Gentle Love - (Blake X Shy Kitsune Male Reader)

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Blake Fanart By: Kimmy77 On Reddit

Requested By: FlamingTaurus

Published On: September 22, 2020


Rays of lights were coming through the window and ripping me from my wonderful dreams, unfortunately, once I'm awake I usually have a hard time falling back asleep so I just decide to get up.

Looking around I see that my boyfriend isn't with me anymore and already up, I just get up and go to the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

I was just making myself a coffee when I looked up and saw through the window Y/N in his wheelchair trying to get up and falling down onto the ground, I quickly leave my coffee in the dust as I run out through the back door to Y/N.

Blake: "Y/N are you okay?!?" I asked as I rushed over and helped him up into his wheelchair.

Y/N: "I-I fine" he said looking down.

Blake: "Why did you try to get up? your leg hasn't healed yet" I questioned as I hugged him tightly.

Y/N: "I-I'm sorry, I...I just don't want to be a burden anymore, if I could just walk myself you wouldn't have to always help me." He said looking like he was about to cry.

Blake: "You aren't a burden, I love you! and I'll gladly help you through anything!" I said before kissing him deeply.

After a little makeout session, he wheeled himself inside with a massive blush.

I first met Y/N in the city when he was in an alley, when I tried getting closer he started backing up in a panic and shaking like a beaten animal, he had a broken leg and several untreated wounds all over. My heart broke at the sight of this pure soul living in these horrid conditions, every time I came closer he looked like he expected me to hit him. It took a lot of time and convincing but I eventually got him to come with me and after a short trip to the hospital where the doctors gave him a check-up and even gave us a wheelchair for him we came home, he was very scared of doing something wrong and would often ask me if it was okay to do this or that but eventually he became used to his new home.

He was very shy when he met my friends for the first time, he instantly got along with Ruby as she was being her kind self as always but Weiss being her usual self made Y/N run upstairs into his room, she did apologize but Y/N now always keeps his distance every time she visits.

While he is still really shy and wary of other people he has come to trust me more than anything else on this planet, especially after we started dating, he'll show me his love through all these little things he does for me on a daily basis like making breakfast for me. When I came into the living room I saw Y/N sitting on the couch and painting, I went over and sat beside him.

Blake: "What are you painting?"

Y/N: "Y-You..." He said as he showed me the painting.

Blake: "You only seem to make paintings of me"

Y/N: "W-Well you beautiful." He said shyly looking away.

Blake: "Aww thank you darling." I said as I cuddled up to him and laid my head down on his lap.

I just watched him paint while he would occasionally pet me during breaks making me purr.

I could stay in his arms for all eternity...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting FlamingTaurus

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