Delayed Payback - (Cheated Pyrrha & Nora X Male Reader)

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Nora Fanart By: the-suid-guy On DeviantArt

Requested By: MeowChickaBowPow

Published On: January 23, 2022


I was smiling like a mad man, I didn't even have to look into the rearview mirror to tell. I was just amongst several cars on the highway, driving home through the heavy rain, home where my two lovely wives are.

It wasn't easy to get out of my wives' grasp without waking them, my willpower being nearly drained by the cuddly warmth of their hold, not to mention how cute they look when they sleep...

...But I had a mission, one that I could never ignore. I didn't care that it has been 5 years since those bastards cheated on my lovers, I didn't care that the event was long since forgotten by them now that they are happy with me.

Once I had the incredible luck to hear that they were in the next city, an hour-long drive away from my home...I just knew that I had to pay them a visit. Those two cheating fucks might have gotten out of my grasp back then...but not this time...

I didn't forget, they betrayed, hurt, played my loves, and that will NEVER go unpunished...



I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard the bedroom door close, still half asleep I turn around to see Y/N, just barely visible in the dark as only the dim moonlight shined on him. I grow confused when I hear a dripping noise, then I noticed that he looked soaked and seemed to be covered in something.

Pyrrha: "Y-Y/N?" I croak out tiredly.

Y/N: "Oh I'm sorry Pyrrha, did I wake you?" He whispers.

Pyrrha: "Yeah but it's okay."

Y/N: "Sorry, It won't happen again."

Pyrrha: "Is it raining outside? you're soaked."

Y/N: "Yeah it's raining really badly."

Pyrrha: "Why did you leave the house?"

Y/N: "Oh I heard something fall outside and checked, it was just a drainpipe, don't worry though, I fixed it."

Pyrrha: "What are you covered in?" I asked as I squinted to try and see what it was.

Y/N: "O-Oh that...i-it's just mud, it's pretty muddy out there right now hehe..."

After that he just walks towards the bathroom, satisfied with the answer I turn around again and go back to sleep.



Pyrrha and I were woken up by the smell of breakfast, leading us to quickly get out of bed and go downstairs. When we entered the kitchen we could see Y/N standing in front of the TV, looking the giddiest I've ever seen him.

Nora: "Hey Y/N what's going on?"

He flinches and quickly fumbles with the remote before turning off the TV, when he turns around he gives me a smile.

Y/N: "O-Oh I was just watching some TV."

Nora: "You looked pretty giddy there, what's gotten you in such a good mood?"

Y/N: "T-There just was...a commercial for a new game based on F/M! y-yeah! that..."

Nora: "Oh okay, let's dig into your delicious breakfa-" I stop talking when we both noticed that Pyrrha had already started eating.

Pyrrha: "Hmm? oh...sowwy!" She says with her mouth full, looking away flustered.

Y/N: "Well we better start eating now before she eats everything, still can't believe you're even crazier for my breakfast Pyr than Nora is for Pancakes."

Nora: "Well you're cooking is pretty fucking good." She says while salivating over her plate.

And with that we dug into our breakfast, ready for another day with our wonderful N/N...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting MeowChickaBowPow

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now