held his hand out to her.

The man was the same age as her with H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes shining mesmerizingly in the night, as he spoke his voice echoed.

Y/N: "Please...your life isn't worth throwing away, if you join me I can show you" Pyrrha got up and thought about the driver's offer, she didn't have anything left anyway so why not?

Pyrrha: "I...I'll come with you" She answered deciding finally and gave her hand to Y/N who pulled her up into the cab.

And with a loud shrill of its whistle 5532 set off into the night air, the locals who heard the whistle quickly came to inspect but 'The Valiant Strider' had already disappeared into the thick mist of the cold night...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting bardockprime

I used July 29 as the infamous day where the incident happened as that is the day when LNER Peppercorn A1 Class 60163 Tornado had it's first run

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