Mistress Of The Rails - (Blake X Male Reader)

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Mallard Painting By: Mark Jeffries

Requested By: bardockprime

Sequel To: The Green Goddess - (Blake X Male Reader)

Published On: October 8, 2020


It was another early morning at Atlas Central Yard Station where I was waiting for my boyfriend, right on time I heard a familiar whistle and saw Y/N pulling up to the platform on 'The Green Goddess'. As plenty of people flocked into the coaches eager to depart Y/N got out of the cab with a massive smile on his face, he tightly hugged me and gave me a loving kiss making me blush.

Y/N: "There is my queen! there isn't a better sight in the world than to arrive at a station and see my darling there waiting to join me on my journey" He said making me blush even more.

Blake: "How could I not? nothing better than to spent time with you!" I replied as we both climbed into the cab.

Soon the conductor blew his whistle and we set off onto the mainline...

I have been so much happier since Y/N entered my life, we almost spend all of our time together. When I introduced him to my parents they didn't accept him as they only saw him as a lowly worker and they wanted me to break up with him but I refused and moved in with him instead. Now I'm constantly traveling with him in the cab of 'The Green Goddess'. Everyone at Atlas Central Yard Station and other places along the lines knows of us and even the passengers talk about us and how cute we look together, the other workers on the railway have given me the nickname of 'The Mistress Of The Rails'.

As I am a writer I would often spend my time traveling in the cab writing my stories for which I had no shortage of ideas for thanks to Y/N and all his tales of his time on the railway. Y/N has found a way into all of my stories one way or another which I haven't even noticed until he pointed it out to me. My books have been selling well and it's all thanks to Y/N giving me the confidence to publish them in the first place.

Things have been going well for a while but the LNER has started to put pressure on Y/N as they want to start using diesel traction, something Y/N doesn't agree with at all, so he has been pushed to work harder and faster which just stresses him out a lot. Now 'The Green Goddess' is going at double the speed along the mainline to prove that steam is here to stay.


After another long grueling day thundering up and down the line Y/N was finally able to get out of the cab for good after he put his engine into a shed, he was very tired and absolutely covered in soot, ash, and dirt.

I had prepared a little surprise for when we came home

Y/N: "What's all this?" He asked surprised.

Blake: "I'm giving you a massage, you have been so stressed lately and I'm gonna help you with that." I replied as I led him to the bed.

Y/N: "You didn't have to prepare all this just for me" He said flustered.

Blake: "Nope, but I wanted to, gotta care for my man you know? now undress and just lay down on the bed and relax" I said as I put some oil on my hand.

Y/N undressed and I started the massage, it didn't take me very long to get him completely relaxed and almost falling asleep. We talked a bit about different topics like what places we wanted to visit in Remnant but for the most part we just basked in some comfortable and relaxed silence, I didn't stop until an hour passed.

I undressed and just cuddled up to him, holding him tightly in my arms to protect him from all the stress and expectations of the world.

Y/N: "I still do not understand how I got so lucky to meet you" He said as he looked up into my eyes.

Blake: "By being kind, understanding, and an all-around joy to be around, by just being yourself" I answered as I stroked his hair.

We just laid there quietly, slowly drifting off to sleep, until suddenly he surprised me with...

Y/N: "You know...you would make a great wife," He said making me blush.

Blake: "Y-You really think so?"

Y/N: "I know so"

AN: Hope you all enjoyed it!

Thanks for requesting bardockprime

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