Not According To Plan - (Yandere Nora X Male Reader)

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Nora Fanart By: cslucaris On DeviantArt

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: December 4, 2021


I squeeze my thighs together needly as I watch him, it didn't help that I just came back from my workout, something that always makes me even hornier.

Y/N L/N Y/N L/N Y/N L/N Y/N L/N Y/N L/N Y/N L/N Y/N L/N Y/N L/N Y/N L/N Y/N L/N... it's all my mind can think about, it's what my entire being lusts after...

I never thought that I would fall for anyone during my time at Beacon, but I was proven wrong. This overwhelming intoxicating feeling every single time I see him or think of him, at first I tried to hold myself back, but what's the point of that? I need him and so I'm going to get him~

I can't wait anymore, I need to be more than just friends with him~

Slowly I walk up behind him unnoticed, too focused on fixing his sword.

Nora: "Hey!" 

Y/N: "Ye-"

I knock him out before he could finish speaking, catching him before he could hit the ground. Looking around anxiously I drag him off, hoping that no one was gonna be in the halls at thi-

Nora: "Ah fuck!" I whisper to myself.

I had to quickly drag Y/N into a storage room with me as I could hear some people coming close, I quickly place him down on a chair while I listen by the door.

Ruby: "And then she wrapped her strong arms around me an-ah she's simply perfect."

Blake: "I've never seen anyone as lovestruck with someone as you."

Ruby: "How could I not? Winter is an amazing girlfriend."

They have finally moved past the door, but I'll still have to wait until they are completely gone.

Y/N: "U-Uhhh." He groans as he leans up and looks at me. 

Nora: "Shut up, you're gonna give me away!" I whisper shout at him.

I hit him in the face to shut him up, his head turning to the side from the force of it.

Y/N: "Ahhh~" He moans out suddenly.

Nora: "What the fu-" I almost cry out, nearly giving myself away.

That motherfucker was pitching a tent!

Y/N: "Man I'm getting treated today, such a hot woman with a sexy voice, and one that can hit really well at that~" He says as he looks up at me.

I just stand there at a total loss on what to do, this wasn't part of the plan. I just quickly knock him out again, hoping that by the time he woke up I've been able to comprehend what just happened.

Slowly I step out of the room, looking around the halls anxiously, hopi-

Glynda: "Is everything alright Ms. Valkyrie?" She asks as I flinch, having no idea where the fuck she came from.

Nora: "Y-Yeah! everything is fine, a-okay!" I replied quickly, hoping she didn't know about Y/N.

Cursing under my breath I walk away, not able to get Y/N out of there with Goodwitch here.

As I walk around the corner I could hear Goodwitch gasp as Y/N steps outside, my body grows cold as I prepare to run for my life.

Glynda: "Mr. L/N are you alright?!"

Y/N: "S-Sorta, s-someone knocked me out and tried to kidnap me."

Glynda: "Were you able to see who it was?"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah, it was a purple-haired woman."

W-What the fuck? why isn't he ratting me out?


I was sitting with my team in the cafeteria, tired from a sleepless night. I've been thinking all night about what reasons Y/N might have to not rat me out. I had just gotten done with my food and was about to get up for more when someone trailed their finger done my back.

Y/N: "Good morning honey~" He greets in an overly sexual tone.

My team and friends all stop talking as they look towards us, confusion and surprise in their expressions. Y/N leans on the table and locks eyes with me, frowning as he sees how tired I look.

Y/N: "You must've had a bad night honey, you want to take a nap at my dorm? you can use my lap as a pillow if you want~" He says gently as he brushes my hair behind my ear.

Nora: "Y-Yes...I-I would like that..." I stutter, too surprised and shocked by what's happening.

The others look on as Y/N suddenly picks me up and carries me away, his gaze never once leaving me.

Y/N: "You'll feel well-rested and better in no time."

I was still too flabbergasted by all of this to respond, simply nodding as he carried me to his dorm.


I slowly wake up, feeling much better. Y/N plays with my hair gently as he smiles down at me, making me blush a deep red.

Y/N: "Evening honey, hope you slept well."

Nora: "I-I did." I stutter flustered.

Y/N gets off the bed after I sit up from his lap pillow, he walks over to the light switch and turns on the lig-


His dorm was filled with my stuff...all of my stuff...

Y/N: "I moved all of your stuff over while you rested, I made sure to not damage anything." He explains after he notices me looking.

Nora: "Yeah...I see that..."

Y/N: "So what would you like to eat?"

Nora: "Huh?"

Y/N: "I'm gonna make dinner for us now, or would you rather go out to eat?" He replies, pointing to a little kitchen area he had set himself up with a plug-in stove and oven, etc.

Nora: "P-Pancakes?"

Y/N: "Sure!"

And with that, he walked to his little kitchen set up and started making us some pancakes, leaving me to sit on the bed, still trying to comprehend everything.

I got myself into a lot more than I anticipated...not that I could complain though~

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting PlagueOfShadows

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