Dream Come True - (Rejecting Yang X Rejected Dragon Faunus Male Reader X Pyrrha)

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Pyrrha Fanart By: dishwasher1910 On Reddit

Requested By: MagicGalatica

Published On: September 9, 2020


Ever since I joined Beacon I had a crush on Yang, she was just so amazing I couldn't stop thinking about her and her energetic personality that could light up a room. Today I was finally going to propose to her, with the help of Ren I baked a little cake to go along with the confession!

I had asked Yang to meet me after class in front of the dorms, I had the cake ready and despite my nervous shaking, I wasn't going to back out now.

Yang: "Alright Y/N make it quick, Weiss and I are gonna go to Vale and I don't wanna be late" She said as she arrived.

Y/N: "Oh well okay..."

Y/N: "Yang we have known each other for a while now and to be honest I had feelings for you ever since we met, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" I asked but Yang didn't say anything.

Y/N: "I-I also baked this cake for you with the help of Ren..." I said as I held the box up to her.

Suddenly Yang smashes the box out of my hand making it go flying onto the ground.

Yang: "Do you honestly believe I would like you like that? I put up with you the times you were around knowing that you'll leave sooner rather than later, but dealing with you 24/7 and as my boyfriend? definitely not!" She cries out progressively more annoyed and angry.

Y/N: "I-I di-" I fumbled with my words trying to understand what just happened.


I couldn't take it anymore, I just ran off to my dorm crying


I couldn't believe it! how could she be so heartless?

Yang: "Oh hey Pyrrha!" She said and waved to me as I came out from around the corner.

I just walked up to her and slapped her.

Yang: "OW WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR??" She asked holding her cheek.

Pyrrha: "That's for being a heartless cunt and stomping on Y/N's heart!" I shouted into her face fuming.

Yang: "Why the fuck do you care about that dragon fuck anyways?" She asked before I slapped her again.

Pyrrha: "SHUT UP!!" I cried out before running after Y/N towards his dorm.

When I walked up to Y/N's dorm I could hear him crying loudly, my heart shattered at the sounds. I had been in love with Y/N for so long and hearing him crying is something I never wanted to hear again.

Y/N: "M-Maybe I should leave Beacon after all..." I heard him say.

Pyrrha: "No! please don't leave!" I cried out as I came into his dorm.

Y/N: "P-Pyrrha? h-how long have you been there?" He asked surprised.

Pyrrha: "I o-overheard what happened back there with Yang and...Y/N please don't leave Beacon! she isn't worth leaving Beacon over trust me!" I pleaded as I sat down beside him.

Y/N: "But it hurts so fucking much, I don't want to see her and be around her constantly after what happened" He said while crying.

Pyrrha: "How about this...if I can make you feel better within one month can I then convince you to stay?" I said as I held his hand in mine.

Y/N: "And you are sure you can make me feel better?"

Pyrrha: "Within one month? definitely" I replied wiping his tears away.

Y/N: "O-Okay..."


I was right and within the last month he has gotten better again and regained his happiness, we often hung out and either sparred, studied together, or just simply talked. In that time my love for Y/N has only deepened. I have been thinking of confessing to him as he seems to also love me, but I don't know if it's too soon.

Right now I was meeting up with Y/N again, this time on the dorm roofs.

Pyrrha: "So...think you are still going to leave Beacon?" I asked as I sat down beside him.

Y/N didn't respond however, I was about to ask him if something was wrong until he suddenly put his hands on my cheeks and...kissed me!

Y/N: "No...because I have found happiness with a beautiful woman who deeply cares for me." He said looking deeply into my eyes.


Y/N and I married after we graduated and bought a house together on Patch, we have quite a happy and peaceful life. Y/N and Yang never talked again after what happened and since graduation, we haven't seen or heard of her, though her sister Ruby and her teammates come over sometime.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Y/N hugging me from behind and bury his face in my shoulder

Y/N: "You coming to bed Honey?" He asked half-awake

Pyrrha: "Yep"

Y/N: "You know how I can't sleep unless my goddess holds me in her strong arms" He said smiling before kissing me.

This relationship is exactly as amazing as I imagined it would be...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting MagicGalatica

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