Love Shown Differently - (Tsundere Weiss X Cold Male Reader)

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Weiss Fanart By: AdSouto On DeviantArt

Requested By: jondalhortiz

Published On: November 30, 2020


It was a nice morning, the birds are chirping, there is a nice breeze going through the area, the people are being assholes again... I was making the rounds through the town again teaching people that they shouldn't mess with my man. Y/N L/N, he is an interesting person, he was the first person that caught my sight upon living in this town. I couldn't stand my family's bullshit anymore and I just left, I stumbled upon this random town outside the kingdom of Vale after traveling around randomly for days. Y/N doesn't live in the town but rather in a cabin a bit further away in the woods, he doesn't tend to speak to anybody and keeps to himself. There is just something about him that makes my heart go crazy, it only got worst when I started living with him after I was kicked out from my room at the inn for speaking my mind at the owner's face. Despite his cold and stoic exterior Y/N actually is quite hurt by what the townspeople say about him, they see him as a freak, of course, I made sure to make them stop whenever I hear that they started talking about him behind his back again.

I bought some groceries from the small shop at the end of town, the owner, Tasha, was a nice woman only a couple of years older than me who doesn't share the town's messed up views of Y/N and by extension me. With Tasha and her sister Kelly I always had a place where I could just relax and talk with some friends, I would always be there when the town's people got under my skin again or when Y/N and I had an argument.

Recently though Y/N has been acting weird, he would sometimes randomly shift from mood to mood. One second he would be his usual stoic, cold, and mostly quiet self, but then suddenly he would act surprisingly sweet, granted sometimes his attempts fall flat, but at least he tries.

By the time I have gotten back to the cabin it was already getting dark, the lights in the cabin were out. I started to get concerned, usually, Y/N wouldn't have gone to bed yet, especially when I'm not there. I carefully entered the house and carried the groceries to the table while making sure I didn't trip or bump into anything in the dark, it was completely silent.

I turned the lights on after finding my way to the switch, everything looked untouched as if Y/N hasn't been here for a while. With increasing amounts of fear I make my way up the stairs, as I walk up I can hear what sounds like glass clinking from outside. I look through all the rooms and don't find him...leaving only the bedroom, usually, I wouldn't intrude on his privacy like that but my fear was overriding any logical thoughts. Behind the door I could hear subtle sounds that seemed to come from the balcony outside his bedroom, I gently opened the door and what I saw made my heart stop...

Y/N: "O-Oh...I didn't think you'll join me this early..." He said scratching the back of his head.

He set up a beautiful candlelit dinner, everything was set up to be perfect. There were candles on the table and all around the balcony, he had made Vacuo Barbecue.

Weiss: "T-This is for me?" I asked shocked as I slowly walked up to the table and took everything in.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah." He said with a blush as he looked away for a second.

He suddenly turned around again before taking my hand and looking at me with the most serious expression I have ever seen on his face.

Y/N: "I-I know that I'm not great with expressing my feelings and that I often come off as cold, but I don't dislike you or anything, I actually like you a lot, I love you, and I wanted to make this dinner as a surprise to confess to you. When I came to this cabin I thought that I would never be able to love again after what happened in the past, but you proved me wrong, you showed me nothing but love and kindness, protecting me from the townspeople and even getting back at them for what they would say about me. I know that you aren't great at expressing your feelings either, you are a tsundere after all, but I don't mind, I actually find it cute, Weiss Schnee will you be my girlfriend and make me happier then I could ever possibly be." He asks looking at me with a kind but very nervous smile.

I just hug him tightly as he hugs back, we just stand there like that for a minute before separating again.

Weiss: "I'm glad you were able to look past my dysfunctional ways of showing love"

Y/N: "There is nothing dysfunctional about how you show your love, you just do it differently" He said as he took my hand and walked me to a seat at the table.

Weiss: "You are too good for me..." I said with a dreamy smile.

Y/N: "I could say the same, but let's not forget the food before it gets cold." He said sitting down on the other side.

And with that started off our first night as boyfriend and girlfriend...the stoic and tsundere, together at last...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting jondalhortiz

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