Things Changed At Evil HQ - (Salem X Demon Male Reader)

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Salem Fanart By: risgord On DeviantArt

Requested By: MeowChickaBowPow

Published On: August 27, 2021


Cinder regretted it...she abso-fucking-lutely regretted it...

She regretted ever introducing this...this thing...HIM to her queen, everything changed after that...

Now she and the others were watching as Y/N and Salem were roasting Mercury alive while debating the best grill tactics, Hazel and Watts looked uncomfortable, Emerald and Cinder looked terrified, meanwhile Tyrian and Neo were watching it with great excitement while carefully listening to Y/N and Salem's conversation, they also wanted to know what the perfect grilling strategy was.

Salem: "Hmm very well, your strategy is better, now stop keeping him alive"

Y/N listens and stops forcing the screaming Mercury to stay alive, thanking his demon powers for their unending usefulness.

Y/N: "So with that aside, what were we talking about?" He asks as he faces everyone.

Watts: "We were talking about what approach we should take to bring down Vacuo."

Y/N: "Ah yes, my darling and I were talking about that yesterday and have decided that we'll send you out to Vacuo to spy on Shade and possibly get into their network."

Watts: "Very well sir, I'll get ready and head out now" He says as he bows and gets up.

Y/N: "Tyrian, you'll accompany Watts to give him any assistance he might need, so I expect you to listen to all his orders."

Tyrian: "Gladly my god, I'll do my best" He says bowing before sprinting out of the room.

Y/N: "Hazel, we want you to continue hunting after any huntsman that you can find and take them out."

Hazel: "Yes sir" He replied as he left as well.

Y/N: "Now that was it really, till Watts has gathered some information we won't start our attack."

Everyone just sat around awkward not knowing what to do, they certainly expected more to happen this meeting. Salem looked content snuggled up to Y/N while he looked content but also bored.

Y/N: "sighs I'm bored, you two make out with each other" He suddenly commanded.

Using his demon powers he made Emerald get up and straddle Neo's lap as they started making out, both of their faces deep red from the surprise makeout session. Salem chuckled at their faces, Y/N raised his hand and used his powers to make Neo spank Emerald's ass.

Salem: "You seem to have taken a strong likening to Emerald..." She commented. 

Y/N: "Oh please honey, I doubt Emerald has remotely enough stamina to keep up with the kind of crazy kinky shit we get up to every night." He said as Emerald and Neo's blushes got only worst.

Salem: "I suppose you're right dear"

Y/N: "Not to mention that she would have to get quite a bit thiccer to equal you, let alone beat you"

Seeing that things weren't going to get productive today Cinder slowly got out of her chair and started to slowly sneak her way to the door, she didn't need to see her minions make out today. She was already thinking about how she'll just spend the rest of the day continuing her novel and maybe take a nice relaxing ba-

Y/N: "Let's not be so hasty there Cinder" He calls out.

Cinder couldn't move anymore due to his demon powers, no matter how hard she tried her body was frozen. She grew really angry when his powers made her drop to her knees, the door suddenly opening in front of her.

Her black latex heels clinked on the floor as she entered, her silver eyes staring down at Cinder with endless hunger. Cinder's eyes widened, suddenly afraid of what was going to happen. Holding a whip and wearing a revealing black latex outfit was Summer Rose, ready to take her new toy for a spin.

Y/N: "Cinder meet Summer Rose, your new mistress."

Summer: "You're the fall maiden huh? what a cute little thing you are, I'll have lots of fun breaking you..." She says as she slowly brushed her whip across Cinder's back.

Y/N: "Summer will also take your maiden powers...oh and I hope you like it rough, if not....good luck."

Summer grabbed her harshly and started dragging her out of the room as Y/N's powers released her, the last thing she sees being Y/N and Salem making out...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting MeowChickaBowPow

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