The Fragility Of Life - (Bully Team RWBY X Pacifist Male Reader)

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Ruby & Yang Fanart By: Dishwasher1910 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Legogamer45

Published On: September 25, 2021


Things aren't easy at Uni...

Getting through it is already hard, but for Y/N L/N it is hell. His life was made harder ever since he caught the attention of four women who also attended here at Beacon, four women who loved him...and are really fucking bad at getting their feelings out to him...


Classes were over and Y/N was happily making his way to his dorm again, ready to relax and enjoy the weekend to its fullest. His happy demeanor changed when Ruby came up and tripped him, his books and everything flying onto the floor.

Disappointed at this negative turn of events, Y/N just looks up at Ruby with an upset expression, the redhead frowning at the response.

Ruby: "Oh don't give me that look, I expect a smile when I turn up"

Y/N: "Yeah...a smile" He muttered loud enough for Ruby to hear.

Ruby grumbles as her face goes red and she punches him in the face as he gets back up, sending him down to the ground again.


Once during a break, while everyone was chilling in class and just joking around, Y/N was reading up on some material in his history book, he was interrupted when Weiss tapped him on the shoulder and asked for a pen.

Grabbing a pen and handing it back to her, he went straight back to reading, when he heard Weiss grumble he looks at her again only for her to set his history book on fire with her lighter, the H/C haired male drops his book scared and stomps on it to quickly put it out, though not before it was already ruined.

Breathing heavily from the scare he looks back at Weiss who was sitting at her table again, looking satisfied with her actions. Y/N only sits down exasperated, thinking about how that was mild in comparison to some of the other things she normally does...


One morning Y/N was late to his first class, rushing through the halls while struggling to not drop anything. He crashed into someone when he turns around a corner, sending him flying to the ground with his stuff going everywhere.

Y/N: "Sorry Miss, my bad" He says to the female student he bumped into.

Student: "Ugh, whatever..." She said annoyed as she walked away.

His spirits dropped even further when Blake walks up to him, looking down at him with a suspiciously friendly expression.

Blake: "You need some help there Y/N?"

He was surprised at first as he didn't expect Blake to be so nice, till he started to consider that maybe this was some scheme of hers to mess with him again.

Y/N: "U-Uh no thank you, I'll manage"

Blake's expression instantly changes as she grumbles, walking off after she stomped on his hand. The H/C haired male laid on the ground in pain as he clutched his hand, wondering what the fuck just happened...


Y/N lied on the ground in pain, his stomach's content completely puked out. Yang had punched him in the stomach twice full force after he didn't pay any attention to her when she sat down beside him, more focused on reading his novel instead. If it wasn't for other students coming closer she would have probably continued the beating, but Y/N just counted himself lucky that he didn't have to limp back to his dorm today all black and blue like he would after most encounters with Yang...

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now