Shelter - (Abusive, Bully & Cheater Team RWBY X Male Reader X Caring Team SECN)

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Salem Fanart By: Jonnekip0 On DeviantArt

Requested By: LoganW21406

Published On: September 20, 2020


Cinder and I were on our way back to Salem's castle after completing another mission for her, it was a long and uneventful ride and my mind started to drift to thoughts of our boyfriend Y/N...

2 years ago we found Y/N in his dorm on the verge of death when we came to visit him, we were able to save him but just barely. His girlfriends Team RWBY were the ones who did it, they beat him, used him, they even...raped him. After what happened Y/N is just a shadow of his former self, he doesn't smile, he isn't able to sleep, and often has panic and anxiety attacks. When we brought him to Salem's castle for his safety and so he could recover. Salem demanded complete and utter loyalty, Y/N agreed and even though he was still recovering tried to do everything to please Salem as he desperately wanted to be of use to her, she just rejected him every time breaking his heart.

I still remember that night when I found him on the ground in his room, driving a knife into his leg and crying.


I quickly took the knife from him and hugged him crying, but he didn't seem to notice me at all, he was still shaking and crying while mumbling to himself.

Y/N: "How can I be so useless?" He muttered over and over to himself.

Emerald: "N-No you aren't useless! Salem was just being horrid like she is to everyone." I cried out as I picked him up and ran with him to the medic bay.

As I was running there Neo spotted me and started following us, she was looking more concerned than ever before.

Emerald: "I'll get the medical items ready, you just make sure that he stays awake" I ordered Neo as I sat Y/N down on the medic bed.

Neo sat down beside Y/N and tried to get his attention but he still wasn't responding to anybody and his eyes were glassed over.

I could barely get all the items I needed to patch Y/N up, my hands were shaking and twitching making me drop the items a lot of times and I could barely see through my tears.

It took a while to patch up his wounds as they were pretty severe and he also reopened a lot of his old ones, during all of that I was using my semblance to make him see more positive things and thankfully it worked and he finally got out of his shock state and became responsive again.

After I was done I decided to stay with him for the rest of the night and make sure he feels as safe as possible, Neo and him were cuddling and he thankfully for the first time ever didn't get a panic attack during the night.


When Cinder heard of what happened the next morning she was livid and we all made sure to have him avoid Salem entirely, Neo now hanged out with him all the time and even stayed with him during the night to make sure he wouldn't try to kill himself again which he thankfully didn't.

Salem got suspicious once Y/N stopped coming to her and asked Cinder about it, once she found out about his suicide attempt she surprisingly changed her tune entirely and treated Y/N much nicer and went to visit him, at first he was afraid of her beating him for not being good enough but over time Salem was able to establish trust again, she would always treat him like a delicate flower as if he could break under her touch if she did the wrong move.

I would also stay with him every time I could and would often read a book to him, if he got a panic or anxiety attack I would just use my semblance again to help him out of it. Both Neo and I loved him dearly but were unsure if we should confess since he is still deeply hurt by Team RWBY's actions, Cinder, however, was more upfront with affections and would hug him often and even kiss him, declaring her love for him which took him by surprise, at first he was scared that it was all just all a lie but she convinced him by making us confess to him as well and then showing him a video on her scroll of our visit to Team RWBY after we had brought him to castle where we made sure they wouldn't have a future. He was convinced and accepted our confession revealing that he had feelings for us for a long time now but was scared of a repeat of Team RWBY.

Cinder: "Emerald!!" She shouted straight into my face.

Emerald: "W-What? huh?"

Cinder: "Finally!! we're here, now stop thinking of Y/N cus now we can actually hang out with him." She explained as she got off the bullhead.

Y/N: "Emerald!! Cinder!!" He shouted as he came running over to us with Neo following behind.

Y/N: "I'm soo glad to see you!!" He said as he jumped into Cinder's arms and hugged her tightly.

Cinder: "Me too honey" She said as she hugged back and gave him a deep kiss.

Then he quickly jumped from Cinder's over to my arms and gave me a kiss as well.

He will always have shelter in our arms...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting LoganW21406

Team SECN means Seduction and they for sure have won the heart of Y/N didn't they?

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