What Should I Do Mistress? - (Team RWBY X Male Reader)

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Team RWBY Fanart By: mistecru On Reddit

Requested By: Reecethebeast23

Published On: September 3, 2020


I and the rest of the team just came back after exploring a path within Emerald forest that Ruby had found out about and REALLY wanted to explore, we actually found a shattered red crystal.

Ruby: "I can't wait to piece it back together!" She said excitedly.

Yang: "I wonder how much we can sell it for" She said while looking at the crystal pieces, trying to judge their value.

Blake: "Considering it was shattered once? probably nothing" I replied.

Ruby: "We aren't selling it! this is an important memento that will always remind us of how we spent some quality time together as a team today!" She said while looking through the pieces, puzzling them slowly together.

Yang: "You are too precious for this world Ruby" She said while ruffling her hair.

Ruby: "HA! I got it together!" She shouted as she got all the pieces in the right order.

Suddenly the crystal glowed before floating into the air and with a loud flash, there was suddenly a H/L H/C haired boy with H/C eyes standing in front of us.

Ruby: "WOW I summoned somebody, this crystal is magic!" She said with eyes glowing from excitement.

Weiss: "Who are you?" She asked skeptically.

Y/N: "Good evening Mistress, I'm your new servant Y/N L/N, and as your property, you can use me however you see fit!"

Weiss: "M-Mistress?" She asked baffled with red checks.

Y/N: "You four and your souls have been connected to me, you are Mistresses, I am your property now" he responds while smiling.

This was going to take some getting used to...



It's been months since Y/N has come into our lives and...well has massively improved it! He is always super nice and treats us like royalty, only referring to us as Mistress and doing more than we could ever have asked for. Over the time he has been here we quickly fell in love with him, but we have been struggling to find a way to tell as we are also kinda afraid of rejection.


I was heading to the dorm to bring back the team's clothes all cleaned up, unfortunately, I had another run-in with Cardin and his teammates and friends, thanks to them I was limping again. For weeks now Cardin and his followers have been tormenting me and it was getting increasingly difficult to hide my injuries from Team RWBY, if the team found about this then I fear they might replace me for another servant, maybe what Cardin and the others said was true...maybe I'm not good enough.

Maybe if I did more then I won't be replaced, yeah maybe that could work!



The members of Team RWBY have been noticing that he has been doing even more chores and even extra things for them, he was always doing something for them. While they appreciated what he was doing for them...they were also seeing how he was getting paler and looking progressively more tired. They talked about it and since have started paying even more attention to it, ultimately they have decided to confront him on it.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now