Mechanical Instinct - (Neo X Male Reader)

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Neo Fanart By: ADSouto On DeviantArt

Requested By: Legogamer45

Published On: April 3, 2021


There were a lot of things she was able to overcome over the years, but this was the first time that Neopolitan felt like she couldn't do it. She's been dreaming of this moment for years, to be reunited with her lover, yet here she stood in front of the massive electronic door, afraid. The more information she had been able to dig up over the years of what these abductors had done to her Y/N the more disgusted, sad, and reviled she became, yet even now with all the info she had obtained she still had to ask herself...what has truly become of her love?

She clutches Hush tightly as she thought back to that day years ago, the last time she saw him just before he was abducted by Atlesians. Tears started to stream down her face and she started to shake, the memories still as haunting now as it was back then.

It wasn't the Atlas Military that abducted him like she initially thought, it was detractors from the Atlesian military, they were kicked out of the military and are wanted dead or alive for their sick nature and fucked up plans, Y/N being, unfortunately, one of their victims...

With a shaky hand she tipped onto the button as the old door slowly opened, she took a deep breath and stepped inside.

There was only a single light, not nearly enough to light up the entire room. Neo stood there shakily as she saw something limping into the light, her heart torn by a turmoil of emotions as she recognized the figure's face.

Y/N: "Shadows become the light, here where the monsters hide" He sang.

Neo didn't know what to say, she could only stare into his glowing eyes in shock.

Y/N: "Join us in our dance" He says as he held his hand out to her.

Behind him the shadowy figures of the hundreds, thousands of his followers stared at her, their glowing eyes just like his, staring into her frightened soul.

Y/N: "Let's dance to forget"

Shaking she slowly reached out and touched his cold metal hand, he gently pulled her into an embrace. She was entranced by his eyes, it felt like entire worlds were hidden in them, all filled with terrible pain.

Y/N: "I knew you wouldn't abandon me, that's why I waited for you all this time"

Y/N saw her scared glances at the shadowy figures behind them, he laughed making Neo look at him again.

Y/N: "No need to be scared of them, we would never harm you. you are our everything"

With that, he pulled her along deeper into the underground freakshow of misery...

As they danced through the room an old distorted music recording started to play, lights began to flicker on as they moved along. The further they moved the clearer it became to Neo that this wasn't just a room, it was a chamber. As some of the lights flickered on and off as they passed she could see weird shadows, with a heavy heart she realized that they were the shadows of hanged men and women.

Neo didn't know how to feel, the emotions in her head moved around and evolved like a tornado. The face that she had come to love in the past now had an air of cold calculated misery, his embrace which she often found herself in during bad days now was cold with no heartbeat behind his chest.

His movements were off, there was no effort behind them, it was all too clean and smooth. He had some deep scars along his chin, like someone tried to tear his skin off and failed. The cheerful days of the past were looking back at her with blood lust, and yet, she couldn't complain...

She had come to appreciate his mechanical instinct...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Legogamer45

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