Robotic Guardian - (Overprotective Weiss X Bullied Male Reader)

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Weiss Fanart By: manu-chann On DeviantArt

Requested By: Legogamer45

Published On: January 1, 2021


Cardin: "Fucking nerd!" He said as he shoved me back making me fall over.

Russel: "Aww does the nerd need help to get back up?"

CRDL: "laughs"

Cardin: "Do everyone a favor and just leave already, we don't need losers like you here!"

Weiss: "Do we have a problem?" She asked as she slowly walked up to us.

Cardin: "Oh sh-"

Sky: "Run!" He cried out as he and the rest of the team quickly scamper off.

With a worried expression, Weiss helps me up carefully and back into my wheelchair, she looks all over me for injuries.

Y/N: "Don't worry they didn't beat me, not this time at least" I explained as I took her hand in mine.

Weiss: "I'm still going to worry, if I weren't concerned with checking you for injuries I would have shown them what happens if they mess with you!" She says with a stern expression.

Y/N: "It's okay, let's just get back to our dorm" I said.

Weiss nodded and started pushing me along, I just leaned back and let my mind wander a bit...

I was the biggest loser in Beacon, I didn't even have a team, then again I guess it's my fault for trying to become a Huntsmen when I can't even walk, now I'm getting kicked out of Beacon and only have a month left to find something else to do and somewhere else to live. But I found a job at a nice small coffee shop in Vale, it's run by two girls called Melanie and Miltia, Weiss and I quickly befriended them and thanks to the job we got a nice place for ourselves not too far away from the shop.

Weiss and I have known each other for years now, we met when I busted her out of the lab she was kept in. She was an Android and yet she was exactly like a human, fully alive, capable of emotions and everything. In the process of getting out of the lab with her I got injured and landed in a wheelchair as a result, Weiss felt guilty about it but I reassured her time and time again that it wasn't her fault and that I didn't mind if it meant she was free. I told Weiss that she was free to do with her life as she pleased but she decided that no matter what she wanted to stay at my side, we have lived together since then and she turned out to be VERY overprotective, not that I minded, it was a very cute side of her. I had learned to read her pretty well despite the fact that her eyes were concealed from the outside world, her outfit in general was a bit on the...extreme side, which of course wasn't a bad thing, if anything, it has become a comforting and common sight in my life.

I was wrangled out of my thoughts when we finally arrived at our dorm, Weiss opened the door for me and pushed me inside. I was fighting my eyes to stay open at this point, Weiss saw this and picked me up and placed me into my bed before snuggling up to me.

Weiss: "Just relax my dear, I'm right here." She whispered into my ear as she stroked my hair.

In the warmth of Weiss's gentle embrace, I slowly fell asleep...

Weiss: "Is something wrong Y/N? you look worried" She asked as she kneeled in front of me and held my hands.

Y/N: "I'm scared" I admitted as tears started rolling down my face.

Weiss: "Is someone pestering you again?" She asked looking angry.

Y/N: "No, no nothing like that, I'm scared of sa-of telling you something" I said as I couldn't help but smile at Weiss's caring and overprotective nature.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now